Chapter 314
Su Menglan entered the S&M bar, came to the bar and met Zhang Xiaofan.

Then he took Zhang Xiaofan to the booth she had reserved in advance.

Su Menglan is wearing a blue dress. Her face, temperament, and figure are all top-notch. At this moment, a fashionable goddess temperament is undoubtedly revealed.

Standing in this bar full of beauties, Su Menglan is still the most eye-catching woman.

Especially the temperament on her body, which is so natural that she can't even pretend it.

"Miss Su, I have to say that there should be no more temperamental and beautiful woman in this bar than you."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"It should be the happiest thing for me today to be praised by Dr. Zhang Xiaofan."

Su Menglan said with a smile on her face.

"Miss Su, I don't know why you chose to meet at the bar, but you have something important to say."

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Because I like bars, although they are noisy, there is stillness in the noise."

Su Menglan said.

Hearing what Su Menglan said, Zhang Xiaofan didn't ask any more questions.

Like it, that's enough, Zhang Xiaofan won't ask why he likes it.

"Doctor Xiaofan, what would you like to drink?"

"Plain water is fine."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

Su Menglan was a little surprised, but it was only an instant.

"Take two glasses of plain water."

Su Menglan said to the waiter.

"Good Miss Su."

"Miss Su, we can get into the topic now."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Su Menglan knew what Zhang Xiaofan meant.

"Doctor Xiaofan, do you know the competition between the three major families to win the control of Qingyun City's pharmaceutical industry?"

Su Menglan asked directly.

"Slightly heard."

Su Menglan replied.

"And our Su family hasn't won the first place for many years."

"Now our Su family is being pulled farther and farther away by the Lu family and the Su family."

"If it weren't for my grandfather's relationship, maybe the Su family, the name of the three major families in Qingyun City, would have ceased to exist long ago."

"The last time the three major families competed for the alchemy furnace, it was for the competition."

"Whoever can get that alchemy furnace will have a much higher chance of winning in alchemy."

"But everyone didn't expect that the alchemy furnace was photographed by you, Doctor Xiaofan."

"You want me to give you the stove?"

Zhang Xiaofan said suddenly.


Su Menglan quickly explained.

"I know Dr. Xiaofan, you have excellent medical skills."

"So, on behalf of the Su family, I implore you to participate in the competition for our Su family."

After finishing speaking, Su Menglan clenched her teeth tightly.

Maybe it was because he was afraid that Zhang Xiaofan would refuse.

"Why do I help your Su family, because you want to get the first place?"

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

"Actually, our Su family wants to take the first place not only for ourselves."

"It's even more for the pharmaceutical industry in Qingyun City."

"Three years ago, the Liu family won the first place. In the past three years, the pharmaceutical industry in Qingyun City has been controlled by the Liu family. Our Su family and the Lu family cannot intervene."

"However, in the past three years, the Liu family has turned Qingyun City's pharmaceutical industry into a criminal paradise."

"If it continues, the consequences will be disastrous."

"The pharmaceutical industry is in the hands of the Liu family, and it has reached the point where it is desperate to make money."

"I believe you can see all these Xiaofan doctors."

Su Menglan said.

"I know what you said, but why should I believe that your Su family will not be like this?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

"Doctor Xiao Fan, do you know Qimen Palace?"

Su Menglan's voice became a little deeper.

"roughly understand."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"My parents were killed by Qimen Palace."

Su Menglan said in a firm tone.

In the depths of the eyes, there is sadness and hatred.

"What does this have to do with your first place?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Because our Su family has always known that there is collusion between the Liu family and Qimen Palace."

"If the Liu family continues to take the first place, the next three years for Qingyun City's pharmaceutical industry will be disastrous."

Su Menglan replied.

"What about the Lu family? Why do you think it's the Liu family that takes the first place?"

"The Lu family is actually in the same group as the Liu family."

"Although the Liu family and the Lu family are fighting openly and secretly, there will never be a bottom line conflict between them, and they will even secretly help each other."

"Because the Liu family and the Lu family are married."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan frowned slightly.

"You should know what the Liu family and the Lu family represent in Qingyun City."

"If I represent your Su family in the competition, you can imagine what will happen to me."

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan picked up the cool white tea brought by the waiter, and took a sip.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't say the answer, but Su Menglan seemed to already know the answer.

She was a little disappointed, but it seemed that she had expected it.

How could a mysterious person help him just because of a few words?

It's not that people refused ruthlessly, but that I was too naive.

"I will go to the scene tomorrow. Whether I can help or not depends on the situation."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Su Menglan beamed with joy.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't directly agree, but isn't this just hope?

"Lan Lan, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

A stylishly dressed man in Martin boots came over and sat directly next to Su Menglan.

"Xiao Yang, get up from the stool immediately!"

The way Su Menglan spoke seemed to be a different person.

"Okay, I'll get up, Lan Lan, don't be so excited."

Xiao Yang stood up immediately.

He looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Who are you? You don't dress well."

"Is this where you should sit?"

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Xiaofan responded coldly: "The one who should get out is you!"

(End of this chapter)

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