Murano's little genius

Chapter 329 What a Mercy

Chapter 329 What a Mercy

Xiao Liu's death, Hua Chennan's death, these are very painful in Zhang Xiaofan's heart.

And the creator of all this is Qimen Palace!
Zhang Xiaofan made an oath in his heart that he must avenge the two of them, and he did what he said.

There are two main reasons for coming here today.

The first is to punish Liu Piaopiao, that scorpion-hearted woman.

The second is to find out the disciples of Qimen Palace.

Now, the disciple of Qimen Palace is in front of him.


Zhang Xiaofan thought of the formula.

A miraculous thing happened, and the poison in the body disappeared rapidly.

It didn't melt into the body, but appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's palm in another form.

The old man said that Zhang Xiaofan has a special physique.

As long as you learn to control it, you can be invulnerable to all poisons.

Now is the time for Zhang Xiaofan to show this special physique.

The poison tablet in the body appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's palm in the form of powder.

When Zhang Xiaofan opened his palm.

The students of Qimen Palace felt bad.

He recognized the substance in Zhang Xiaofan's palm.

"No! Impossible, you just took the medicine!"

The "student" stared at Zhang Xiaofan like a lantern.

"Hmph! I did eat it, but now it's coming out again."

"So, your plan failed."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Impossible, you are definitely fooling people, this is simply impossible!"

"Student" quickly shook his head and said.

He would never believe such an incredible thing.

"It seems that the so-called students of Qimen Palace are just like that!"

"Say! Who killed them both!"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes were burning, and he asked coldly.

"Student" burst into laughter suddenly: "Hahaha! Zhang Xiaofan, it seems that I really underestimated you!"

"There is such a skill!"

"However, do you think you can escape today?"

"You know too little about Qimen Palace!"

No one can hear the two chatting on the field.

Things are a little strange at the moment.

It's almost half an hour.

Both Song Kunshan and Liu Honglin checked the time.

"Half an hour is almost up, why is Zhang Xiaofan doing nothing?"

Liu Honglin felt that things were a little strange.

Looking at the field again, "Mr. Shen" and Zhang Xiaofan were talking about something.

Liu Honglin looked at Song Kunshan and motioned for him to go over and take a look at the situation.

Song Kunshan immediately stood up from his seat and walked over.

"It's almost time, Zhang Xiaofan, is your poison cured yet?"

Song Kunshan asked.

"Song Ju, I can't cure my poison, you should be very clear about it."

"I was given a bunch of useless things in the box, can you explain it to me?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a sneer.

"You mean you can't figure it out?"

"Hehe! That would be a pity."

"Okay, since it can't be cured, then this medicine is yours, take it and the poison will be cured."

After finishing speaking, Song Kunshan took out a medicine and handed it to Zhang Xiaofan.

"This medicine is poison!" Zhang Xiaofan said directly.

"Bastard! Zhang Xiaofan, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Song Kunshan was furious!
"I'm not talking nonsense, you know it yourself."

"Of course, you'll know if you try it yourself."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Song Kunshan directly left the medicine on the ground: "I gave it to you, but you don't want it. Don't blame me when the poison occurs."

"Now I announce that the last game is the Liu family"

"Song Ju, don't be so anxious to announce the result, the matter is not over yet!"

Zhang Xiaofan said loudly.

"You failed to detoxify, but the Liu family succeeded. I will definitely announce the result."

Song Kunshan replied loudly.

"I didn't say I failed." Zhang Xiaofan said with a light smile.

Song Kunshan quickly laughed and said, "Hehe, if you failed to detoxify yourself, isn't that considered a failure?"

"How do you know that I didn't detoxify myself?" Zhang Xiaofan said.

"You said it yourself just now." Song Kunshan said.

Zhang Xiaofan picked up the box and dumped everything on the ground.

"Let me ask, you gave me all these things, do you want me to detoxify or do you want me to go to a country to do hard work?" Zhang Xiaofan looked at everyone and said.

After some people saw the items in Zhang Xiaofan's box.

They all denounced loudly indignantly.

Everyone knows that today's game has a shady scene, but it was unexpected that it was a shady one!

"Zhang Xiaofan, what do you want to do?" Song Kunshan said with a dark face.

"I just want to say that today's game is bullshit!"

Zhang Xiaofan said heavily.

This is arrogant!

"Zhang Xiaofan, you are too presumptuous!" Song Kunshan yelled loudly.

"Song Ju, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't take the competition seriously, I suggest that he can be expelled!"

The time has come, and Zhang Xiaofan is fine, Liu Honglin knows that this is not a good thing.

It is impossible to solve Zhang Xiaofan here next.

He can only be expelled now, and the next thing will be completely handed over to Qimen Palace.

"Come on! Get Zhang Xiaofan out!"

Song Kunshan shouted loudly.

In less than three seconds, more than a dozen people in martial arts uniforms surrounded Zhang Xiaofan.

Obviously, these people are all members of the Martial Arts Administration.

"I'll see who dares to touch Dr. Xiaofan!" Su Lingtian's face suddenly changed, and he left in a huff.

All the Su family also followed angrily.

"Su Lingtian, the Martial Arts Bureau is working, are you planning to rebel?"

Gu Ruochen pointed at Su Lingtian and said.

"Dr. Xiaofan was invited by my Su family. You dared to leave him indiscriminately. Have you asked our Su family about this?"

Su Lingtian exudes a domineering aura.

Gu Ruochen felt a little danger.

"Su Lingtian, since our Martial Arts Management Bureau is the referee of the competition, do we still need to ask you what to do?"

"He is so presumptuous, it is kindness to expel him!"

Song Kunshan said.

"Hehe! What a kindness!"

"You colluded with the Liu family and Qimen Palace, what kind of kindness is this?"

Zhang Xiaofan sneered and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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