Murano's little genius

Chapter 333 Ancient Messenger

Chapter 333 Ancient Messenger

For Zhang Xiaofan, silver needles are not only a good thing for saving lives.

It is also a "weapon", a deadly weapon.

It's just that under normal circumstances Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know how to use it, and using it to hurt or kill people is something that is used to save people, which somewhat violates its original intention.

But the current situation is already extraordinary, and if they don't attack, they will probably be carried in Lu Tianhua's hands.

Lu Tianhua was already approaching.

"It's now!"

Zhang Xiaofan's figure moved, his speed was extremely fast, he took the initiative to go towards Lu Tianhua.

Lu Tianhua's fists hit the air, and Zhang Xiaofan passed shoulder to shoulder.

Fist wind passing by, the power is amazing!
Zhang Xiaofan exerted force with his fingers.

call out!
A few silver needles pierced the air.

It hit several acupuncture points on his body at a speed that Lu Tianhua could not react to.

Hit by Zhang Xiaofan's silver needle, Lu Tianhua fell down and couldn't move.

Obviously, the silver needle pierced Lu Tianhua's body accurately and sealed his acupuncture points.

To be able to do this, all rely on Zhang Xiaofan's control of the timing, as well as the terrifying precision of the needle technique.

"Zhang Xiaofan, what have you done to me!"

Lu Tianhua, who was lying on the ground, realized that he couldn't move, so he yelled loudly.

Lu Tianxiong, who was about to heal Liu Honglin when he found his son knocked down by Zhang Xiaofan, frowned.

Stepping out, he arrived at Lu Tianhua's side.

Zhang Xiaofan has already exhausted his vitality, and his son is also an ancient warrior in the late stage of Huang rank, so it is extremely easy to deal with him.

But now his son was defeated in less than a few minutes.

This surprised Lu Tianxiong.

"He has a silver needle inserted into his body. If you dare to touch him, if the silver needle is accidentally displaced, you will lose your cultivation and become a useless person, or your life will be lost."

"Don't doubt the truth of my words, I am a doctor."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

This is a threat to Lu Tianxiong.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I underestimated you."

"Under such circumstances, you can still hurt my son like this!"

"But do you think that I won't dare to touch you?"

Lu Tianxiong said.

Fortunately, he was an old guy, so he wasn't nervous at all.

"I don't think you dare." Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hahaha! Zhang Xiaofan, the silver needle is just in the body, as long as I use a little vitality, I can force the silver needle out."

Lu Tianxiong laughed out loud.

"But if I tell you that silver needles are highly poisonous."

"And is it a poison that only I can cure?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing this, Lu Tianxiong's smile disappeared immediately.

In its place was a heavy expression.

"Zhang Xiaofan, take your life!"

Lu Tianxiong shouted with anger on his face.

The footsteps are like the wind, and the fists are full of fury and explosion.

This is a killer move to directly take people's lives!
Zhang Xiaofan felt bad.

It seems that he underestimated Lu Tianxiong's temper.

This is an instant explosion!
This kind of person can't tolerate threats, no matter what, let's deal with the person.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan definitely does not have the strength to confront Lu Tianxiong head-on.

All he can do is hide.

However, Lu Tianxiong's strength is there, he will not give Zhang Xiaofan any chance to evade.

As for the speed, it is okay against Lu Tianhua, but without the support of vitality, it is not Lu Tianxiong's opponent at all.

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to use the silver needle again.

But Lu Tianxiong had been prepared for a long time, he not only avoided it.

The silver needle couldn't pierce his body wrapped in vitality at all.

It seems that there is no way out.

It was Lu Tianxiong's fiery and violent fist again.

Like a fiery sun hitting Zhang Xiaofan.

At the most dangerous moment, "Canglong Golden Body: Body Tempering Chapter" appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's mind.

In an instant, Zhang Xiaofan's skin was faintly glowing with bronze color.

Zhang Xiaofan felt that his body seemed to undergo a qualitative change.

From muscles and bones to flesh and blood, to skin!


Lu Tianxiong's fist hit Zhang Xiaofan's body heavily.

However, Zhang Xiaofan's body is like a body of steel, Lu Tianxiong's fist did not take advantage of it.

Most of the energy of the fist was blocked from the body.

A sound like a fist hitting an iron plate resounded through the sky.

Ding Ding Deng!
Zhang Xiaofan didn't fly out, but took several steps back.

Then the throat sweetened, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

He didn't fall down, and he was still standing, which proved that he was only slightly injured.

Lu Tianxiong was shocked!
He looked at Zhang Xiaofan dumbfounded.

"how is this possible!"

Zhang Xiaofan's vitality has been exhausted, how can he resist his own punch!
That punch just now Lu Tianxiong was very confident that he could beat Zhang Xiaofan into a cripple.

But now, Zhang Xiaofan was only slightly injured by the shock.

Lu Tianxiong didn't believe it.

Lu Tianxiong thought carefully about the moment when his fist hit Zhang Xiaofan's body just now, something seemed wrong.

Zhang Xiaofan's body is like a golden body, the strength and energy of Lu Tianxiong's fists can't penetrate it at all.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I didn't expect you to practice defensive skills!"

Lu Tianxiong seemed to understand something.

"However, running defensive exercises requires a lot of vitality, and the vitality in your body has already been exhausted!"

"How could it be possible to use it just now!"

But when he thought about it, Lu Tianxiong felt something was wrong.

You ask Zhang Xiaofan?
At this moment Zhang Xiaofan is also a little confused.

But Zhang Xiaofan knows one thing, just now his body seems to be activated.

An incredible change has taken place.

In short, the defense is amazing.


Zhang Xiaofan coughed a few times.

Although the defensive power was amazing, the punch just now was after all Lu Tianxiong's punch as a practitioner of the eighth layer of the Kaiyuan Mirror.

Although he was not seriously injured, his body was also shattered.

"Hmph, Lu Tianxiong, there are too many things you don't know!"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a cold snort.

"Zhang Xiaofan! You really opened my eyes!"

"But I don't care how you did it, I'll see how you can resist my punch!"

The strong wind blew up, and Lu Tianxiong mobilized the vitality of his whole body.

With anger, he rushed over directly!
However, he just took a step.

A voice containing tremendous pressure descended from the sky.

Then, a middle-aged man with an elegant figure fell to the ground.

With a dignified body and a sharp-edged face, he exudes an unfathomable aura.

Hearing the sound, Lu Tianxiong stopped.

He set his eyes on the middle-aged man.

"I have seen the ancient messenger!"

Then he greeted this person.

This person does not seem to be simple.

The same is true for Su Lingtian at the side. Although he was seriously injured, he still gave a greeting.

"I have seen the ancient messenger."

Lu Tianxiong is the real head of the Lu family, and Su Lingtian is the head of the Su family.

They are all among the best existences in Qingyun City.

It is definitely not easy for them to salute and greet people.

"Ancient Messenger, you are not in Nandu"

"Lu Tianxiong, Zhang Xiaofan will be a member of our Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau from now on."

"So, you know how to do it."

The man named Ancient Messenger said in a domineering tone.

(End of this chapter)

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