Murano's little genius

Chapter 330 This is the evidence!

Chapter 330 This is the evidence!
As soon as these words came out, everyone in the stands couldn't calm down anymore.

Everyone can see that the Liu family has insider relations with the three members of the Martial Arts Bureau in today's competition.

But why is it related to Qimen Palace?

Everyone knows what Qimen Palace represents.

That is a very mysterious existence, he is an undercurrent under the calm.

"Zhang Xiaofan, it seems that today you are determined to make it difficult for me in the Martial Arts Bureau!"

"Let me tell you, what you said just now has seriously insulted the Martial Arts Bureau!"

"No matter how powerful you are or what your status is, I can arrest you!"

Song Kunshan pointed directly at Zhang Xiaofan's nose.

"Song Ju, don't talk nonsense with him, he actually linked our Martial Arts Bureau with Qimen Palace, this is simply outrageous!"

"I suggest taking him down immediately!"

Chonghui said.

Judging from what Chonghui meant, he tacitly agreed that they had a private relationship with the Liu family.

But it does not admit that it has a relationship with Qimen Palace.

"Hmph! He is from Qimen Palace!"

"How do you explain this?"

Zhang Xiaofan pointed to the disciples of Qimen Palace and said.

Everyone looked at "Mr. Shen" at the side in unison.

He is actually from Qimen Palace!People from Qimen Palace actually appear here!He actually represented the Liu family in the competition!The Liu Family and Qimen Palace...the Martial Arts Bureau...

"Nonsense! Absolutely lawless!"

Liu Honglin couldn't sit still, Zhang Xiaofan's words had exposed everything.

He actually "identified" that "Mr. Shen" was from Qimen Palace.

The current situation is not good, so many people are watching!
Liu Honglin knew that all the big shots in Qingyun City knew that the Liu family was related to Qimen Palace.

But they don't have any proof.

Liu Honglin is not afraid.

But now, if the Liu family and Qimen Palace are directly exposed together!
This is not a good thing.

Why did Song Kunshan and the others just argue that the Martial Arts Bureau has nothing to do with Qimen Palace?

That's because they didn't know that the Liu family had colluded with Qimen Palace.

Liu Honglin didn't tell them at all.

"Everyone, don't listen to Zhang Xiaofan's nonsense! He is going to pour dirty water on the Martial Arts Bureau now!"

"Song Ju, I suggest that we can take urgent measures."

Liu Honglin continued.

He can't let Zhang Xiaofan stay longer, if he stays for a second longer, the danger will increase.

"Liu Honglin, what are you in a hurry for?"

"Could it be that your Liu family and Qimen Palace also colluded?"

Su Lingtian said.

"Su Lingtian, watch your words!"

"You will pay for saying such things!"

"Let me tell you, Zhang Xiaofan is competing on behalf of your Su family. Not only has he seriously violated the rules of the competition, he has also severely insulted and slandered the Martial Arts Bureau."

"Your Su family is also inseparable!"

Liu Honglin said very excitedly and angrily.

That old face looked particularly sinister.

"Liu Honglin, don't get excited, you have to explain the collusion between the Liu family and Qimen Palace!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Haha! Zhang Xiaofan, it's useless for you to jump over the wall in a hurry."

"Your undocumented words, no one will believe you."

Liu Honglin said with a smile.

"Everyone listen to the order, take Zhang Xiaofan down, if you resist, you will be executed on the spot!"

Song Kunshan said heavily.

"Song Ju, you know, no one here today can take me down."

"But now that you are so anxious, it seems that you are even more guilty."

"And the Liu family, if you don't have a guilty conscience, why are you so anxious?"

"You don't believe I have evidence?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Liu Honglin panicked when he heard the word "evidence".

Will Zhang Xiaofan really have evidence?

"Okay! Zhang Xiaofan, if you can't produce evidence, the crime of slander and insult is enough for you to drink a pot!"

Song Kunshan said.

"Song Ju, don't waste time with him, my Liu family has a bottom line."

"This is my Liu family's territory, I must drive him out!"

"Come here, drive Zhang Xiaofan out of my Liu family territory!"

Liu Honglin said loudly.

This is the territory of the Liu family, and dozens of elite Liu family guards surrounded it in an instant.

"The Su family obeys the order, as long as the Liu family takes action, we must resist!"

Su Lingtian said loudly in an orderly tone.

"Su Lingtian, you old fellow, why do your Su family fight our Liu family!"

"The consequences of your actions will make your Su family live in Qingyun City for a long time!"

Liu Jianzhou pointed at Zhang Xiaofan angrily and threatened.

After the Liu family spoke, Song Kunshan didn't dare to speak.

At this moment, a figure quietly walked out the door.

Zhang Xiaofan's figure moved!
Cut through the air, and immediately arrived in front of him!

"Don't be in a hurry, I need you to prove something here."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaofan put his hand directly on his shoulder.

The disciples of Qimen Palace quickly took a few steps back.

He looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a gloomy expression: "Zhang Xiaofan, don't block my way!"

"I said, you can't leave today."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Humph! Courting death!"

Ever since Zhang Xiaofan knew his identity, this student of Qimen Palace felt bad.

Today's plan failed, and he had to leave quickly.

He turned his fists into claws and hit Zhang Xiaofan fiercely!

The fist carries strong qi, intended to settle the battle with one claw.

It's a pity that with his strength as a late Huang-level ancient warrior, he is no match for Zhang Xiaofan at all.

His claws are as sharp as steel claws, piercing the air.

Zhang Xiaofan's fists face each other, the domineering vitality is contained in the fists.


Fist meets claw.


I saw the disciple of Qimen Palace flying upside down on the ground, in great pain, his hand was blown to pieces.

Everyone was surprised!

The surprised one doesn't seem to be that Zhang Xiaofan can easily resolve the battle.

But how could the so-called "Mr. Shen" be so powerful.

The strength he suddenly burst out just now is the strength of an ancient warrior in the late stage of the Huang rank!

"Liu Honglin, how do you explain this, why the person who played for your Liu family has such strength, but he has been hiding from the beginning to the end!"

"What are you planning?"

"Could it be that he is from Qimen Palace!"

Su Lingtian questioned Liu Honglin.

"Su Lingtian! What are you! Do I need to explain to you how my Su family does things?"

Liu Honglin said with a blank face.

Song Kunshan and the others didn't understand.

Liu Honglin didn't tell them why the person participating in the competition was a powerful ancient warrior Liu Honglin.

"Song Ju, don't you want evidence?"

"I'll give you proof now."

As soon as the words finished, Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the disciples of Qimen Palace.

Then he took out the silver needle.

"Zhang Xiaofan, what are you going to do! He is a member of my Liu family, if you hurt him, I, Liu Honglin, will never let you go!"

Liu Honglin activated the vitality in his body, and the angry vitality came rolling in.

"The tiger roars!"

Liu Honglin rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan like a fierce tiger.

Extremely fast!

A roar of a tiger resounded throughout the audience, his hands were like tiger claws that could tear Zhang Xiaofan to pieces!
The tiger shape transformed by vitality is like a giant beast.

(End of this chapter)

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