Murano's little genius

Chapter 342 The rest of my life is only for you

Chapter 342 The rest of my life is only for you
Taking advantage of some free time, Zhang Xiaofan went to the clinic to help several villagers from other villages see their illnesses.

Zhang Xiaofan felt that he might rarely be able to stay in the clinic in the future.

In this case, it will be inconvenient for the villagers in the future.

Just like these few days, when he was in the village, it was inconvenient for many people to see a doctor.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan thought of Miao Yuchen.

Zhang Xiaofan took out his mobile phone and dialed Miao Yuchen directly.

After a few beeps, the phone was connected.

"Pretty Dr. Miao, are you free to chat?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked directly.

"Master, you finally remember me as an apprentice."

"You don't know how much I miss you these days."

Hearing that it was Zhang Xiaofan, Miao Yuchen was as happy as a child.

There is no such thing as a doctor.

"I don't believe it. If you miss me as a master, why don't you take the initiative to call me?"

"Now I have to take the initiative to call."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Master, it's not like this, I just want to surprise you."

Miao Yuchen said.

"What surprise?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Will Miao Yuchen surprise herself?Zhang Xiaofan is interested in this.

"Master, it wouldn't be a surprise if I said it." Miao Yuchen said rather mysteriously.

"Is it like this?"

"Okay, then I will trust you."

"By the way, you said you came to Stone Village to study medicine with me, why haven't you come yet?"

"I'm looking forward to it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"It will come, just wait."

Miao Yuchen said mischievously.

"Hurry up, or I'll choose someone else."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Don't worry, Master, I won't give you the chance to choose someone else."

"Master, let's do this first. I still have an emergency operation, so I'll hang up first."

After speaking, Miao Yuchen hung up the phone.

The reason why Zhang Xiaofan made this call was actually because he wanted Miao Yuchen to come here as a free doctor.

This can be regarded as Zhang Xiaofan's selfishness.

In fact, it wasn't selfish, it was Miao Yuchen who said he would come.

Zhang Xiaofan is just taking advantage of this opportunity, I believe Miao Yuchen will not mind.

In the evening, Zhang Xiaofan went to Zhou Shuyi's house after finishing some matters.

As the saying goes, spend a full moon night.
Zhang Xiaofan looked up.

no moon?
It's not that there is no moon, but it is blocked by the rest of the clouds passing by in a hurry.

This made Zhang Xiaofan's good mood drop a bit.

In determining a person's mood, internal factors are the focus, and the environment is also one of the factors.

However, Zhang Xiaofan felt that something big was going to happen tonight.

After humming a few ditties, they came to Zhou Shuyi's house.

Zhang Xiaofan was about to open the door.

The door was only ajar, not closed.

hehe!Obviously Zhou Shuyi left the door.

Otherwise, at night, it is impossible for a woman to stay at home without closing the door.

Zhang Xiaofan pushed the door open and entered.

Then the door was closed.

into the yard.

The lights in the room were still on.

Zhang Xiaofan walked over with a slightly "hungry" pace.

Same, the door was not closed, it was just concealed.


"Sister Shuyi, I'm here."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

A figure with sparse and revealing clothes rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan.

"Xiaofan, don't move, first let me cuddle up against your chest for a few minutes."

Zhou Shuyi, who was wearing a lace nightdress, might not have hugged her enough during the day.

Zhang Xiaofan just entered the room, she quickly hugged him.

This time, I hugged him tighter and harder.

It was as if she was afraid that Zhang Xiaofan would run away and disappear.

This is not a hug, but because of the fear after having love.

Zhang Xiaofan's strong chest seems to be the harbor where Zhou Shuyi stays.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan moved his somewhat unnatural hand, and put it on Zhou Shuyi's back that was as soft as fat, smooth and tender.

Man is a visual animal, but also a tactile animal.

When the hand touched Zhou Shuyi's back, that strong feeling impacted Zhang Xiaofan's sense of touch.

This made Zhang Xiaofan hug Zhou Shuyi tightly.

For Zhang Xiaofan, a woman's back actually has a special "taste".

We often focus on the front of women visually.

And often ignore their backs.

In fact, a woman's back is a sexy and mysterious place, not only on the skin, but also on the contours he can touch.

The back is connected to the willow waist, and below it is the round buttocks, and the bottom is simply imaginative.

"Xiaofan, you are not in the village these few days, do you know how much I miss you."

"It feels like the soul is gone."

Zhou Shuyi looked up at Zhang Xiaofan's handsome face and said.

"Sister Shuyi, I miss you too."

"Come on, let's go to bed for treatment."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Don't go to bed, the child is already asleep, just stay here on the sofa."

Zhou Shuyi took Zhang Xiaofan's hand and sat on the sofa.

"Xiaofan, tell me how to treat it."

"Is it still the same massage and acupuncture as before?"

Zhou Shuyi said.

"No massage or acupuncture this time."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Ah! I don't want to take medicine, I'm afraid of taking medicine."

In front of Zhang Xiaofan, Zhou Shuyi showed all the "hypocrisy" of a woman.

Let me ask, which man doesn't like it?
"You don't need to take medicine either." Zhang Xiaofan continued.

After speaking, she approached Zhou Shuyi.

Zhou Shuyi didn't understand what Zhang Xiaofan was going to do.

Zhang Xiaofan moved close to Zhou Shuyi's ear, and breathed lightly.

Then Zhou Shuyi's tender body softened, and fell directly into Zhang Xiaofan's arms.

This trick is very interesting.

"Sister Shuyi, I'm about to start treatment, are you ready?"

Zhang Xiaofan pretended to be very serious and said.

"En!" Zhou Shuyi blinked her beautiful eyes and nodded slightly.

"Xiaofan, do you want to take it off?"

Zhou Shuyi asked suddenly, pointing to the lace nightdress she was wearing.

"No, this is just fine."

There is a kind of beauty called the beauty of wearing sexy clothes.

What's more, Zhou Shuyi is still wearing a lace nightdress now.

From top to bottom, the attractiveness, to put it bluntly, is much more attractive than not wearing it at all.

"Close your eyes." Zhang Xiaofan said softly.

Zhou Shuyi was very obedient, and slowly closed her eyes.

Zhang Xiaofan leaned closer, feeling the body fragrance from Zhou Shuyi's body, as well as her exhaled fragrance.

Make you feel like you are in a wonderful paradise.

Finally, the special "vigor" in Zhang Xiaofan's body exploded!
When the mouth goes up, it is a passionate kiss.

Zhou Shuyi wanted to do something, but
In the room an hour later.

The clothes are messy on the sofa.

Zhou Shuyi, who was flushed with happiness, snuggled into Zhang Xiaofan's arms.

"Xiaofan, you are so annoying, you clearly said you want to be treated, but it turned out."

Zhou Shuyi's hand drew circles on Zhang Xiaofan's chest.

"Isn't this what you want?" Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I hate it, I know that."

Zhou Shuyi lightly punched Zhang Xiaofan's chest with her fist.

"Actually, your health is fine, you just miss me too much."

"However, it can't be like this in the future."

"It's not good for your health to do this all the time."

"You have to remember that no matter where I am or what I do, you will always be in my heart."

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Zhou Shuyi was completely moved.

"Xiao Fan, I will only live for you for the rest of my life."

Zhou Shuyi made a kind of oath.

"Fool, you still have children, and your parents."

"Live only for me, and I am not a sinner anymore."

Zhang Xiaofan scratched Zhou Shuyi's nose and said.

Just after finishing speaking, Zhou Shuyi's kiss came again.

(End of this chapter)

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