Murano's little genius

Chapter 339 You Say One More Try

Chapter 339 Try Saying Another One

After Zhang Xiaofan heard this, all the doubts in his heart were answered.

At this moment, I also understand why Lao Hualan is so inhumane to Zhou Zimei.

Lao Hualan is just a rural woman, who is actually traditional and feudal from head to toe.

This is patriarchal, let alone not his own son, and what happened to his own son.

"Dad, although you are not my own father, in my eyes, you are my own father."

Zhou Zimei said.

Suddenly, she became calm.

It seems that the heart is very empty, like a bird without direction.

Because, without a home, let alone parents.

"Meimei, if you come back, I'm afraid I can't keep you at home."

"You saw your mother's attitude just now. It is impossible for her to be here for you."

Zhou Guangrun said.

"It's okay, I know."

Zhou Zimei's heart ached so badly that she couldn't breathe.

I am not their own, since the time when I married myself in exchange for gift money.

Actually, it doesn't matter anymore.

They raised themselves up, and they became tools and exchanged for money.

This is considered "repayment".

At this moment, Zhou Zimei was so heartbroken that she "relieved".

As a person who has always been afraid of his wife, Zhou Guangrun has nothing to do.

Although she felt sorry for Zhou Zimei, he couldn't do anything against his wife's wishes.

"Meimei, how are you and Qian Feng doing now?"

Zhou Guangrun asked.

"We're divorced." Zhou Zimei replied flatly.


Zhou Guangrun is the most sensitive to the word divorce.

Especially when my son was imprisoned for half a year because of a fight, my daughter-in-law also divorced her son.

At that time, Zhou Guangrun was smoking a cigarette all day and staring at the sky in a daze.

I can't lift my head when walking in the village.

I lost all face.

Now, Zhou Zimei is also divorced.

"Meimei, you must not let the people in the village know about this."

"Or, you should leave Stone Village as soon as possible. If someone accidentally finds out that you are divorced, the saliva of other people's gossip can drown you."

"Some people will even drive you out as an ominous person."

Zhou Guangrun said hastily.

The expression is naturally terrified.

He is also afraid of being gossiped behind his back.

"Uncle Guangrun, sister Zimei won't leave when she comes back this time."

"She has nowhere to go now, where do you let her go?"

I thought Zhou Guangrun was different, but now it seems that he is not reliable.

"It's not that you don't know the situation in Stone Village. It's not good for Meimei to come back here."

"As long as she lives here, the villagers will know about her divorce sooner or later."

"I'm also doing it for her."

Zhou Guangrun said.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled and shook his head and said: "Uncle Guangrun, if you are really good for her, you should let her stay."

"Have you ever thought about how Sister Mei got here all these years?"

"Do you know how much she suffered?"

"Uncle Guang Run, I'll tell you straight here."

"Sister Zimei, I will definitely let her stay."

"Xiaofan, you can't do this, it will make it difficult for us to be human."

Zhou Guangrun said with a frown.

"Uncle Guangrun, I'm not happy when you say that."

"Since you treat Miss Zimei like this, then what I do is none of your business."

Zhang Xiaofan looked very angry.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan angry, Zhou Guangrun was also a little scared.

After all, the current Zhang Xiaofan is like a god in Stone Village.

Stone Village is getting better and better under the leadership of her and Lin Wanrou.

Of course, Zhou Guangrun knew that Zhang Xiaofan's original intentions were good.

He can't pass the test in his own heart.

Why didn't he feel uncomfortable.

"Dad! I want 500 yuan."

Zhou Fucai hurried in and asked his father Zhou Guangrun for money.

Just like a child, but Zhou Fucai is not small.

One year older than Zhang Xiaofan, they are all married and have been in prison.

"Fucai, I only gave you 500 yuan a week ago, and now you want another 500 yuan."

"You spend too much money!"

"You are so young, hurry up and find a job in the county."

"Work for a few years, then get married."

Zhou Guangrun said.

"I'm in my twenties, isn't it normal to spend a few hundred a week?"

"Besides, I stayed in it for so long before, so I have to have a good time."

"It's okay to get married! Help me get tens of thousands of dollars, and I will come to propose marriage right away."

Zhou Fucai said foolishly.


Zhou Guangrun was also too angry to speak.

"Fu Cai, you should be sensible."

Zhou Zimei still couldn't help talking.

No matter what, to Zhou Zimei they are all her "relatives".

Zhou Fucai is still the "brother" who is so delicious and carefree.

In addition, she is an emotional woman.

It's very easy to soften your heart.

"Who are you? It's none of your business."

Zhou Fucai raised his chin and said unhappily.

"He is your sister."

Zhou Guangrun said.

"My sister? What kind of sister do I have?"

Zhou Fucai looked at Zhou Zimei frivolously.

"Oh! So it's you!"

"I didn't expect you to come back, come on! Now I have money to collect."

"If you want me to call you sister, hurry up and spend a few thousand dollars."

Zhou Fucai stretched out his hand and said.

Zhou Fucai didn't have any big reaction to Zhou Zimei's appearance.

All he thought about was money.

"I have no money."

Zhou Zimei said.

"Stop kidding, you'll have no money."

"You married a rich husband."

"I was going to find you these few days, but I didn't expect you to show up."

"It seems that we grew up together, and we have a good understanding! You actually know that I'm short of money."

Zhou Fucai, who looks slovenly, seems to have a lot of things he doesn't know.

At least, he didn't know about Qian Feng's gambling.

"I'm divorced and have no money."

Zhou Zimei took the initiative to tell about her divorce.

It seems that she doesn't shy away from it.


Zhou Fucai did not expect Zhou Zimei to say such a thing.

"Don't lie to me, you will get a divorce."

"Married to a rich man, you have money to spend while sitting, will you get a divorce?"

"Wouldn't that be a reason for not giving me money?"

Zhou Fucai didn't believe it.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you."

"You are such a grown-up person, and you have been in and sat in it. You should know how to reform yourself, be a down-to-earth person, and do things well."

Zhou Zimei's tone was very similar to that of a sister.

"Zhou Zimei, don't speak so nicely."

"If it wasn't for me, would you marry such a good person?"

"I tell you, you still have to thank me!"

"Now I have been in prison, and my wife is gone."

"You have to be responsible!"

Zhou Fucai's words have exposed his problems.

What kind of logic is this.

"Fu Cai, pay attention to your attitude when talking to your sister."

Zhou Guangrun said.

Zhou Fucai glanced at Kangkang, then said with a smile, "Divorce? You won't be kicked out because you found a man with a bastard?"

"Haha! I said, I haven't come back for so long, and now I come back so suddenly."


"Zhou Fucai, try another word!"

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't take it anymore, he kicked Zhou Fucai directly.

Zhou Fucai flew out and lay on the ground like a dog.

Unexpectedly, there are such slippery fish in Stone Village.

(End of this chapter)

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