Chapter 340

The sudden kick made Zhou Fucai scream.

As an old father, Zhou Guangrun hurried up to help Zhou Fucai up.

After Zhou Fucai came in, probably because he was desperate for money, he didn't realize that the person standing next to Zhou Zimei was Zhang Xiaofan.

Regarding Zhang Xiaofan kicking his son Zhou Fucai, although he felt distressed, Zhou Guangrun couldn't say anything.

After all, Zhou Fucai owed it and deserved a fight.

In addition, the person who made the move was Zhang Xiaofan, so it was hard to say anything.

"Asshole. Who the hell are you? Dare to kick me."

Zhou Fucai, who was helped up by Zhou Guangrun, clutched his abdomen with a pained expression.

"Zhou Guangrun, take a good look at who I am!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I don't care what you are."

I wanted to say some more awesome words, but when I saw it was Zhang Xiaofan, I immediately shut up.

"Hey, Xiao Fan, it turned out to be you."

"Why are you so free to come to my house today?"

Enduring the pain, Zhou Fucai said with a smirk.

In Stone Village, the name Zhang Xiaofan is the nemesis of people like Zhou Fucai.

"Apologize to your sister!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Zhou Fucai didn't dare to fart.

Enduring the severe pain in his abdomen, he walked over without even patting the dirt on his face.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I said something wrong just now."

The attitude of apologizing is very sincere.

But Zhang Xiaofan knows that a person like Zhou Fucai is a dog who can't change and eats shit, so it's a bit difficult for him to admit his mistakes from the bottom of his heart.

"Zhou Fucai, you are a big man, you have hands and feet, and you ask your parents for money, you are really shameless!"

"If you continue like this, you will enter the palace for the second time in a short time."

Zhang Xiaofan said.


Zhou Fucai didn't speak, he just scratched his head and smirked.

"There is a manure shoveler in my farm, I think you can do it."

"Dung shovel?"

Hearing this, Zhou Fucai panicked.

"Xiaofan, I haven't done it before, and I won't!"

Said inside.

"It's okay, I'll let someone teach you."

"Go report now, just say I arranged it."

"If you don't go, it's okay, but if you ask your parents for money again, I will teach you for your father."

"Uncle Guangrun, is this okay?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Yes, of course."

Zhou Guangrun also had nothing to do with his son.

Now Zhang Xiaofan can help discipline, that would be the best.

"That's it, let's go now."

"In addition, I can tell you that if you don't do well, you will not only lose your salary, but you will also be deducted from your salary."

Zhang Xiaofan said seriously.

These words frightened Zhou Fucai.

He didn't dare not listen to Zhang Xiaofan's words.

Otherwise, he would not be able to stay in Stone Village.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Zhou Fucai lowered his head, his face as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

Meeting a nemesis like Zhang Xiaofan is considered his "blessing".

A few days ago, when I saw Zhang Xiaofan in the village, I hid whenever I could.

For people like Zhou Fucai who are lazy, cynical, and go out to play every day.

When Zhang Xiaofan sees it, he must be taught a lesson.

What's more, Zhou Zimei was forced to marry for money because of Zhou Fucai.

I was even more angry inside.

You said that Zhou Zimei's happiness was exchanged for money to marry a wife, which is a bad thing to do.

And after exchanging money for you, you finally married a wife, but you don't know how to cherish it.

Instead, he became a "waste".

"Xiaofan, thank you!"

"I've been telling him before, asking him to do things for you, but he doesn't listen at all."

"I know that I go out to play all day, and when I have no money to play, I reach out again."


After speaking, Zhou Guangrun sighed.

Perhaps this is his incompetence and his helplessness.

As the so-called fault of the son not teaching the father, Zhou Fucai has become what he is today, and it seems that Zhou Guangrun is also inseparable.

After all, he is Zhou Fucai's father.

"Uncle Guangrun, sister Zimei will go back to live in Stone Village from now on."

"You can tell your aunt directly about this matter, and say that I arranged this matter."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan took Zhou Zimei and left.

Zhou Guangrun wanted to say something again, but he couldn't say it.

He is really not qualified to say this.

Otherwise, the old face will be completely exposed by Zhang Xiaofan.

At this moment, he was worried, worried about how to tell this to his long-awaited wife.

After all, she won't come back to Zhou Zimei who is not divorced, let alone Zhou Zimei who is divorced will live in Stone Village in the future.

"Xiaofan, I think I should go to the county seat and rent a small room. I will take care of Kangkang while working part-time. He is also at the age of kindergarten now."

After what happened just now, Zhou Zimei was a little shaken.

After all, he didn't want to bring too much trouble to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Sister Zimei, you are renting a house in the county, and the expenses for utilities, food, etc. are very high."

"And the wages in the county are pitifully low for everything."

"And Kangkang still has to study."

Zhang Xiaofan directly addressed the issue of money.

"It's okay, I can do it."

Zhou Zimei said.

Although the words are simple, Zhang Xiaofan can't see the pain in Zhou Zimei's heart.

"Sister Zimei, you don't have to think about it, I won't agree."

"In Stone Village, you will have a job, a place to live, and Kangkang will also have a place to study."

Zhang Xiaofan's attitude became "tough".

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's "tough" tone that could not be refuted, Zhou Zimei knew that she still wanted to listen to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan made a phone call to Lin Wanrou.

Lin Wanrou who was busy hurried over.

"Wanrou, this is Sister Zimei, I want her to stay with you for a few days."

Zhang Xiaofan said directly.

Lin Wanrou looked at Zhou Zimei and said, "Yes, I just need a companion."

If it is the second person, let a woman live with him like this, and bring a child.

Lin Wanrou definitely refused.

But, this person is Zhang Xiaofan,

So she agreed without thinking too much.

So, Zhang Xiaofan brought Zhou Zimei to Lin Wanrou's residence.

"Xiaofan, why did you bring back a woman and a child when you went out?"

Lin Wanrou pulled Zhang Xiaofan aside and asked softly.

Zhang Xiaofan roughly told Lin Wanrou about Zhou Zimei.

"That's it, don't worry, I will help with this matter."

After hearing about Zhou Zimei, as a woman, Lin Wanrou felt somewhat sympathetic.

In addition, Zhou Zimei is also from Shitou Village, and she is the village head, so she has the responsibility and obligation to help Zhou Zimei's affairs.

"Okay, thank you Wanrou."

Not seeing each other for a few days, Zhang Xiaofan admired Lin Wanrou's beauty.

"You're welcome, your business is mine, not to mention that I am the village head, this is what I should do."

Lin Wanrou also looked at Zhang Xiaofan's handsome appearance and said.

There is also a feeling in my heart that I haven't seen him for a few days, and I really miss him.

This point, Lin Wanrou actually admitted.

During the few days when Zhang Xiaofan was away, her heart was empty.

I always feel like something is missing.

At night, I often dream of doing things with Zhang Xiaofan.

It's really good to have Zhang Xiaofan's presence.

Zhang Xiaofan called just now, saying that he has returned to the village.

Lin Wanrou was inexplicably excited.

It was as if the person I had been looking forward to for a long time had returned.

Seeing her now, Lin Wanrou also knew what she lacked these days.

Without the feeling of being around Zhang Xiaofan, that feeling is beautiful and sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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