Murano's little genius

Chapter 338 Not biological

Chapter 338 Not biological

Seeing this situation, some villagers have already gone to Zhang Xiaofan's house.


After going out for a few days, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly came back with a strange woman and a child beside her.

For the villagers who like to gossip, this is "breaking" news.

"Xiaofan, you're back!"

"Yes Uncle Six."

"You boy, why did you bring back a woman and a child after going out for a few days?"

A short man saw Zhang Xiaofan and immediately greeted him with a smile.

This person is called Uncle Six, which is what everyone in the village calls him.

And Zhang Xiaofan actually doesn't know his specific name, because everyone calls him Sixth Uncle.

Plus Zhang Xiaofan has not seen him a few times.

Sixth Uncle leaned close to Zhang Xiaofan's ear and whispered the last sentence.

"Uncle Six, he's Zhou Zimei."

"Hello Uncle Six!"

Zhou Zimei greeted Sixth Uncle politely.

Uncle Six scratched his head.

Zhou Zimei?
He couldn't remember for a moment.

There are thousands of people in Shitou Village, but the sixth uncle can't remember just the name.

"Uncle Six, you are busy, we are leaving."

Zhang Xiaofan said.


"Who is it?"

"Zhou Zimei?"

"Oh! I remembered"

When Liu Shu remembered, Zhang Xiaofan and the others had already disappeared around the corner of the road.

Then walked for a few more minutes.

All the villagers who saw it were so curious.

In front of several red brick houses.

This is Zhou Zimei's home.

Looking at the extremely familiar place in front of her, Zhou Zimei's eyes were already red.


"Aren't you not in the village these days? Why are you back?"

Said a dark-skinned woman wearing a straw hat and holding a hoe on her shoulder.

This person is Zhou Zimei's mother, Lao Hualan.

In the current stone village, Zhang Xiaofan is already a "celebrity", everyone in the stone village knows it, everyone knows it.

Looking at her who was about to go out to work, Zhang Xiaofan said, "I'll be back when I'm done."

"Xiaofan, who are they?"

Lao Hualan glanced at Zhou Zimei and Kangkang and asked.

Zhang Xiaofan was surprised, as a mother, she didn't know her own daughter when she saw her?
Even though it has been several years, Zhou Zimei's appearance has changed a little.

The villagers don't know each other, but as a biological mother, it's impossible not to know her!
After all, Zhang Xiaofan can recognize Zhou Zimei from back then.

"Mom, I'm Zimei."

Although Zhou Zimei has hated her parents since the day she got married.

But, after all, they are their biological parents.

No matter how resentful I was, when I really saw her, I was still very excited and happy.

In particular, Zhou Zimei resented the hardships she had endured in marrying Qian Feng in these years, but she hoped very much in her heart to see her parents and get their care.

It's a pity that she knows that her parents have forgotten her.

Like poured water, there is no memory.

Therefore, Zhou Zimei didn't find it strange that Lao Hualan couldn't recognize her at the moment.

It's just that my heart hurts like a knife.


Lao Hualan took a closer look and seemed to recognize it.

"Why are you back? Didn't I say a few years ago not to come back?"

What I saw was no joy, only complaints and unhappiness.

This is Lao Hualan's reaction.

Her wrinkled face was even more disgusting.

Zhou Zimei who had just taken two steps stopped.

Out of instinct just now, she really wanted to go up and hug her mother.

However, Lao Hualan's words really made her heart bleed, and her eyes were already filled with tears.

"Auntie, Zhou Zimei is your daughter, it's rare to come back, how can you do this?"

Zhang Xiaofan said angrily.

"Daughter married off, water thrown out."

"From the day she got married, she was no longer my daughter."

Lao Hualan said.

A married daughter is like water poured out. The original meaning of this saying is that parents say it because they are reluctant and worried that their married daughter will never come back.

In Lao Hualan's mouth, it had a different meaning.

In her eyes, Zhou Zimei is really just a plate of water, if it is poured out, it will be poured out, without any miss or reluctance, only ruthlessness.

Zhou Zimei didn't speak, she turned around, unable to control the pain in her heart, she covered her face and wept.

"Auntie, I'm really disappointed when you say that. Do you know what kind of life Sister Zimei has been living these years?"

"Now that she comes back, she doesn't expect anything extravagantly. She just hopes to get the care and love of her parents, even a little bit is enough."

"But now, what you said just now is worse than my Xiao Hei!"

Zhang Xiaofan will not be polite to her just because she is an elder.

Lao Hualan's attitude towards Zhou Zimei and what she said just now.

There is simply no humanity whatsoever.

When Zhang Xiaofan said this, Lao Hualan did not refute.

"I don't care, you tell her to leave quickly."

Lao Hualan said quickly.

At this time, a man who appeared to be in his 50s came out of the house.

This person is Zhou Zimei's father, Zhou Guangrun.

"Uncle Guangrun, sister Zimei is back, how can you as parents have such an attitude?"

Zhang Xiaofan questioned Zhou Guangrun directly.

"That Xiaofan, hey!"

Zhou Guangrun also shook his head and sighed.

"Leave quickly, I will see you when I come back later, I will definitely drive you out."

Lao Hualan stared blankly at her daughter Zhou Zimei and said, then walked out with the hoe in her hands.


Zhou Guangrun called Zhou Zimei.

His cloudy eyes revealed his father's longing for his daughter.

This is very different from Lao Hualan just now.

Zhou Zimei turned her head and looked at her father Zhou Guangrun with red eyes.

"Dad, you don't recognize me anymore, do you?"

Zhou Zimei asked.

"Meimei, it's dad who's sorry for you."

Suddenly, Zhou Guangrun burst into tears.

Men don't flick their tears easily, just because they haven't reached the sad place.

What's more, they are still old men, and there are not many things that can make them cry.

Family affection may be the only item.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that there was a story in it.

"Dad!" Zhou Zimei couldn't control her inner emotions, and walked up to hug her father.

And Zhou Guangrun also hugged his daughter with his calloused hands.

Since Zhou Guangrun, as a father, has such deep affection for his daughter.

But why did he and his wife, Lao Hualan, deny Zhou Zimei?

"Meimei, Dad is sorry for you. If you want to blame, you can blame me."

Zhou Guangrun wiped the corners of his deeply wrinkled eyes with his old hands.

"Dad, don't mention the past, what's the point of being strange or not?"

Zhou Zimei is far stronger than Zhang Xiaofan imagined.

"A few years ago, both your mother and I knew about Qian Feng."

Zhou Guangrun said.

The matter of Qian Feng should refer to the matter of gambling.

"You know the situation at home. Although your younger brother is married to a wife, he is still lazy."

"Your mother was afraid that you would ask your family for money, so she simply told you not to come back, and then she didn't contact you."

"In addition, your brother was imprisoned for half a year for fighting two years ago, and his wife also ran away."

"Your mother has been sad for a long time."

"So, what she said now is very unpleasant."

Zhou Guangrun said.

"Uncle Guangrun, Sister Zimei is her biological daughter no matter what happens, she cannot be abandoned as a daughter."

"What's more, something like this happened. Sister Zimei is a daughter, so she should be missed very much."

Zhang Xiaofan really couldn't figure it out.

"Hey! Xiaofan, there may be something you don't know."

"Of course, Meme doesn't know either."

"Meimei, since that's the case, Xiaofan is here today, so I'll tell you the secret I've kept for more than 20 years."

"Actually, you are not our own."

"More than 20 years ago, your mother and I were married for a whole year and couldn't conceive a child."

"Seeing many doctors didn't help."

"Out of helplessness, I adopted you back."

"But unexpectedly, she became pregnant with your younger brother afterwards."

Zhou Guangrun smoked a cigarette and said.

"With your own child, still a boy, your mother is very partial."

"You've felt it since you were a kid."

"And you know your mother's temper, I can't say a word."

"If I say something, she will take it back to my mother's house and threaten me, and sometimes even make some threats."

"I am also very helpless about your matter."

"I wanted to marry you off in exchange for gift money back then, and I didn't agree either."

"But your mother put a knife on her own neck. I really can't help it."

"And the rest, I can only listen to your mother."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Guangrun let out a long sigh.

Hearing that she was not her own, Zhou Zimei froze and fell into a complicated emotion.

Who can understand that feeling?
(End of this chapter)

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