Murano's little genius

Chapter 335 Invitation

Chapter 335 Invitation

"Liu Piaopiao, I will make you pay for your scorpion-hearted behavior today!"

Zhang Xiaofan pointed at Liu Piaopiao with his finger, his gaze was like a torch.

He walked towards Liu Piaopiao.

"Zhang Xiaofan, what are you going to do!"

Liu Piaopiao began to panic.

Zhang Xiaofan took out the silver needle.

"Zhang Xiaofan, don't touch me, this is my Liu family's territory!"

"Listen, people of the Liu family, kill him quickly!"

Liu Piaopiao shouted.

However, no one paid any attention to her.

At this time, it seems that only Liu Piaopiao has not understood the current situation.

Zhang Xiaofan, holding a silver needle, has no expression on his face.

With a wave of the hand, the silver needle comes out!
In an instant, dozens of silver needles pierced into Liu Piaopiao's body.

Without too much struggle, Liu Piaopiao passed out directly.

And Zhang Xiaofan just glanced at it, then turned around.

In this life, Liu Piaopiao will become a fool.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's attack, the corner of Lu Tianxiong's mouth twitched.

Zhang Xiaofan's composure is impossible to possess at this age.

"Is it done?"

Gu Le asked about Zhang Xiaofan.

"No, I have to "talk" to the Liu family about some things."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"You boy, I don't have that much time."

Gu Le looked at the time and smiled wryly.

"Let's talk later when we have time!"

"Come with me!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Le came to Zhang Xiaofan in the blink of an eye.

So fast!

This is Zhang Xiaofan's evaluation of Gu Le's speed.

Gu Le grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's shoulders, jumped lightly, and left the place as if walking through the air under everyone's gaze.

After a few minutes.

On top of a boulder.

"In his twenties, at the seventh level of the Kaiyuan Realm, and with the ability to refine alchemy with vitality, he is indeed a monster among geniuses!"

Gu Le looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Ancient Messenger, you brought me to this wilderness just to praise me, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hehe, praise is of course indispensable."

"After all, the chances of an evil genius like you appearing are becoming less and less."

"Tell me, who is your master?"

Gu Le asked.

"I don't have a master." Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"I'm from the Martial Arts Training Bureau, you can't fool me."

"Without Master, it is impossible for you to have such cultivation at such a young age."

Gule said.

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said, "If you don't believe me, I can help you."

"You boy, you do have a temper, but it's just what I want."

"Okay, I won't force you."

"Let me ask you, are you willing to join the Martial Arts Training Bureau?"

Gu Le asked.

"Is there freedom of movement after joining?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Gu Le was surprised, it was the first time he heard someone ask this question.

"To be honest, it's not very free, and there are many rules."

Gu Le shook his head and said.

"That won't work, I don't want to." Zhang Xiaofan directly refused.

Hearing this, Gu Le's expression was not quite right.

Zhang Xiaofan originally thought he would be very angry, after all his status is extraordinary.

"Hahaha! Good! Direct enough!"

Gu Le suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, the Martial Arts Training Bureau has a rule that no practitioner can be forced to join."

"But at the same time, the Martial Arts Cultivation Bureau has a regulation that must invite those cultivation geniuses to join at all costs."

Gule said.

at all costs?
"Ancient Messenger, I know that even if I regain my vitality now, I cannot be your match."

"But I know that twisted melons are not sweet."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

This is because Gu Le is really at all costs.

Just thought Gu Le was a good guy.

But with one sentence, the favorability instantly drops.

"Hehe, you boy, our Martial Arts Training Bureau is a formal institution, so we don't want to engage in such shady tricks."

"We will only use generous conditions to attract you to join."

Gule said.

"What generous conditions?" Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"A villa on the outskirts of Nandu, plus a reward of [-] million yuan."

"One-on-one teacher teaching, so that your strength can be improved in the shortest time."

"A good set of martial arts. It is said that you don't use martial arts every time you fight. If I'm right, you haven't learned martial arts?"

Gule said.

Martial arts?

Zhang Xiaofan really wanted to learn.

"No, that's not what I need."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and said.

"Tell me what you need."

Gu Le asked.

"I need absolute freedom."

"After joining, I still do what I want to do as before." Zhang Xiaofan said.

"This is not allowed, the Martial Arts Training Bureau has strict regulations."

Gu Le shook his head and said.

"Then there is no way, I just have this one condition."

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan didn't even want to join the martial arts training bureau.

Because to join means to be bound, which is unacceptable to him.

"Actually, what you said is not impossible. After all, the rules are made by people, and they can be changed when they should be changed."

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

After speaking, Gu Le took out his phone and walked aside.

2 minute later.

"Okay! I will do as you said, as long as you agree to join the Martial Arts Training Bureau, I will give you enough freedom."

Gule said.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan knows that the benefits of joining the Martial Arts Training Bureau are not just what Gu Le said just now.

However, if you restrict your freedom because of joining, this will violate the original intention of coming back.

At this moment, Gu Le actually agreed to give him enough freedom.

This moved Zhang Xiaofan's heart.

"Let's go, report to Nandu with me today, and you can come back after reporting."

"After that, you only need to report once a month, and then you can rush back when the bureau needs you."

Gule said.

"I'm afraid it won't work today, I still have things to deal with."

Gule said.

"Is it about Qimen Palace?"

Gule said.

"That's right, the Liu family and Qimen Palace are in collusion, I have to start from here."

"And that man named Qinglong."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xiaofan, some things are actually far beyond your imagination."

"The situation in Qimen Palace is more complicated than you know."

(End of this chapter)

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