Chapter 345

"In that case, how about I throw you out!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Hearing this, the three of them all looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

In this small county town, in a small restaurant, someone dared to say such things to them!


"Boy, who gave you the courage to say that sentence just now!"

"Do you know who is standing in front of you?"

"Quickly kneel down and apologize to Mr. Dong, otherwise you will have nothing to eat!"

The man in a suit pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and said loudly.

"There's another beautiful woman. It's really incredible. In a small restaurant, there are two such young and beautiful beauties at the same time. It seems that today is the right time to lie down!"

Looking at Li Tingting, the fat man Mr. Dong rubbed his hands and said lewdly.

However, when he saw that Li Tingting was holding Zhang Xiaofan's hand, his expression changed.

"What's the matter, are all the beauties looking for such a poor boy in shabby clothes?"

"Beauty, follow me, I'll give you [-] a month!"

"I'll buy you whatever you want!"

The fat man Dong Zong straightened his belly and said.

Li Tingting also hates this kind of person the most.

"Xiaofan, dare him go out."

Li Tingting shook Zhang Xiaofan's hand unhappily and said.

Beside Zhang Xiaofan, in fact, she is happiest when she is acting like a baby.


"My girlfriend said she was going to throw you out!"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a blank face.

"Hahaha! The forest is so big, it really has everything."

"A kid in poor clothes dares to say such a thing to me, Dong Zhuo."

"Young man, I, Dong Zhuo, came here. Even the leaders of your FY county will be very polite when they see me. You offended me like this, have you thought about what will happen?"

"Have you ever thought about the wealth gap between you and me?"

Dong Zhuo laughed until the fat on his face trembled, which was extremely ugly.

"I only know that you are a fat pig in my eyes."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Dong Zhuo suddenly became gloomy.

"It seems that you want to toast instead of eating fine wine!"

"In this small county, the person who dares to offend me, Dong Zhuo, has not yet been born!"

After speaking, Dong Zhuo wanted to give Zhang Xiaofan a kick with his clumsy movements.

But Zhang Xiaofan lifted his foot and kicked him directly on the stomach.

Zhang Xiaofan kicked very lightly, after all, seeing him panting so hard, he might kick him to death in the restaurant.

Being kicked on the stomach by Zhang Xiaofan, Dong Zhuo screamed in pain.

He never expected that Zhang Xiaofan would dare to attack him!

The two people behind Dong Zhuo were stunned!

What is Dong Zhuo's identity?
To be beaten by a bumpkin in a small restaurant in a small county town!
I'm afraid it would be embarrassing if it got out.

On the contrary, Ye Tongtong and Li Tingting were applauding.

"Tongtong, charge them 20 to [-] yuan for meals and [-] yuan for mental damage, and then just drive them out."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Damn it, you still want to extort money after hitting me!"

Dong Zhuo glared at Zhang Xiaofan angrily, his face was full of flesh, it looked particularly ferocious.

"What? You still want me to kick again?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Dali, beat me to death! I will be responsible for the accident!"

Dong Zhuo was furious and roared loudly.

Finally, another 1.9-meter-tall, muscular man with small eyes and well-developed biceps stepped forward.

This man is Dong Zhuo's driver and bodyguard.

That was also a former heavyweight boxer.

He didn't speak, and he just waved his powerful fist when he stepped forward.

Zhang Xiaofan snorted coldly, too lazy to waste time.

Punch out.


The man's fist seemed to be hit by a heavy iron block.

Bones are broken.

Let out a scream.

Dong Zhuo and the man in the suit were dumbfounded!
Dali is a heavyweight boxer, his punch can break bricks.

However, Zhang Xiaofan, who seemed to be well-mannered, actually...
"Bastard boy! How dare you beat me, Dong Zhuo! I'm someone you can't afford to mess with, you're dead!"

"Report your name, and I will make you disappear in this small county in the future!"

Dong Zhuo knew that Zhang Xiaofan was extraordinary.

At this moment, he can only leave first, and find someone to clean him up later.

In this small county town, he could still be beaten up, so Dong Zhuo would not have the face to face others.

"You really have no right to know my name."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a half-smile.


Dong Zhuo was also too angry to speak.

"Good boy, I, Dong Zhuo, remember you!"

"let's go!"

Dong Zhuo, who was holding back his anger, could only turn around and leave.

"Who said you can leave, the money for meals plus mental damage costs, a total of 50."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"What did you say, 50!"

"Why don't you rob!"

The man in the suit said loudly.

Dong Zhuo gritted his teeth!
"Give the money!"

There is a mission to come to FY County this time, so it can't be delayed because of this matter.

Of course, Dong Zhuo will definitely not let Zhang Xiaofan go.

Afterwards, he must take revenge!

Someone dared to beat Dong Zhuo in this small town!

That is reckless, audacious!
The man in the suit could only take out the card obediently.

Ye Tongtong happily took out the POS machine.

"A bunch of perverts, they deserve it!"

Ye Tongtong looked at the man in the suit and said.

After giving the money, the three looked at Zhang Xiaofan with anger.

It seems that this matter is not over!
"Brother Xiaofan, what should they do if they find someone to take revenge in the future?"

Li Tingting said what she was most worried about.

"It's okay. If I'm not here, as long as they dare to cause trouble, they can just call the police."

"In FY County, there is no one who can cover the sky with one hand."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Judging from the situation of the few people just now, they should be people from a large company from other places who came to FY County.

This kind of person, in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, has a few dollars, and he can't make a big splash in FY County.

In terms of ruthlessness, they are not comparable to Cai Delong and Cai Dehu of Yongchun Pharmaceutical Industry, as well as the people from Qimen Palace.

However, thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan felt that the people around him were not protected.

In the future, I will not be too open about doing things by myself.

Whether it is an opponent you will meet in your future career, or an enemy you will meet in martial arts, or the Qimen Palace.

They are all likely to take revenge on those close to them.

Liu Piaopiao's scorpion-hearted woman is the best example.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan already had a plan in mind.
Zhang Xiaofan told Ye Tongtong and Li Tingting about the future development direction of Taoyuan Hotel.

Money still needs to be earned, but at the same time, what everyone eats is not only delicious food that supplements body nutrition, but also delicious food that can bring health to the body.

"What! A bowl of soup costs 100 yuan."

"Brother Xiaofan, is this too expensive?"

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan mentioned the price, Ye Tongtong reacted very much, that sexy little mouth grew so big inside, it seemed to have kung fu.

"Hehe, it's not expensive, and I'll rush to buy it when the time comes."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled lightly.

"Tongtong, you just have to trust Brother Xiaofan, as long as it's what he says, then there's no problem."

Only Li Tingting, as long as Zhang Xiaofan said it, she believed it from the bottom of her heart without any doubt.

"Okay, Tongtong, just do as I tell you."

"In addition, you still have a task. You are going to study in a few days, and you need to find someone to take your place."

"Remember, it must be the kind of person you can trust."

Zhang Xiaofan of Taoyuan Hotel is very careful.

This is his first restaurant.

Therefore, the person invited must be trustworthy.

(End of this chapter)

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