Murano's little genius

Chapter 334 The next one is you!

Chapter 334 You Are Next!

"Ancient envoy, Zhang Xiaofan is my Liu family."

"Lu Tianxiong, didn't you hear me clearly? I'm not discussing with you!"

The ancient envoy narrowed his eyes and glared at Lu Tianxiong.

Lu Tianxiong's body trembled: "Well, I will follow the orders of the ancient envoy."

Lu Tianxiong is not reconciled!
There is burning anger in his heart now, but he can't vent it.

Only a little bit, he can abolish Zhang Xiaofan!
Unexpectedly, the ancient music from the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau appeared.

The sentence that Zhang Xiaofan will be a member of the Martial Arts Training Bureau in the future means to keep Zhang Xiaofan.

Who is Gu Le?

That is one of the four ambassadors of the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau!

Only under the director and the two guardians.

Although the difference between Martial Arts Training Bureau and Martial Arts Bureau is only two words, the difference is huge.

The Budo Bureau is an institution that manages ancient warriors.

The Martial Arts Training Bureau is an organization that manages practitioners.

The importance of cultivators is much greater than that of ancient warriors.

Not only because there are few practitioners, but also because they are omnipotent.

Therefore, the higher authorities have given the Martial Arts Training Bureau very large powers and responsibilities.

Naturally, the people in the Martial Arts Training Bureau are also extraordinary.

As one of the four ambassadors of the Martial Arts Training Bureau, Gu Le possesses unimaginable power, and his strength is also unimaginable.

In front of Gu Le, Lu Tianxiong couldn't jump up at all.

Because he knows what ancient music means.

For the cultivators within the scope of Nandu's management, the ancient music has the power to kill first and play later.

Now Gu Le wants to protect Zhang Xiaofan, even though Lu Tianxiong is unwilling and angry.

But it can only break the teeth and swallow it in the stomach.

Looking at the unpredictable Gu Le, Zhang Xiaofan seemed calm in his heart.

How did I become a member of the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau?

Judging from Lu Tianxiong's attitude, this ancient envoy is not simple.

But how difficult it is, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know at the moment.

"Thanks to the ancient envoy for saving me!"

Zhang Xiaofan still said the words of thanks.

"Little guy, come with me?"

Gu Le glanced at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Ancient Messenger, I still have unfinished business today, so I can't go with you."

Zhang Xiaofan directly rejected Gu Le.

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan said this, even Liu Honglin, who was seriously injured, was so shocked that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you dare to reject the ancient envoy, I think you are tired of working!"

A second ago, Lu Tianhua thought that there was nothing he could do about Zhang Xiaofan today.

But what Zhang Xiaofan just said was shocking, he seemed to have seized the opportunity.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you must not refuse the ancient envoy."

Su Lingtian at the side persuaded softly.

There was a look of panic on his face.

A cultivator at the Kaiyuan state is afraid of being like this, will he die if he refuses?

"Old Su, I have the right to refuse."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hehe! Well, I have the right to refuse, I like it!"

"Okay, then I'll wait here for you to finish your work."

Gu Le sat down directly on the stone bench.

Hearing this, Su Lingtian breathed a sigh of relief.

And Lu Tianxiong's face became ugly, his old face twitched a few times.


That's what I feel.

"Listen, people from the Liu family, bring Liu Piaopiao here immediately!"

Zhang Xiaofan said loudly.

The tone is full of anger.

All the Liu family members present were trembling, and they were even more at a loss.

They are neither deaf nor blind, nor fools.

If you don't do it, I'm afraid the end will be a tragedy.

"What are you still doing, hurry up!"

Lu Tianxiong scolded loudly.

Now that Gu Le is here, what Lu Tianxiong can do is to do everything possible to cooperate with Zhang Xiaofan.

His hatred and anger can only be put aside.

Those elite guards of the Liu family walked out in a swarm.

After a few minutes.

Liu Piaopiao was brought over.

It turned out that Liu Piaopiao was also in this place, but he didn't come out because he was locked up.

Liu Piaopiao thought that the confinement she had just been imprisoned was coming to an end, and her face was filled with joy.

When I arrived, I found that something was not right.

Looking at the ground, his father was lying on the ground, motionless.

His grandfather was pale and very weak, obviously seriously injured.

She hasn't found Zhang Xiaofan yet.

"Dad! What's the matter with you?"

She quickly ran towards Liu Jianzhou.

But no matter how she called Liu Jianzhou, there was no response.

"Grandpa! What's the matter with you?"

She came to Liu Honglin again, her expression became a little scared and worried.

Who is his father?

Who is his grandfather?

Who in Qingyun City dares to do this to them, no, who in Qingyun City has the ability to do this to them.

Liu Honglin slowly opened his eyes, but did not speak.

His pale old face showed helplessness.

Liu Honglin shook his head and closed his eyes again.

He didn't dare to speak, he was afraid that if he spoke, a mouthful of blood would spurt out again, which would aggravate the injury and then pass out.

"Liu Piaopiao!"

Zhang Xiaofan said these three words coldly.

Liu Piaopiao turned her head.

She saw Zhang Xiaofan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, why are you here!"

Liu Piaopiao knew that today was the day for the competition between the three major families.

But why Zhang Xiaofan is here, she couldn't figure it out for a moment.

"Liu Piaopiao, you woman with a scorpion's heart, you are so ruthless that you can treat Shitou village so viciously!"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a cold voice with glaring eyes.

"Hmph! If you offend me, Liu Piaopiao, that's the end!"

At this time, Liu Piaopiao didn't have any regrets.

It is conceivable that life is like ants in her eyes.

"Grandpa Lu, quickly help me kill Zhang Xiaofan."

"My third uncle was seriously injured by him, and Uncle Tang was the same!"

Liu Piaopiao said quickly after finding out that Lu Tianxiong was also here.

Lu Tianxiong was expressionless, he did not speak.

"Liu Piaopiao, haven't you found anything yet?"

"No one can help you today!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you country boy, what are you!"

"Don't think that with a little strength, you are really invincible, this is my Liu family's territory!"

Liu Piaopiao is still so proud.

"To shut up!"

Lu Tianxiong shouted at Liu Piaopiao angrily.

Liu Piaopiao was frightened by Lu Tianxiong's angry shout.

"Grandpa Lu, I'm Piao Piao, how can you scare me."

Liu Piaopiao said in a delicate voice.

"If you don't shut up, I'll slap your mouth!"

The current Lu Tianhua doesn't care about Liu Piaopiao.

At this moment, he is also walking on eggshells when speaking.

You can't let Liu Piaopiao get involved with him.

"Grandpa Lu, you can't do this!"

"The Liu family and the Lu family are in a marriage relationship. You treated me very well before and never scolded me."

Liu Piaopiao pretended to be cute and pitiful.


As a practitioner of the eighth level of the Yuan Kaijing, Lu Tianxiong still slapped Liu Piaopiao.

Although he didn't use much force, he still slapped Liu Piaopiao till his mouth was full of blood.


Liu Piaopiao was slapped until she cried.

"Don't you understand what's going on now?"

"Kneel down to Mr. Xiaofan immediately!"

Lu Tianxiong said angrily.

"What is he, but a country boy! Why should I kneel down!"

Liu Piaopiao said disdainfully while covering her swollen face.

"I don't know what to do!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Tianxiong was about to kick Liu Piaopiao.

But Zhang Xiaofan stopped him.

"Liu Piaopiao, Liu Jianzhou was beaten by me, and Liu Honglin was also beaten by me."

"It's you next!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Some things, he has to do it himself.


"My grandfather is so powerful, why did you defeat him!"

"You must be lying to me!"

Liu Piaopiao shook her head and said with wide eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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