Chapter 331

No one present knew Liu Honglin's strength.

Except Su Lingtian.

The current Liu Honglin's strength has reached the sixth level of the Kaiyuan Realm!

Although at the same level, his strength has long been above him.

Liu Honglin's blow was majestic, with powerful vitality coupled with a powerful martial skill - Tiger Roaring.

That is the tendency of gods to block and kill gods.

Feeling Liu Honglin's majestic attack, Zhang Xiaofan knew that Liu Honglin's strength was not bad.

Especially his martial arts contain powerful energy.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't think too much, he aroused the vitality of his whole body.

You must defeat Liu Honglin with one move.

Zhang Xiaofan, who has no martial skills, can only use a violent blow again.

Clenching his fists tightly, the vitality in his body seemed to be boiling, so domineering.

Then turn your fists into palms and fold your hands together.

Then slowly separate.

I saw a powerful gas energy growing at the speed of the naked eye.


When it reached the size of a football, Zhang Xiaofan pushed it directly.

The gas energy ball quickly flew towards Liu Honglin.

Zhang Xiaofan's domineering vitality turned into a vitality energy ball, like a scorching sun, flying towards the enemy at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling the energy ball of vitality hitting him, Liu Honglin frowned!
The energy inside is something he can't resist!
However, it is impossible to withdraw now.

"I, Liu Hongliu, have been cultivating hard for dozens of years. Believe it or not, I am not your match."

Liu Honglin was definitely not reconciled.

There is anger, hatred, and unwillingness in his heart!
He yelled angrily.

the next moment.

Liu Honglin's vitality tiger shape collided with Zhang Xiaofan's vitality energy ball.


Like two missiles colliding, a huge burst of energy erupted.

The shock wave spread out, and many unblocked people flew several meters away.

The ground seemed to tremble a little.

So scary!
The dust dissipated, and there was a small pit on the ground.

Both of them are standing.


But in the next second Liu Honglin spewed out a mouthful of blood mist.

He put his hands on his chest and fell to his knees.

He stared at Zhang Xiaofan firmly.

After all, not unexpectedly, he is not Zhang Xiaofan's opponent.


"father in law!"

Liu Jianzhou and Lu Tianhua rushed up.

The whole place was silent.

They all looked at Zhang Xiaofan dumbfounded.

In the duel between masters, there really are no extra moves.

However, Zhang Xiaofan's strength as a master shocked the audience.

One move directly wounded Liu Honglin.

For those who understand, Liu Honglin's strength is ranked second among the five major cultivators in Qingyun City.

Song Kunshan, Gu Ruochen, and Chonghui looked at the situation with their eyes wide open.

They guessed how powerful Zhang Xiaofan was, but they couldn't guess how powerful he was!
Liu Honglin was defeated so simply, then the three ancient warriors had no strength to fight back.

Although equally shocked, Su Lingtian smiled.

This is Zhang Xiaofan's strength.

Since he can seriously injure Tang Hao, Liu Honglin is also no problem.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you dare to hurt my father, I will kill you!"

"Jianzhou, stop!"

Seeing that Liu Jianzhou was going to attack Zhang Xiaofan, Liu Honglin endured the serious injury and stopped him.

However, because the anger towards Zhang Xiaofan had accumulated to a high point, Liu Jianzhou did not listen to it.

He jumped high, directly to give Zhang Xiaofan a hard kick.

"The Liu family bounces their legs all the way!"

The two feet kicked over at a high speed, and it seemed that afterimages were kicked out.

That is the momentum of breaking through.

Zhang Xiaofan's right foot accumulated strength, like a golden right foot, he kicked out.

The air was kicked and hissed.

Liu Jianzhou, an early Huang-level ancient warrior, was kicked away by Zhang Xiaofan like a rubber ball.

It stopped after rolling on the ground for more than ten meters.

And the person has passed out.

Lu Tianhua also wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Liu Honglin.


Zhang Xiaofan gave a cold snort and glanced.

He walked directly towards the disciples of Qimen Palace.


Song Kunshan and the others suddenly didn't dare to fart, they could only stare and swallow their saliva.

Suddenly, they feel a little scared.

Not only did Liu Honglin's plan fail, but now he was seriously injured.

And they colluded with the Liu family, once the above know about it.

The end will be miserable.

"Tell me the answer just now!"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"Hmph! Zhang Xiaofan, you don't want to hear any news from me!"

"Let me tell you, from the day you touched Qimen Palace, you can only die."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't listen to his nonsense, he directly stabbed the most painful acupuncture point with the silver needle in his hand.

Because of the pain, the disciple's facial features were distorted, and he was in so much pain!


Zhang Xiaofan directly stabbed a needle in his head.

what! ! ! !

The scream was extremely miserable.

That was really more painful than death.

There were screams, making the scene extremely silent.

The air was freezing cold.

"Kill me!"

shouted the disciple.

"Just answer questions, don't die!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

This kind of pain, even a yellow-ranked ancient warrior can't bear it.

The disciples of Qimen Palace have all undergone special training.

It's not comparable to a small boss like Zhang Wangcai.

Under this pain, he froze and didn't say a word.

Zhang Xiaofan inserted another needle.

This needle can directly make the student hover on the verge of death.

The disciple's body was twitching, and suddenly he felt the painful feeling of wanting to die but not being able to die.

"I say!"

Finally, the student couldn't stand it anymore.

It was a non-physical, non-mental torture.

It was torture that went deep into the soul.

It's scary, so scary that you have to make compromises.

Zhang Xiaofan took out the silver needle, said coldly: "Speak!"

"It's Qinglong!"

The student finally said it?


Zhang Xiaofan remembered what Su Menglan said.

His parents were killed by Qinglong.

"Where is he?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

"I don't know."

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan felt a terrifying killing intent coming from behind.

Zhang Xiaofan moved his feet, his figure dodged!

Flowing Sword Qi hit a wall.

The wall collapsed suddenly.

Then a figure appeared in front of the disciples.

Zhang Xiaofan knew this person.

"It's you!"

It was the famous killer of Qimen Palace who was going to assassinate Zhang Xiaofan that night.

Today, he still wears a mask.

The soft sword in his hand is still sharp!
"Don't stop me, I'm going to take him away."

The masked killer said.

"Wrap him up!"

Su Lingtian shouted loudly.

Zhang Xiaofan stretched out his hand, signaling not to come over.

This person's strength Zhang Xiaofan doesn't even have the confidence to beat him, people from the Su family might provoke him and he will end up dead.

After speaking, he directly picked up the person.

Step on your feet and jump high.

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to catch up.

However, the masked killer slashed out another sharp sword energy.

Helpless, Zhang Xiaofan could only avoid it.

The blow to Liu Honglin just now consumed a lot of energy.

He was not sure about keeping the masked killer behind, so he was powerless to catch up with him at this time.

What's more, he already got the questions he wanted to know from the students.

"Who dares to be so presumptuous!"

Chong Hui from the Martial Arts Bureau chased after him.

However, a murderous sword qi struck.

He chopped off his hand directly.

He fell to the ground and screamed miserably.

Chonghui was also out of his mind, knowing that this person's strength was far superior to his, he rushed forward just to put on a show.

(End of this chapter)

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