Murano's little genius

Chapter 337 Tianyuan 3 Explosion

Chapter 337
"Xiao Fan, this is a high-level martial art book."

"As I said just now, this is your reward for joining the Martial Arts Training Bureau."

"Now, I will give it to you in advance."

Gu Le took out some ancient yellow books from his pocket.

"I still have some things to deal with these days."

"In three days, I will send someone to FY County to pick you up."

Gule said.


Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay! See you in three days!"

Gu Le stepped out and disappeared in place.

And Zhang Xiaofan also walked back.

When Zhang Xiaofan's figure disappeared.

Gu Le suddenly appeared on the big rock just now.

He squinted his eyes to look at the place where Zhang Xiaofan disappeared, and said in his mouth: "He is indeed a good boy, but he is indeed beyond expectations. In just a short time, Qingyun City has been turned upside down. I thought he could stay there well." It's been that long."

After speaking, he left the place.

After Zhang Xiaofan went back, he got into the Su family's car and followed Su Menglan back to the Su family.

Su Lingtian's injury wasn't serious, but it wasn't light either, Zhang Xiaofan had to treat him.

After what happened today, Zhang Xiaofan has a very good impression of Su Lingtian.

At critical times, he would not hesitate to stand up and fight for himself.

For this point, Zhang Xiaofan is more or less sincerely grateful.

Although he was competing for the Su family, Lu Tianxiong's strength lies there.

Knowing that he is not the opponent, but insisting on going up, this is worthy of Zhang Xiaofan's sincere thanks.

Too much consumption today, Zhang Xiaofan can only use medicine to help Su Lingtian heal.

As for Su Lingtian's internal injury, it is best to treat it with medicine.

"Doctor Xiaofan, are you really going back?"

I heard Zhang Xiaofan said that he wants to go back.

Su Menglan's heart is full of reluctance.

"I have to go back. I have been out for a few days. There are still many things to do when I go back."

"About Qinglong, I have nothing to do now."

"Qimen Palace is more complicated and powerful than you imagined."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Also, the Liu family and the Lu family will not dare to retaliate against you."

"Someone will take care of their affairs."

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while and continued.

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan got into the car.

Seeing the direction the car was leaving, Su Menglan's heart moved slightly, her beautiful eyes were full of reluctance.

The shock and attraction Zhang Xiaofan brought to her is unstoppable, isn't it?

Zhang Xiaofan didn't go back directly.

Instead, he went to the villa.

Because there is still Zhou Zimei there.

"Sister Zimei, go back."

Seeing Zhou Zimei still hesitated, Zhang Xiaofan said.


Finally, Zhou Zimei made up her mind.

She actually thought about it all night.

At this moment, he agreed to go back, just because of Zhang Xiaofan.

It was Zhang Xiaofan who gave her courage.

After tidying up, I made another phone call to bid farewell to Mrs. Hua.

Zhang Xiaofan, Zhou Zimei and her child Kangkang boarded the car sent by the Su family and drove back in the direction of FY County.
On the way.

After the fuss, Zhou Zimei and her child were already asleep.

Zhang Xiaofan took out the stove, he thought he wanted to investigate the specific news about the stove during the few days he came here.

But there is no time.

However, after knowing the matter of Yuan Qi alchemy.

Zhang Xiaofan probably knew the real use of this stove.

Also, Zhang Xiaofan also understood the importance of the old gentleman asking him to master those hundreds of pill refining methods.

The most common detoxification pills in it are so miraculous and powerful.

One can imagine how terrifying those unusual ones must be.

Putting the small stove back into the bag, Zhang Xiaofan took out the "Tian Yuan Three Explosions" given by Gu Le

He opened it.

The above is a specific introduction to "Tianyuan Three Explosions".

The basis for practicing "Tianyuan Three Explosions" is the fifth level of Kaiyuan Realm.

"Tianyun Three Explosions" has a total of "three explosions".

The first "explosion" is called a storm.

The second "explosion" is called hot explosion.

The third "explosion", Mingyue Leibo.

These three bursts become stronger as your strength becomes stronger.

In other words, this kind of martial skill will not make you become weak after becoming stronger.

Zhang Xiaofan continued to open it to look, the back is the introduction of how to cultivate.

Flipping to the end, Zhang Xiaofan found something else.

"How to improve cultivation?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked on curiously.

First, it introduces what physical fitness can be cultivated.

In this world, only the physique belonging to the heavenly root can be cultivated.

And what is Tiangen?
It's very simple, that is, it can absorb the meager spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

After becoming a cultivator, I want to improve my cultivation.

The first is to rely on cultivation talent, and the second is to rely on resources and actual combat experience.

Cultivation talent is the talent of your body, which is innate and cannot be changed.

But having resources is different, he can let you use the method of acceleration to improve your cultivation level in the case of poor talent.

And what is a resource?

The simplest understanding is elixir, why is vitality alchemist so important?
Because they can refine pills that can improve their cultivation, and some of them have no side effects.

A pill that can improve cultivation?

Which cultivator doesn't want it!
However, that is the medicine practiced by the vitality alchemist.

Moreover, what is needed is a vitality alchemist with a high level of alchemy.

How many practitioners in this world can enjoy it?
Therefore, for ordinary practitioners, this is only in fantasy.


Zhang Xiaofan suddenly thought of a question.

At the beginning, the old gentleman always gave Zhang Xiaofan a kind of medicine to strengthen his body, and took some medicinal baths that were very beneficial to his body.

Is it?

Those medicines are medicines for improving cultivation?
This is the most reasonable explanation for Zhang Xiaofan to think that he has this level of cultivation.

Actual combat experience, it is easy to understand, is to improve the strength of cultivation through combat.

This is the easiest but also the most dangerous.

A little carelessness, and you are finished.

Zhang Xiaofan continued to read.

After reading it, Zhang Xiaofan felt his strength.

"According to the book, I am now at the seventh level of the Yuan Kaijing."

Zhang Xiaofan finally knew how to judge the strength of himself and others.

He remembered that when he was fighting Tang Hao, he was only at the sixth level of Yuan Kaijing.

But then it became the seventh level of the Yuan Kaijing.

It seems that it should be the reason for the battle.

This is Zhang Xiaofan's own judgment.

How could it be so easy to improve one level of cultivation after one or two battles, it's just that you are too perverted.

After several hours of driving, Zhang Xiaofan and Zhou Zimei finally returned to Stone Village.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, all the roads in the village were repaired.

This efficiency is really high.

Zhou Zimei looked at Stone Village, which she hadn't returned to for a long time, and felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart.

"Mom, what is this place?"

Kangkang asked about Zhou Zimei.

"This is where my mother grew up." Zhou Zimei replied.

"Sister Zimei, let me take you home first."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Just like that, Zhang Xiaofan took Zhou Zimei towards her parents' house.

Zhou Zimei was very scared at first, but with Zhang Xiaofan accompanying her, she felt much more at ease.

Walking in the village, many villagers pointed and said.

Maybe it's because Zhou Zimei hasn't come back for a long time, or maybe it's because her image has changed a lot.

"Who is that girl? Why did she get so close to Xiaofan, and who does that child belong to?"

"Oh my God! That woman is dressed in gorgeous clothes, lipstick, and foundation. She can't be Xiaofan's lover outside!"

"What nonsense, would Xiaofan fall in love with that kind of woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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