Murano's little genius

Chapter 336 The Importance of Strength and Background

Chapter 336 The Importance of Strength and Background

"Ancient Envoy, can you tell me something about Qimen Palace?"

The ancient envoy is a member of the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau, and is also an envoy, although Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know what it means.

But at least if he has an extraordinary status, then he must know a lot about Qimen Palace.

"Xiao Fan, you will gradually learn about Qimen Palace in the future."

"In short, you have to remember that what you know now is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Also, I know that you don't have a good relationship with the Liu family in Qingyun City."

"And it is also related to Qimen Palace, but today your revenge on the Liu family is enough."

"You don't need to interfere with the rest of the matter."

The ancient messenger said.

"Ancient Messenger, but the Liu family and Qimen Palace are in collusion, someone has to deal with them."

"In addition, I have to give an explanation to Leader Hua's departure. After all, this was his wish and ideal."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Don't worry, I came to Qingyun City for this purpose."

"Although I have only met Hua Chennan once, I know that he is indeed a good leader."

"The green dragon you mentioned just now is indeed the real murderer behind it."

"But behind the scenes there are many things that you can't see."

"Even Hua Chennan doesn't know."

"We've been dealing with that too."

"Did a killer from Qimen Palace come before you came here today?"

"Yes, he once assassinated me, and his strength is by no means inferior to mine."

"But today is very strange. If he wants to kill me, this is the best time, but he didn't. He just took away his fellow disciples."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"That's for sure, because he received the news and knew I was coming."

"He is just the most famous killer of Qimen Palace, but his strength is no longer inferior to yours."

"And now you have been targeted by Qimen Palace."

"I came here in such a hurry to let you join the Martial Arts Training Bureau, and protecting you is also a purpose."

"Now, why don't you thank me?"

Gu Le looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said meaningfully.

"Thank you, Ancient Messenger."

This is Zhang Xiaofan's heartfelt thanks.

After all, people did help themselves.

If Qimen Palace's most famous killer wanted to attack today, his life would be in danger.

Now Zhang Xiaofan also understands that Liu Honglin is so anxious to drive him out, it turns out that he is the killer who ambushed Qimen Palace.

This is the root cause of Liu Honglin's self-confidence, an old bastard.

Zhang Xiaofan almost capsized in the gutter.

He ignored the Qimen Palace killer.

"Ancient Messenger, what you said just now is "just a killer with a great reputation", does this mean that he is very weak?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Of course, I told you just now that the Qimen Palace is more complicated than you imagined."

"That killer with the best name is just the weakest killer in Qimen Palace."

the weakest?

Hearing the word "weakest", Zhang Xiaofan was still a little shocked.

The strength of the weakest killer is not inferior to him.

What about the strongest?
Zhang Xiaofan suddenly realized that he was facing a very powerful and mysterious existence.

"In the beginning, you just had conflicts with the Liu family, and behind the Liu family is the Qimen Palace."

"So, people from Qimen Palace will definitely help."

"As soon as you help, some little guys are definitely not your opponents."

"Then you later violated the bottom line of Qimen Palace. You want to know things that they don't let others know."

"So, later on, you were assassinated by the killer of Qimen Palace."

"Also, there is the matter of Hua Chennan and the bodyguard."

Gu Le is very clear about these things.

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan clenched his fists.

"The news that you have joined the Martial Arts Training Bureau will spread, and the people of Qimen Palace will no longer dare to attack you easily."

"Of course, I just dare not take it lightly, not really dare."

"Our Martial Arts Training Bureau has been keeping an eye on Qimen Palace, and you have become mine."

"He more or less weighs gains and losses."

Gu Le continued.

"Can't I investigate the Liu family in the future?"

"It must have a very special collusion with Qimen Palace."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Of course you can, but you have to pay attention to the way."

"Do you know why the Liu family in Qingyun City is so rampant in Qingyun City? Is it so difficult to find out the collusion between him and Qimen Palace?"

"Because it is a branch of the Liu family in Nandu."

"As for the Liu family in Nandu, that is the provincial capital of Nandu, and it is also one of the five major families in Nandu."

"The five major families in Nandu are all big families with a long history in the south of our Kyushu country."

"It has a long history and rich heritage, beyond what you can imagine."

"Just taking money as an example, the Forbes rankings we usually see on TV are just a drop in the bucket compared to these big families. Money is really just a number to these big families."

"By now, it's no longer about money."

"It's martial arts!"

"Of course, these ordinary people will not know."

"In the eyes of ordinary people, these big families are just big families with many industries."

"In the official eyes, they are a very important part of Kyushu Kingdom!"

"They are also one of the important factors in maintaining the stability of Kyushu."

"Therefore, these big family officials can only please, not offend."

"Of course, they can't violate the rules and regulations of our Kyushu Kingdom, otherwise, they will be punished!"

"I said this, you should understand, right?"

Gule said.

"That means we can't touch the Liu family in Qingyun City?"

Zhang Xiaofan was not happy.

"Move, of course you can, but you have to pay attention to the method."

"Although the Liu family in Qingyun City is just one of the many branches of the Liu family in Nandu, and they don't have much contact with each other at ordinary times, the relationship is there."

"If it involves the face of the Liu family in the southern capital, they will take action."

"When they make a move, it's not easy to handle."

Gule said.

"No matter how powerful the Liu family in Southern Capital is, they can't cover up elements like the Liu family in Qingyun City who are in collusion with Qimen Palace."

"Unless the Liu family in Nandu is also the same breed!"

Zhang Xiaofan said displeased.

"Xiaofan, this is the complicated part inside."

"There are some things I can't tell you right now."

"In short, you can leave the next matter to our Martial Arts Training Bureau and the official."

"With my supervision, the result of this matter may not be the best, but at least it will not disappoint you."

"As for many things about Qimen Palace, I will talk to you in detail after you report to Nandu."

"The green dragon you mentioned, I will reveal it to you here. Even if you see him now, you have nothing to do with him, because his strength is much higher than yours."

Gule said.

Hearing what Gu Le said, Zhang Xiaofan knew it was still a question of his own strength.

"Although you are only in your early twenties, you have become a cultivator with the strength of the Kaiyuan state, and you are also a pharmacist who can refine alchemy with vitality. You are a monster among geniuses."

"But your strength is limited after all, and the cultivation of Yuan Kaijing is actually just the beginning."

"If you offend someone or some mysterious force, they won't let you go."

"There has always been a saying in martial arts that the genius who is the enemy must be strangled in the process of growth."

"And you are not only a genius, but also a monster among geniuses."

"Qimen Palace already knows this."

"They will definitely not let you go."

"So, you need a strong background."

"That's the Martial Arts Training Administration."

"In this world, strength and background are very important!"

Gu Le can be regarded as earnest.

Zhang Xiaofan understands what Gu Le said.

Because of this, the old man also told him.

The world's great wonders.

What you think is inconspicuous in the eyes of higher people.

All you have to do is to be yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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