Murano's little genius

Chapter 316 How arrogant I was just now, how pitiful I am now

Chapter 316 How arrogant I was just now, how pitiful I am now

Ruo Guoben?
The question Zhang Xiaofan asked made everyone stunned.

"Brother, what does he mean by that?"

A gangster with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes suddenly asked.

"The meaning of what he said is to let Young Master Xiao run wild!"

The rough man suddenly realized.

Xiao Yang immediately jumped into a rage.

"Young Master Xiao, I just asked you if you like Rong Guoben, so don't be so excited."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Boy, it's none of your business whether Mr. Xiao likes or not. You have to think about your current situation."

Hongmao pointed at Zhang Xiaofan angrily and said.

"Brother Xiaosa, deal with him immediately!"

Xiao Yang was already burning with anger. He, Xiao Yang, the dignified son of the Xiao Real Estate Group, was ridiculed one after another by a poor guy.

How this controls emotions.

"it is good!"

"Several of you, push him to the ground for me."

The rough man also showed a ferocious expression.



Zhang Xiaofan patted the glass table.

Instantly turned into glass shards.

This scene is a bit scary.

The glass table in this bar is not an ordinary glass table, it has a bulletproof certification.

Stronger than that iron.

However, Zhang Xiaofan shattered with just one tap, it's so terrifying!
Dozens of people were stunned for a moment.

This is even better than watching empty-handed smashing bricks on the spot.


The rough man opened his mouth wide and swallowed an incredible mouthful of saliva.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, this kid is just pretending!"

Red-haired said loudly.

"Hmph! It's just luck. This table is unbreakable. With his fragile appearance, how could it be broken with a single slap? It's impossible!"

As a son, a man full of self-esteem, Xiao Yang never believed that Zhang Xiaofan smashed it with his strength.

"Sorry, this table is too brittle."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

This is a glass table that cannot be broken with a sledgehammer.

"What are you doing standing still!"

"Press him to the ground for me."

The rough man said to those motionless bastards.

"Good brother."

It scared them silly just now.

Hearing the words of the rough and crazy male brother, he also woke up.

Several people immediately went up and grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's arm.

He wanted to press Zhang Xiaofan directly to the ground.

Zhang Xiaofan flicked his hand lightly.

A few people were like chicken chops being pulled on Zhang Xiaofan's body, they were thrown away by Zhang Xiaofan lightly.


The few people who were thrown out cried out in pain.

After all, these are ordinary bastards, not even small bastards, if they have no skills, they can't even compare to ordinary bastards in fighting.

If you fall casually, you won't be able to stand up in pain.

Another moment of stupefaction.

what on earth is it?

This is everyone's question.

"Chisa, these people haven't even eaten?"

Xiao Yang scolded.

"Young Master Xiao, this is definitely a mistake, don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Your uncle, you guys have eaten shit!"

The rough and arrogant brother Xiaosha cursed angrily.

This is so embarrassing.

Zhang Xiaofan flew out with a light flick.

"Brother, the fall hurts so much!"

"That kid is too powerful, we are no match for him at all."

The few people who were thrown out were telling the truth.

But Brother Xiao Sa didn't believe it.

"Tao, you useless things, I will do it myself."

Brother Xiaosa, these dozens of people, are just here to support the scene, and they have no combat power.

The rough and unruly Brother Xiaosa is also Brother Xiaosa.

That is to have a body of brute strength, ordinary people can't twist him.

He directly went up to grab Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

I want to push him directly to the ground.

However, he exhausted all his strength, and all the strength of breastfeeding was exhausted.

Zhang Xiaofan's hand didn't move at all.

This pissed off Brother Xiaosha.

He shouted loudly.

It seems that the last strength of life has been used up.

The veins on his arms were bulging, and his face was flushed red from the beating.

However, there is still no effect.

And brother Xiaosa limply lay on the ground.

He exhaled heavily, extremely weak.

That's it?

"Young Master Xiao, I can't do it, I can't do it, this kid is like a stone statue, he can't move at all."

Brother Xiaosa said weakly.

The dozens of people who brought over to support the scene felt at a loss when they saw this situation. They just ran through tricks and collected dozens of dollars.

Now the eldest brother has been laid down, if you don't leave now, let alone when.

All of a sudden, dozens of people left.

Only a few thin young people were left behind.

This is Brother Xiao Sa's real "hole card", which is fully exposed at this moment.

Xiao Yang was dumbfounded, his face livid.

What's going on here?

"Mr. Xiao, I'm very sorry. You asked me to call dozens of people at once. I really can't get them together. I can only spend some money to call some people from the side of the road."

Brother Xiaosa who was lying on the ground said.

Xiao Yang kicked Brother Xiao Sa hard.

"Useless things! It's not enough to succeed!"

"Hongmao, you don't need to pay him anymore, let him go!"

Xiao Yang was so angry that he almost got angry.

In front of Su Menglan, this face is so embarrassing.

"Still shaking people?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Xiao Yang who was gnashing his teeth and asked.

"Red hair, ask the old Zhu from the bar to come out, and you will pay after the work is done!"

The old Zhu that Xiao Yang said was the manager of the bar, and he was a ruthless character.

It is said that he was the world Sanda champion before, but was fired because of prostitution, and now he is a manager of the hotel.

That is hard power.

However, he only does his work, and if he wants him to help others fight, the boss can't do anything except money.

In his eyes, only money is a good friend.

Hongmao understood, and hurriedly ran to find the manager of the bar.

A few minutes later, the red hair came back, followed by a man in a professional uniform.

The man was of average height, with an inch-cropped haircut. He didn't need to make any expressions, but his face was stern and his eyes were fierce.

Judging from his walking pace and figure, he was indeed Lian Jiazi.

This person is Lao Zhu, the manager of the bar.

"Hi, Young Master Xiao."

"Old Zhu, I won't say anything unnecessary. Your task is to help me clean him up."

Xiao Yang pointed to Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Do you want to teach him a lesson or beat him to death?"

Old Zhu asked blankly.

"Criminal, we must beat the disabled! Whoever pursues it, I will bear it!"

Xiao Yang said fiercely.


Old Zhu's face was expressionless, but his eyes were sharp.

He rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt and walked towards Zhang Xiaofan.

"In order not to waste time or damage the things here, I will strike hard."

Old Zhu said coldly.

It does have the breath of a master.

This so-called Sanda world champion can't even reach the strength of the ancient warriors at the beginning of the yellow rank.

How could he be Zhang Xiaofan's opponent?
Lao Zhu came up with a sharp side kick.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't even hide, he just punched away.

Generally speaking, punch to kick is not a wise move.

What's more, Lao Zhu is still practicing Sanda, and the lethality of his feet is not ordinary.

However, it depends on what opponent you are facing.

When the opponent's strength can crush you, there is nothing you can do even if you stand there and beat you.

Zhang Xiaofan's fist didn't use much force, he just punched casually.

Because if he used force, Zhang Xiaofan was not sure if he could resist it.

Although Zhang Xiaofan is just a casual punch from the Buddhist family, the strength he carries is domineering.

The domineering and strong force passed into Lao Zhu's feet.

Old Zhu narrowed his eyes, he knew he was about to lose.

The power of Zhang Xiaofan's fist was transmitted into his legs like a shattering blow.


The calf and thigh were broken.

Ah ~!

Old Zhu couldn't take it anymore, he cried miserably.

The pain was to die for.

Old Zhu never imagined that the last opponent in his life was actually the strongest opponent, so strong that in front of him it was like an ant facing an elephant.

The scene was a bit cruel, Lao Zhu was defeated, and the defeat was clean and tidy.

Xiao Yang's body trembled, he stared wide-eyed and shook his head, unable to believe it was true.

He knew Lao Zhu's skills.

That was seeing him defeat a special soldier with his own eyes.

One against five is no problem at all.

But now, he was knocked down by Zhang Xiaofan with one punch.

My leg is broken and I can't get up.

Is this too scary or too fake?

"Young Master Xiao, what should we do?"

The red-haired eyeballs were about to pop out.

If it was luck that Zhang Xiaofan shattered the solid iron table with his palm just now, and brother Xiaosa couldn't even move Zhang Xiaofan because it was acting, then now Lao Zhu was broken by Zhang Xiaofan's punch and fell to the ground, that is a complete symbol of strength.

"Damn, I don't know what to do."

Xiao Yang cursed at Hongmao.

He couldn't accept this fact.

Zhang Xiaofan walked towards Xiao Yang, feeling Zhang Xiaofan's surging aura.

Xiao Yang backed away quickly.

"You don't come here."

"I'm the young owner of Xiao's Real Estate, you dare to touch me. My dad will never let you go."

He had already started to be afraid, and his face was full of panic.

"Red hair, hurry up and shake people again."

"Master Xiao, my phone is out of battery."

Hong Mao said while holding the phone with trembling hands.

Fortunately, this is a bar, otherwise it must be full of onlookers at this moment.

"Take off all your clothes!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"What are you doing! I'm from Xiao's Real Estate
Zhang Xiaofan slapped Xiao Yang directly.

It's not very powerful, but for Xiao Yang, a weak rich second generation, it's as powerful as a cow.

The red hair on the side saw Zhang Xiaofan slap Xiao Yang, and was so frightened that he slumped on the ground.

He actually dared to hit Young Master Xiao!

Even his father Xiao Yilang is not willing to beat him!
It's over, it's really over!
Zhang Xiaofan's slap is the first slap Xiao Yang has received since he was born.

The strength was not great, but it directly hit Xiao Yang until his face was swollen into a pig's face.

A few big teeth fell out, and the mouth was full of blood.

Looking at the teeth on the ground, touching the swollen face, and the blood flowing from the mouth.

Xiao Yang's face was full of horror, but at the same time he was also stunned.

Sitting motionless on the ground.

Since he was a child, since when was he beaten like this!

"Take off your clothes!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly again.

This slap seemed to make Xiao Yang stupid.

He stared at Zhang Xiaofan with wide eyes, empty and lifeless, like a fool.

"If you don't take it off, I'll slap you again."

Zhang Xiaofan raised his hand.

"Don't hit me to take it off, I'll take it off!"

The slap just now scared Xiao Yang, made him obedient, and completely lost his self-esteem and face.

Xiao Yang took off his clothes neatly.

"And you!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Hong Mao and said.

"Young man, don't hit me, I'll take off!"

Zhang Xiaofan even dared to beat Xiao Yang, his follower is nothing.

And even Xiao Yang, the young master, took off, so there is no reason why the red hair should not be taken off.

"And pants!"

After Xiao Yang and Hong Mao took off their clothes, Zhang Xiaofan signaled them to take off their pants too.

Neither of them dared to say a word, and even took off their pants.

Only one pair of underwear left.

At this moment, it attracts everyone's attention.

"That's it, run a few laps in the bar."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a cold face.

"Is it okay not to run?"

Xiao Yang asked stupidly.

How arrogant she was just now is how pitiful she is now.

"Okay, let me beat you."

Zhang Xiaofan stretched out his fist.

"Don't fight, let's run."

If Zhang Xiaofan beats him up, the cup will be ruined, since the face is gone, so what if he runs away.

In this way, Xiao Yang was in front and Hongmao was in the back.

The two were running around the bar in a pair of underwear.

This picture can be described as interesting.

This time, it completely attracted the attention of everyone in the bar.

Stop drinking, stop dancing.

"Look, two idiots running around a bar in their underwear."

"Huh? Why does that person look so familiar?"

"Oh! I recognized it. Isn't that Xiao Yang, the son of Xiao's Real Estate?"

"What does it mean to run around in your underwear at a bar?"

"It doesn't matter, let's take a picture first, and it will definitely be popular tomorrow."

Cheers, laughter, the sound of cell phone flashing lights
Xiao Yang, that was crying while running.

It is estimated that this life will leave an indelible shadow.

"Doctor Xiao Fan, this rich second generation will probably become a fool when he goes back."

Su Menglan still knows about Xiao Yang.

Today Zhang Xiaofan made him not only lose face, but also lose his dignity, even the last bit of self-esteem in his heart was trampled to pieces.

You can become a depressed person without being a fool.

"I can't help it. He wants to play, so I just play with him."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a faint smile.

Su Menglan looked at Zhang Xiaofan, at this moment, even if Zhang Xiaofan was standing in front of him, he couldn't see clearly, and it became more and more blurry, because Zhang Xiaofan was more unpredictable and miraculous than she imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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