Murano's little genius

Chapter 315 Do you like Rong Guoben?

Chapter 315 Do you like Rong Guoben?
A man with light red hair who followed Xiao Yang, pointed directly at Zhang Xiaofan's nose and said, "What are you! You told Mr. Xiao to go away, I think you are tired of work!"

"Get your hand off, or I don't mind breaking it!"

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly and coldly.

The red-haired man raised his eyebrows, glared at Zhang Xiaofan angrily and said, "Boy, say it again!"

"Red hair, step aside."

At this time, Xiao Yang's expression became a little playful.

He seems to have found the fun.

"Doctor Xiaofan, leave this trivial matter to me."

Su Menglan came to Zhang Xiaofan's side and said.

Indeed, Xiao's real estate is nothing compared to the Liu family, one of the three major families.

Xiao Yang is just one of the thousands of rich second generations who pursue Su Menglan.

"Miss Su, it's okay, since he wants to play, let him play."

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

Hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Su Menglan naturally didn't say anything.

After all, a rich second generation like Xiao Yang who is eating and waiting to die is not at the same level as someone like Zhang Xiaofan.

She was just afraid that Xiao Yang would disturb Zhang Xiaofan.

"Lanlan, you heard it all, he wants to play with me."

Xiao Yang had a smug smile on his face, he had already thought of a good way to play with Zhang Xiaofan.

Let Su Menglan see how far this kind of man is from her.

It's a pity that Su Menglan didn't even look at him.

This aroused Xiao Yang's desire to express even more.

Xiao Yang made an appointment with Su Menglan 99 times, but was severely rejected all of them.

Just now when he saw Su Menglan and Zhang Xiaofan sitting in a booth chatting, he wished he could go up and trample Zhang Xiaofan on the ground.

He, Xiao Yang, is the future heir of Xiao's Real Estate, a famous real estate company in Qingyun City.

And a kid in plain clothes, why should he sit with Su Menglan and chat while talking and laughing!

What's the difference between this and directly slapping him twice.

Xiao Yang couldn't accept just face-saving, let alone psychological problems.

Therefore, he decided to perform, to show his excellence in front of Su Menglan.

In front of Xiao Yang, Zhang Xiaofan, who is dressed in plain clothes, is like a cloud and mud.

"Boy, are you from the country?"

"Have you ever been in such a high-end bar?"

Xiao Yang sat down and said sarcastically.

"Mr. Xiao, this kid can tell at a glance that he is a local turtle from the countryside."

"I guess I don't even know what a bar is."

"Ha ha!"

The red hair on the side crossed his hands in front of his chest, leaning forward and backward with a smile.

"Sorry, my people prefer to tell the truth."

Xiao Yang said.

However, seeing that Zhang Xiaofan didn't seem to be affected in the slightest, he still looked indifferent.

Xiao Yang was very upset.

No!This kid must be eager to find a crack in the ground to get in now.

"Waiter, bring me a bottle of wine that I usually drink."

"Alright Mr. Xiao."

After a while, the waiter brought up a bottle of foreign wine.

"This bottle of wine is more than 1 yuan. You can't imagine drinking in such a bar in your life?"

"Unfortunately, I often drink this wine until I vomit."

"Also, the place where you are sitting now costs more than 1 yuan a night."

"I said so much not to say that you are poor, but just to express that you and I are not on the same level."

"If I were you, I would really have no face to come here."

"Look at you, you're not dressed so well, how can you sit and chat with Lan Lan?"

"Only a dragon among men like me is worthy of sitting and chatting with Lan Lan."

Xiao Yang drank the wine he just brought.

"Then why does she want to sit and chat with me?"

"And she doesn't pay attention to you at all?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

These two simple sentences were a severe blow to Xiao Yang.

He wished he could smash the wine in his hand immediately.

However, Su Menglan is here.

"Lanlan is a very caring person. You came to this bar in a modest dress. She invited you to sit here because she was afraid that you would not be able to afford it here."

Xiao Yang said.

Someone told Xiao Yang just now that Su Menglan came alone.

So he guessed that Zhang Xiaofan was just a poor guy Su Menglan met temporarily here.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head while laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

Xiao Yang asked with a bad face.

"So you're rich?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"You are talking nonsense. Xiao's Real Estate is one of the best real estate groups in Qingyun City. Just throwing any money at you can kill you."

Red-haired interjected.

"Red hair, tone down a little, what you said hurts one's self-esteem."

Xiao Yang waved his hand and said.

"The money is not much, the Ferrari at the door is just over 1000 million."

"You won't be able to open it in ten lifetimes."

Xiao Yang said.

"Waiter, help me get this Mr. Xiao a bottle of the most expensive wine in the bar, and I'll pay the bill."

Zhang Xiaofan said suddenly.

Xiao Yang was a little confused, what did this kid do?
"Young Master Xiao, this kid is obviously slapping you in the face! He pretended to have money in front of you."

Red Hair said immediately.

"Boy, keep pretending, and when you pay the bill, don't take out your wife's book, it's not enough."

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Yang laughed and said.

"Waiter, tell the guy next door that I'll pay for tonight's consumption for him."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

Xiao Yang frowned.

This kid wants to steal my limelight?
"Boy, pretending to have money in front of me? I'm afraid you made a mistake."

"Waiter, I'll pay the bill for everyone in the bar tonight."

Xiao Yang raised his chin and said loudly.

The waiters are dumbfounded!
All consumption tonight!

That's 200 million!

"Hey! I wanted to invite Mr. Xiao to drink, but since Mr. Xiao is so generous, then I have no choice."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said.

Su Menglan on the side smiled.

And Xiao Yang felt bad.

"Young Master Xiao, this kid is playing tricks on us!"

Hong Mao pointed at Zhang Xiaofan with wide eyes and said.


Xiao Yang finally couldn't control it, and when he found out that Zhang Xiaofan had tricked him, he also became furious.

He slapped the glass table hard.

"Boy, you dare to play me! If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat."

"I just chatted with you in a nice voice, it was for Lan Lan's sake."

"At this moment, I'm angry, and you will definitely not end well."

Being played by Zhang Xiaofan like this, Xiao Yang couldn't control his already proud temper.

Xiao Yang is the only one who can play tricks on others, how dare anyone dare to play tricks on him, let alone a poor guy in poor clothes.

Most importantly, Su Menglan is still on the sidelines.

This face is so embarrassing!
"Young Master Xiao, it's obvious to all, how did I play tricks on you?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Bastard boy, you just used aggressive methods to deliberately trick Mr. Xiao into a trap."

"Actually, you can't buy wine at all, and you can't invite guests."

The red hair said angrily.

"Hehe, why are you blaming me for this?"

"You all say that I am a poor ghost, then I must not be able to afford the most expensive wine here."

"Since you know it, why do you say I'm cheating?"

"People, you have to use your brain to do things."

Zhang Xiaofan pointed to the heads of Hong Mao and Xiao Yang and said.

"Young Master Xiao, this bastard dares to say that you have no brains."

Red-haired said loudly.

"Attack you old wood, you dare to scold me, see if I don't kill you!"

"Red hair, call and shake people immediately."

Xiao Yang was irritated by Zhang Xiaofan.

He, the dignified chief son of Xiao's real estate, was ridiculed to the point of sarcasm by a poor man.

He absolutely can't bear it, even if Su Menglan is here, he still has to teach Zhang Xiaofan a lesson.

Originally thought that he wanted to trample Zhang Xiaofan to nothing in front of Su Menglan, so as to increase his image.

But now, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money.

"Boy! You are doomed. If you offend Mr. Xiao, there is no place for you in Qingyun City."

Hongmao pointed at Zhang Xiaofan while talking on the phone.

"Brother Xiao Sa, immediately bring dozens of people to the bar, someone offended Young Master Xiao!"

"Damn, someone in Qingyun City actually offended Mr. Xiao, this is looking for death."

"You ask Mr. Xiao to wait for a few minutes, and I will immediately call dozens of younger brothers over."

A rough voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Young Master Xiao, you've already shaken people."

After hanging up the phone, Hong Mao said to Xiao Yang.

"Boy! Today I will let you know what a big city is. How dare a country bumpkin flinch in front of me."

"One word from me, Xiao Yang, can make you lie down and leave Qingyun City."

Xiao Yang stared with anger.

However, Zhang Xiaofan still had a calm expression on his face.

Su Menglan played with her mobile phone directly.

This is to piss off a person like Xiao Yang who loves face, shows off, and is so proud.

After a few minutes.

A rough-looking man really brought dozens of people over.

In an instant, the deck was completely surrounded.

"Young Master Xiao, you think highly of me, and actually called dozens of people over."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hmph! I'm here to let you know the difference between earth and sky, ants and elephants."

"Besides, if you make Xiao Yang angry with me, the consequences will be serious!"

"Young Master Xiao, is this kid offending you?"

"Don't worry, I will let him know what it means to regret coming to this world."

The rough man said in a rough voice.

"Miss Su is here, don't be too violent, just teach me a little lesson."

Xiao Yang said.

The corners of the mouth curled up very proudly.

"Hi Miss Su!"

Seeing that Su Menglan was also here, the rough man hurriedly greeted her.

After all, Su Menglan is a member of the Su family, the three major families in Qingyun City.

Whether it's status, status, or fame is there.

Hooligans will say hello when they see each other.

Su Menglan ignored it.

All her attention was on Zhang Xiaofan.

As the saying goes, it's better not to know than to be scared.

In front of Zhang Xiaofan, a rich second generation like Xiao Yang who was eating and waiting to die was really abused to pieces.

But at this moment, Xiao Yang called so many gangsters over, Su Menglan didn't have any worries.


Because he knows Zhang Xiaofan's strength.

Su Menglan already knew about Liu Shengjie from the Liu family.

Her grandfather said that it was Zhang Xiaofan who did it.

Can beat Liu Shengjie like that, Zhang Xiaofan's skill can be imagined.

"Young Master Xiao, what do you want me to do with this kid?"

The rough man asked.

"I don't ask much, first kowtow to me and admit my mistake, and call me grandpa a few times."

"Then I said in front of Miss Su that Young Master Xiao is the most handsome, Young Master Xiao is the best, and Young Master Xiao is the best man."

"In the end, just pull him out and beat him casually, but let him run around naked in front of the hotel after the beating."

Xiao Yang wiped his Martin boots and said.

"Boy, did you hear Mr. Xiao's words?"

"If you don't want dozens of people to come up and give you a kick, then you should obediently kowtow to Mr. Xiao."

"In Qingyun City, you dare to offend our handsome young master Xiao. That's never happened before."

The rough man said loudly in a rough voice.

"Master Xiao, do you like Suan Guoben?"

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at Xiao Yang and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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