Murano's little genius

Chapter 341 Chapter 341

Chapter 341 Chapter 341

Today happened to be the day when the medicinal materials were harvested, after Zhang Xiaofan settled Zhou Zimei, he rushed to the medicinal material planting place.

When they arrived at the planting place of medicinal materials, Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan were already directing the harvest.

Several trucks sent by Li Peishan were waiting.

"Brother Tieniu, Quan Dan, how is the situation?"

Zhang Xiaofan went up and asked.

"Xiaofan, don't worry, everything you told me has been done very well."

Zhao Tieniu said while smoking a cigarette.

"Okay, I'm relieved to leave the matter of medicinal materials to you."

"After the medicinal materials are collected today, take the villagers to the Shi'ao Restaurant in the town for a good meal, just report my name."

Zhang Xiaofan patted Zhao Tieniu's shoulder and said.

"By the way, Xiaofan, Widow Zhou doesn't look very well these two days, you can go and take a look for her."

Zhao Tieniu said.

"Yes! Xiaofan, I've seen her listless these two days. You're not here, and there is no doctor in the village."

"Thinking about taking her to town, she said it's okay."

Zhang Quandan also said.

"Okay, then I'll go and have a look."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the small house by the field.

Inside the small house, Zhou Shuyi was sitting in a daze.

Some of the accounts she calculated several times were wrong.

"Zhou Shuyi, you can't do this, you have to do well what Xiaofan entrusted to you."

Zhou Shuyi said to herself.

"Miss Shuyi!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded at the door.

Zhou Shuyi immediately looked towards the door.

Her eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face.

The heart that had been immersed for a few days moved again.

She stood up, oblivious to anything else.

He rushed straight up, wrapped his arms around Zhang Xiaofan's waist and hugged him fiercely.

If it wasn't for fear of Zhang Xiaofan's rejection.

Zhou Shuyi has already used her sexy little red lips to Zhang Xiaofan's lips.

Being hugged by Zhou Shuyi so suddenly.

Zhang Xiaofan

Smelling the fragrance of Zhou Shuyi's hair, Zhang Xiaofan
"Sister Shuyi, if you hug me like this again, I will call you molested."

Zhang Xiaofan joked.

"You shout, I'm not afraid!"

Zhou Shuyi still didn't intend to let go.

She is enjoying the feeling of the moment.

"Sister Shuyi, I heard Brother Tieniu and the others say that you are not feeling well."

Zhang Xiaofan held Zhou Shuyi's smooth white hand, felt the pulse.

"Xiaofan, I've been very uncomfortable these few days, I'm not in the mood, I'm out of shape."

Zhou Shuyi finally let go of Zhang Xiaofan, and said coquettishly.

"Well, this disease is not simple."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a little thought.

"Xiaofan, is it serious?"

Zhou Shuyi asked quickly.

"It's very serious, it's already terminally ill."


What Zhang Xiaofan said made Zhou Shuyi's face pale with fright.

"Xiaofan, I'm not going to die, am I?"

Zhou Shuyi fluttered her beautiful eyes, looking at Zhang Xiaofan a little bit like crying.

"You forgot, I'm a doctor."

Zhang Xiaofan moved Zhou Shuyi's somewhat messy hair and said.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Zhou Shuyi hugged her again.

"I knew, Xiaofan, you must have a way."

Zhou Shuyi was very excited.

Suddenly, he raised his head, and kissed Zhang Xiaofan's cheek with jelly-like elastic lips.

That feeling is great!
"You are waiting for me at home tonight, and I will help you treat it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I still have things to deal with, so I'm leaving first."

"Xiaofan, I want a kiss."

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan wanted to leave, Zhou Shuyi boldly asked for a kiss.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled.

He went up and gave Zhou Shuyi a kiss.

If it wasn't for the time and place, what Zhang Xiaofan gave would not be a matter of kissing.

After Zhang Xiaofan walked out, Zhou Shuyi was as happy as first love, so sweet.

In fact, Zhou Shuyi was not sick at all.

The reason why you have such symptoms is that you miss someone too much.

And who is that person?

Obviously it was Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan himself knew it well.

So I'm going to help Shuyi Zhou tonight

Leaving the medicinal material planting place, Zhang Xiaofan returned home.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

Seeing the cows in the barn, Zhang Xiaofan knew that his grandfather was at home.

As for Zhang Dalei, because someone told him that Zhang Xiaofan was back, he prepared the meals early.

There were also two bottles of wine on the table.

It seems that this is to have a good drink with his grandson Zhang Xiaofan.

"Grandpa, is today a good day?"

Zhang Xiaofan washed his hands and immediately sat down.

The stomach is also a little hungry.

"Xiaofan, Grandpa wants to ask you for help."

Zhang Dalei said seriously.

"Grandpa, I'm your grandson. If you have anything to say, you can just say it, and you don't have to keep it up."

Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative to pour Zhang Dalei a glass of wine.

"You're busy after all, and what I'm asking you to do will take some time."

"I don't know if you are free."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a somewhat unexcited tone.

"Grandpa, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly. No matter how busy I am, as long as it's your business, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward to help Zhang Dalei massage his shoulders and said.

"40 years ago, your grandfather and I worked in a mine."

"Meet a very good friend."

"He saved my life and I saved his life"

"He and I are also friends of life and death."

"But later for special reasons, he went elsewhere."

"I haven't seen him since then."

"Until yesterday, I received a letter from him."

As he spoke, Zhang Dalei took out a letter.

Zhang Xiaofan took it, opened it and read it.

Zhang Dalei's life-and-death acquaintance, Xu Zhiyou, is now seriously ill, and it has been a long time since the doctor's diagnosis, probably more than a month.

Hope to see Zhang Dalei in the last days.

Lastly is the address.

no phone.

Judging from the characters, Zhang Xiaofan really believed that it was written by the old man, because many traditional characters were used in it.

"Xiaofan, grandpa hopes that you can help me take a look at him."

"Also, your medical skills are good, let's see if there is any way to cure his illness."

Zhang Dalei took a sip of the wine and said.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, since I was your life-and-death friend back then, I will definitely go."

"But grandpa, won't you go with me?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Grandpa is old and can't take a car. Also, look at the address. It will take at least a day to get there."

"I'm not used to being so far away from Stone Village."

This is the explanation given by Zhang Dalei.

If you can't take a car, Zhang Xiaofan is a doctor after all, he has a way to solve it.

But when he heard the latter sentence, Zhang Xiaofan didn't force it.

As an old man, he never likes to leave the place where he lives for a long time.

"Grandpa, I'll go there in three days, because I happen to be going to Nandu in three days' time."

Knowing that the above address is in Nandu, Zhang Xiaofan said.


Zhang Dalei nodded.

There seemed to be no gloomy expression on his face.

"By the way, I just heard from people in the village that you brought a woman back."

"How is this going?"

(End of this chapter)

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