Murano's little genius

Chapter 313 A lot of waste chapters, pouring fast

Chapter 313 A lot of nonsense, pour fast

eight pm.

Zhang Xiaofan arrived as scheduled.

S&M Bar is located in the downtown area of ​​Qingyun.

Zhang Xiaofan was just wondering, how could Su Menglan meet in a bar?

This is extremely inconsistent with her temperament.

Could it be, quiet outside, wild inside?
The bar is very lively, Zhang Xiaofan knew it as soon as he came to the door.

Luxury cars were parked at the entrance, and there were many more people entering than exiting.

Zhang Xiaofan walked to the door, but there was no security guard to stop him.

"You stop for me!"

A voice shouted to stop Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan turned around.

"Haha! You bastard, it's really you!"

Wang Jun laughed hard.

"Oh? Didn't you get beaten enough last time?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a light smile.

Wang Jun was the one who was beaten away by Zhang Xiaofan when he went to Du Zhumei's house last time.

"Hmph! Last time I robbed my girl in FY County, and beat me."

"This is Qingyun City, no matter how capable you are, you have to get down!"

Wang Jun gritted his teeth and said.

He must avenge his revenge last time!
"Security, don't let this kid in, I belong to Mr. Xiao."

Hearing Mr. Xiao's three words, the security guards at the door immediately straightened up, became a bit more energetic, and showed a ruthless look on their faces.

It is conceivable that the three words Mr. Xiao are a kind of shock to them.

"You think you can jump high?"

Zhang Xiaofan is not in a good mood today.

said coldly.

"Stinky country bumpkin, I must let you know what happened to Wang Jun after offending me."

"Let me tell you, it's useless for you to hit ten here."

The frowning Wang Jun gritted his teeth.

His anger and hatred towards Zhang Xiaofan cannot be easily extinguished.

"Brother Jun, you were beaten by this kid last time you were in FY County?"

"Don't worry, how he beat you last time, I will pay you back ten times."

Said a muscular man beside Wang Jun.

"Damn it! I'm going to make him kneel and beg for mercy and lick my shoes clean!"

Wang Jun pointed at Zhang Xiaofan while spitting droplets.

"It seems that the lesson I taught you last time was not harsh enough to make you forget it."

"Since I can teach you once, I can teach you a second time."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Hmph! I'll go to FY County tomorrow after I get rid of you."

"That woman Du Zhumei, I definitely want to have a good time."

"Then send you a video for you to enjoy."


Wang Jun laughed.

"Brother Jun, I will clean up this kid for you."

"Don't be careless, this kid has some skills.

"Brother Jun, don't worry, I have practiced before!"

"Boy, I'm the coach of the boxing club."

"When you meet me, you have to go to the hospital and lie in bed for ten days and half a month."

The muscular man twisted his neck and said proudly.

"A lot of nonsense, pour fast."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hmph! I've seen people who are quick-tongued."

"Look at the fist!"

The man assumed the posture of a boxer, then walked towards Zhang Xiaofan lightly, and punched Zhang Xiaofan directly in the face.

The punches are fast and powerful.

Zhang Xiaofan met each other with fists.


When two punches meet, there is bound to be an injury.

The strong man's fist snapped cleanly.

The muscular man looked at his broken hand.

The pain also hit, his facial features were distorted, and he screamed loudly.

The coach of the boxing club punched confidently, like an egg hitting a rock, the rock was fine and broke by itself.

Wang Jun felt bad, and the situation that day seemed to be repeating itself.

"Asshole, this is the entrance of the S&M Bar in Qingyun City."

"Young Master Xiao from Xiao's Real Estate Group is inside."

"And do you know who I am?"

"I'm from Xiao's Real Estate, and I work for Xiao's Real Estate."

"If you don't kneel down and beg for mercy, I will tell Mr. Xiao later that your fate will be very miserable!"

Wang Jun raised his chin and said.

"Is this called a dog taking advantage of others? Or do I have to look at the owner when beating a dog now?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Wang Jun felt something was wrong when he heard Zhang Xiaofan's words.

"Fuck you, uncle, who are you calling a dog?"

"Security! Help me clean him up!"

"As long as you get him down, I will reward you a lot."

When the security guards heard this, they said a few words to each other.

They surrounded Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan came to the bar wearing a plain cloth, he looked like a poor ghost.

And Wang Jun belongs to Mr. Xiao.

After tidying up Zhang Xiaofan, not only can he please Wang Jun, but he can also get money.

How is this a good deal.

"Boy, you are such a bird, why do you fight with Xiao Gongzi's people?"

"I advise you to be sensible, and quickly kneel down and apologize."

"Otherwise, you won't have a chance when our brothers do it."

"Your fists are powerful, but two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention that we are all veterans."

"It's more than enough to kill you."

One of the tall security guards said.

"Do you also want to fight against others?"

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the security guards and said coldly.

"Grandson, dare to call us dogs."

"I'll beat you up!"

One of the security guards couldn't bear it, and wanted to attack Zhang Xiaofan.

Fist fell.

Several others also started.

Zhang Xiaofan kicked it out.

The one who shot first flew out.

"Be careful, everyone, this kid is pretty good."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xiaofan's fist had already arrived.

Three times, five times, and two times, several people were lying on the ground.

To deal with this kind of person, you have to be quick and ruthless.

Wang Jun saw that the situation was wrong, and ran into the bar, pointing at Zhang Xiaofan while running: "Boy, you wait for me, I will go in and tell Mr. Xiao, and you are finished."

Zhang Xiaofan moved his feet.

In a short breath, he arrived in front of Wang Jun.

"Asshole, why are you here."

Wang Jun was so scared that he almost collapsed on the ground.

"I tell you, don't hit me, otherwise.
Punch in the face.

A punch to the chest.

A few teeth were missing, and the jaw was knocked out.

Several ribs were broken.


This is Zhang Xiaofan's attitude.

If you don't cherish the opportunity when it's in front of you, you just look for it.

This little episode happened, and Zhang Xiaofan was a few minutes late when he entered the S&M bar.

The chandeliers in the bar flashed, and the DJ dance music was deafening like the bombardment.

Su Menglan made an appointment to meet at this place, and said that she had something to chat with. Is this a place to chat?

Go to the bar counter.

Zhang Xiaofan sent a WeChat message to Su Menglan.

As a result, Su Menglan hadn't arrived yet, and it would take a few minutes.

Zhang Xiaofan originally thought he was late.

Since no one came, Zhang Xiaofan found a stool at the bar and sat down.

"Handsome man, are you alone?"

At this time, a woman in a super short dress came to Zhang Xiaofan's side.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded in response.

The woman smelled strongly of perfume, with light makeup and flaming red lips.

Typical nightclub lady.

"Handsome, I'm thirsty, can you buy me a glass of wine?"

The woman twisted her buttocks and said winkingly at Zhang Xiaofan.


Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"Thank you handsome, waiter, for a mojito."

The coquettish woman is not too polite.

However, seeing that Zhang Xiaofan has not looked at himself directly.

She was a little pissed.

"Handsome, what do you mean?"

"You don't even look at a beauty like me standing here."

"Are you blind?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a light smile, "Why should I watch it?"

Zhang Xiaofan sees a lot of beauties, you are a dick.

Except for the things on the chest, there is nothing to take out.

"You smelly country bumpkin, you think you are handsome if you are called handsome."

"Let me tell you, it's your luck that Miss Ben came to talk to you."

"With the poor clothes you're wearing, with the air of a country bumpkin, even a woman would stay far away from you."

"I was just wondering, how could the security guard let someone like you in."

"Simply sullied this sacred bar."

The woman straightened her chest and said loudly.

"I think you need to go to the hospital."

"Based on what I've been a doctor for many years, you should be infected with HIV."

Zhang Xiaofan touched his chin and said.

"You bumpkin, you just need to go to the hospital to see your poor disease."

the woman said loudly.

"HIV is commonly known as AIDS."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

Hearing this name, the woman couldn't help being startled.

But she blurted out immediately: "Smelly poor, smelly bumpkin, how dare you curse me."

"See if I don't send someone over to beat you up."

After speaking, the woman was ready to make a call.

"You must have felt uncomfortable in that place often, and then it was very itchy."

"And there will be rashes, especially during this time, and I have no appetite to eat."

"My relatives didn't come on time either."

"That's the symptom of HIV."

Zhang Xiaofan pretended to speak very seriously.

The woman began to feel restless.

She blinked quickly.

It seems that what Zhang Xiaofan said hit everything.

"You are talking nonsense!"

the woman said loudly.

However, it can be seen from her restless expression that she is afraid.

"I'm a doctor, you know if I'm right or not."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a light smile.

Suddenly, the woman felt itchy all over her body. She scratched her neck and then her hands.

"Your condition is very serious."

"If you don't go to the hospital quickly, you might die from festering in a few days."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head, looking very serious indeed.

The woman didn't know where to put her hands, and her red lips were trembling.

Already restless.

What Zhang Xiaofan said was true, and the woman herself felt it these days.

She also thought about whether she would get some disease, but she herself felt that those diseases would not come to her.

However, when Zhang Xiaofan talked about it at this moment.

The woman's fearful nature is revealed.

Especially when Zhang Xiaofan mentioned HIV, and then told everything about her situation.

That was scary.

She has had one-night stands with many men, many times without safety measures.

What she had been dreading all this time had really come.


The woman couldn't bear it anymore, she yelled, and then ran out towards the door of the bar.

HIV, for a woman like her, is "disgusting".

What Zhang Xiaofan said just now has already broken through the defenses in her heart.

It is estimated that he has a mental breakdown and is going to the hospital.

"Handsome guy, doesn't that girl really have AIDS?"

asked the bartender.

"What, you slept with her?"

"No, no, I'm just curious."

The waiter quickly denied it.

"It's hard for me to say, anyway, I'm sick."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said.

"That... I have to get off work."

The waiter ran out quickly.

This situation seems to be clear.

That kind of woman must often stay up late in bars and sleep with many different men, so irregular menstruation is very normal.

And that woman often uses some low-quality perfume and skin care products, Zhang Xiaofan can find it after smelling it, and the skin will definitely suffer from some skin diseases.

Itching is normal.

When Zhang Xiaofan put it this way, the woman must have self-doubt, and then she was afraid until she collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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