Murano's little genius

Chapter 344 No money for meals?

Chapter 344 No money for meals?
After the meeting, Zhang Xiaofan personally went to the company's production workshop to check the situation of the production line.

And make sure that there is no problem with every machine used.

He also made some himself from start to finish.

Make sure that you can produce products that meet your requirements, so you can rest assured.

The managers of the company all praised Zhang Xiaofan's actions.

This is a good boss who really makes products!
"Tomorrow, I need the first product we make to fill all the pharmacies and beauty stores in FY County"

"And it sold out."

This is what Zhang Xiaofan said to the sales department of the company.

Although it is the first time to be the boss of a company, Zhang Xiaofan knows what to say seriously and still has to say it.

It's just a small task for them.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The people in the sales department spoke in unison.

"It's all new products, how can it be possible to complete the task, no matter how miraculous the medicine is, there must be a process of trust!"

But one of the female employees in the sales department whispered.

"That's right! This boss is still too young to know how difficult it is. This is an impossible task."

Another male salesperson said the same.

Full of mistrust and doubts about Zhang Xiaofan's people and words.

Although their voices were small, they were heard by Zhang Xiaofan.

"What our company needs are employees who use all their energy to achieve performance, not employees who say it's impossible when they encounter difficulties."

"You two are fired!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the male and female employees loudly and seriously and said.

Everyone present was a little confused, why did they fire him?

Li Peishan on the side didn't know why.

"Chairman, why did you fire us, what did we do wrong?"

The man said unconvinced.

"I heard exactly what you two said just now."

"The company doesn't need employees like you."

"If you haven't done it, you've been counseled. I'm sorry, this sales position is not suitable for you."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, the male employee bowed his head by default.

Unexpectedly, they were so far away, and they could hear them speaking so softly.

This sounds terrible.

"Chairman, I don't think the task you gave is reasonable at all, that's right."

"I'm not convinced that you fired us just because of what we said. Anyway, I have been an employee in Mr. Li's company for many years, and I still have the ability."

"As far as the task you just mentioned, it is impossible to complete."

The girl with braces pushed her glasses and said unconvinced.

Li Peishan wanted to speak, but Zhang Xiaofan immediately said, "Are you sure? What if other employees can complete this task tomorrow? What do you want to say?"

"I don't need to be fired from the company, I leave by myself, and I don't need any compensation.",

The girl with glasses and braces said confidently.

"it is good!"

"Everyone has heard it, and the time has come to witness your abilities."

The words of the girl with glasses and braces actually made other employees have higher fighting spirit.

"Xiaofan, those two employees just now have worked in my previous company for many years, and their performance is also good."

"I didn't expect them to say things like that behind their backs."

"It seems that the sentence is still confirmed, knowing people and knowing faces but not knowing the heart."

"Actually, you could have fired them just now without giving them face."

Li Peishan said.

"Actually, it didn't give them face, it just let them know more clearly that their ideas were wrong."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

As the saying goes, you don't have to do it yourself, letting him beat himself is the highest level.

After staying in the pharmaceutical company for half an hour, Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting left.

Taoyuan Hotel.

Walking into the restaurant, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes really shined.

The overall decoration style remains the same, but many details have changed.

Zhang Xiaofan just asked Ye Tongtong to recruit people and make preparations before opening.

She has opened the restaurant.

And it seems to be doing well.

It was full.

"Handsome Brother Fan, my beloved Boss Zhang, are you surprised to see this situation?"

"I have recruited all the people, according to your standards."

Ye Tongtong stood up with her pair of Cs and wore a work uniform, just like a hotel manager.

It's good to be young. Wearing this overalls on Ye Tongtong's body, it seems that the heroine in some films still needs to have good looks and a good figure.

"That. Tongtong, I just need you to help me recruit people. How did you manage to open the business?"

Zhang Xiaofan scratched his head and said.

"Isn't that good? Buy one get one free!"

"Tingting, do you think so?"

Ye Tongtong said.

Li Tingting just nodded with a smile on her face and didn't speak.

"Look at how good the business is now, it's much better than before."

Ye Tongtong continued.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that it was indeed Ye Tongtong's ability to make the restaurant so popular.

"All right, Manager Ye."

"But Manager Ye, what I need is not just good business."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a deep meaning.

"No! Brother Xiaofan, you are not satisfied with this! I feel that I have done a good job."

Ye Tongtong said with a big reaction.

"Tingting, take care of your man, he's not such a bully."

Ye Tongtong pouted and said aggrievedly.

"Brother Xiaofan, I think Tongtong has done a good job. She has put in a lot of work for this store in the past two days, and she only sleeps for four hours a day."

Li Tingting took Zhang Xiaofan's hand and said.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I just want to say that I need to make this restaurant dozens of times better than it is now, and make dozens of times more money than it is now."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Brother Fan, this is impossible!"

Ye Tongtong didn't believe it at all.

"Hehe! Tongtong, how about I make a bet with you? If you lose, you can just dance again. If you win, you have the final say." Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"Tingting, you heard, this is what your man said."

"If you lose at that time, don't blame me."

While speaking, Ye Tongtong looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a strange look.

That gaze, from top to bottom, stayed in a certain place for a while.

"Huh? Tongtong, why did I see that someone didn't pay for meals?"

The three men walked out without taking orders after eating.

It's my biggest taste of eating and drinking.

"What! Some people don't pay for meals!"

"See if my aunt doesn't deal with him."

Hearing this, Ye Tongtong's face was in full bloom.

"Stop! What quality do you guys have! Why don't you pay for meals, and pay back the three elders, don't be ashamed!"

Ye Tongtong straightened her C chest and said loudly.

The three men stopped in their tracks.

The obese man in the middle with a toothpick in his mouth stroked his chin and said, "Hey! What a boob!"

"I'm so scared!"

"Haha! I didn't expect there to be such a young and beautiful girl in a restaurant in this small county. It's interesting."

"Little girl, if you want me to give you money, that's fine!"

"Say good brother, maybe I'll give you money as soon as I'm happy."

Ye Tongtong was furious, she herself hated this kind of man.

"It's only natural to pay for meals. Not only are you refusing to pay, but you're also acting like a hooligan. Believe it or not, I'll call the police immediately!"

Ye Tongtong said.

"Hey! You're so fierce, you little girl, you even threatened us with the police."

"Brothers, this time is interesting. I haven't met such a strong woman for a long time."

"Mr. Dong, leave this matter to me, and I will help you deal with this chick."

A man in a suit walked towards Ye Tongtong.

"Little girl, it's only a few thousand yuan a month for you to work here."

"There is 10 yuan in this card, which is enough for your salary for a year."

"In addition, the meal money just now is also in it."

"As long as you go back with our President Dong and stay with him for a few days, all the money in this card will be yours."

The man in the suit said with a different smile.

"Bah! Disgusting, nasty! You scum in a suit!"

"Get out with your card, but don't forget, you have to pay for the meal."

Maybe because of Zhang Xiaofan's presence, Ye Tongtong seemed to be different.

He dared to show his fierce side to the bad guys.

After Ye Tongtong finished speaking, he threw the card directly at the door.

"How dare you throw my things!"


"Ah Hai, let me come, this girl is very fierce, you can't subdue her."

The fat-looking man said suddenly.

"Good Mr. Dong."

The man in the suit stepped back.

"Hehe! I, Dong Zhuo, have countless girls, but not many can suit my taste."

"You count as one."

"It's your luck to meet me."

"Because, if I hadn't happened to be hungry today and couldn't find a place to eat, I wouldn't have entered such a low-level restaurant."

The fat man stared at Ye Tongtong and said.

(End of this chapter)

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