Murano's little genius

Chapter 346 Gifts

Chapter 346 Gifts
"Brother Xiaofan, I want to give you a gift?"

Leaving Taoyuan Hotel, Li Tingting said suddenly.

"Gift? Why did you suddenly give me a gift? It's not my birthday yet."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Wood, I can give it away if I want, there is no need for a birthday."

"Let's go, I'll take you to get a gift."

Looking at Li Tingting, Zhang Xiaofan felt an indescribable emotion.

In front of the largest and only auto shop in FY County that sells BBA cars.

It is not a 4S store, but a private dealership store.

"Tingting, don't you want to give me a car?"

Zhang Xiaofan is not stupid, he guessed it when he came here.

"Smart, guessed right."

"But, I don't know how to drive! I don't have a license yet." Zhang Xiaofan said.

"It's okay, it's not too late if you have a car and a license!"

Li Tingting directly pulled Zhang Xiaofan's men out of the car.

"This auto shop was opened by a classmate of mine in junior high school. His family is the only one in FY County that sells BBA cars."

"I thought it was too far to go to the city, so I asked him to book one for me here."

Li Tingting said.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that it would be impossible if he didn't spare some time to learn how to drive.

I bought all the cars, so I can't use them to eat ashes.

What's more, these BBA cars are not cheap, let alone hundreds of thousands.

The car needs to be driven frequently, otherwise it will break down quickly after being left for a long time.

Li Tingting and Zhang Xiaofan walked into this car shop called Tianxia Haoche arm in arm.

The name is quite domineering.

"Ouch! Tingting, you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

A young and light man with a combed back hair and a famous watch in his hand came up from inside.

He was smiling at first, but he saw Li Tingting holding Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

The smile disappeared, and there was a look of displeasure in his eyes.

It's him!

This person, Zhang Xiaofan has seen before, is the person who came to pick her up after saving Li Tingting near Stone Village.

"Tingting, who is this?"

The man with the big back asked.

"This is my boyfriend, his name is Zhang Xiaofan."

"By the way, you've actually seen it before."

Li Tingting introduced Zhang Xiaofan with a happy expression on her face.

"Xiao Fan, he is my junior high school classmate, named Jia Jian."

"Hello there!"

"Hello there!"

Both greeted each other, held out their hands, and shook them.

"Hmph! Just you, a country boy, who is also worthy of being Tingting's boyfriend. You are a lazy toad who wants to eat swan meat."

"Look at how I'll fix you today!"

Jia Jian, who was polite on the surface, was upset in his heart.

When shaking hands, he thought that he was very strong from regular exercise.

He increased his strength and wanted to pinch Zhang Xiaofan's hand very painfully, to give him a blow.

It's a pity that it's an egg that hits a rock and breaks as soon as it touches it.

Zhang Xiaofan exerted his strength lightly.

Jia Jian's bones were about to crack.

It was so painful that tears were about to burst out.

But after all, she is Li Tingting's junior high school classmate, so she still has to let her go.

As far as your little thought is concerned, Zhang Xiaofan already knew it.

Jia Jian's hands were purple from Zhang Xiaofan's pinching, and he quickly put them behind his back, resisting the pain and said: "Tingting, you are a girl, why did you buy a large SUV? You should buy a coupe. "

Jia Jian said.

"I didn't drive it, I bought it for Xiaofan's brother."

Li Tingting said.

"Yo! This is the first time I've seen you!"

"A big man actually wants a woman to buy a car."

"How thick-skinned and incompetent this is!"

"Anyway, I can't do it. Only I can give the car to my girlfriend, and I never let him give it to me."

"After all, this is the most basic ability of a man."

"If you don't even have this ability, I don't think I'm qualified to have a relationship."

"Brother Xiaofan, do you think so?"

Jia Jian didn't say this to Li Tingting, but to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that Jia Jian wanted to step on him today and ruthlessly ravage him.

"It's okay, he likes to spend my money to give me a car, I'm happy."

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

This crit came back beautifully.

This made Jia Jian gritted his teeth.

"Hehe! If I remember correctly, your family is from the countryside, right?"

"Can you give Tingting hundreds of thousands?"

"Dude, I told you to stop slapping your face and pretending to be fat."

"Honestly, there's no shame in it, and I won't say it."

However, Jia Jian didn't believe Zhang Xiaofan's words even if he killed him.

He felt that Zhang Xiaofan was just pretending to avoid embarrassment.

"Jia Jian, Brother Xiao Fan is right, I bought the car with his money."

Li Tingting said.

"Tingting, you"

Hearing what Li Tingting said, Jia Jian's face was very ugly.

How could this be?
How could a country boy have so much money!
"Tingting, you and I are also junior high school classmates, don't lie to me, it's okay, I won't say it."

Jia Jian said.

"It's true, Brother Xiaofan has 1000 million with me!"

Li Tingting said.

"What! 1000 million!"

This scared Jia Jian.

All the cars in his store add up to less than 1000 million.

This kid has 1000 million!

What does it mean to have 1000 million in cash? It means that his family is definitely either rich or expensive.

Jia Jian didn't believe it, he absolutely didn't believe it, Li Tingting must have said that on purpose.

"Tingting, you and I are classmates, don't lie to me like this."

"Your family runs a company, so your mother must have given you the money."

Jiajian continued.

"Tingting, there's no need to explain, he doesn't even believe you, let's go after picking up the car."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to stay here too long, this Jia Jian never gave him a good face.

If it wasn't for Li Tingting's face, Zhang Xiaofan wouldn't have such a good attitude.

Jia Jian refused to accept it, and felt even more upset with Zhang Xiaofan.

As a typical rich second generation, how could his face be snatched away by a country bumpkin!

After chasing Li Tingting for many years, he couldn't catch her, so he had to give up later on. Why can he be chased by a country bumpkin.

No matter what, today he must rub Zhang Xiaofan's face on the ground.

Don't talk about anything else, it's just for face.

Suddenly, a Mercedes-Benz AMG stopped at the door.

A person both Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting got out of the car.

"Jia Jian, ask someone to help me maintain the car."

Lei Pingzhi who just walked in said loudly.

But, when he saw Zhang Xiaofan.

He stopped, his back felt cold, as if he saw a demon.

That is to run away!
Lei Pingzhi, since he kidnapped Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong last time, Zhang Xiaofan asked Li Peishan to ask someone to find him.

It's a pity that this kid seems to have run to hide.

Now, it actually appeared here.

Where did Zhang Xiaofan give him a chance to run.

With a movement of Zhang Xiaofan's figure, he immediately stood in front of Lei Pingzhi.

Ding Ding Deng!
He quickly took a few steps back and collapsed to the ground.

Lei Pingzhi has been hiding outside for a while.

But sooner or later it will come back.

Thinking that this matter should fade away, he ran back secretly.

But just came back today, just drove over for maintenance, and met the person he least wanted to meet.

"Master Lei, where have you been running recently?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked with a sneer.

Jia Jian was stunned, what's going on?

How Lei Pingzhi saw Zhang Xiaofan was like seeing a devil.

Leixing Real Estate belongs to his family.

They are also the richest people in FY County.

It's not comparable to a person who drives a shop like myself.

" listen to my explanation."

Lei Pingzhi trembled a little, he knew what would happen to Gui Jianchou.

That's already a vegetable.

He didn't want to be that kind of person.

"Explain? Let me explain for you!"


Zhang Xiaofan kicked Lei Pingzhi directly on the chin.

That is the jaw directly deformed and flew out backwards.

Before it was over, he went up and stepped on his hand.


Both hands were completely broken and useless.

Because of the pain, Lei Pingzhi passed out.

This is Zhang Xiaofan's anger, there is no extra words to say.

What Lei Pingzhi did, this kind of fate actually made him cheap.

Li Tingting didn't feel sorry for Lei Pingzhi at all.

This kind of scum should have been dragged and shot long ago.

The first stun wanted to defile himself, the second was kidnapping.

This is all punishable by severe punishment.


Jia Jian's forehead was sweating, and his back and spine felt a little chilly. He stared blankly at Lei Pingzhi, who was lying on the ground and passed out.

Lei Pingzhi from Leixing Real Estate was beaten so cruelly by Zhang Xiaofan that he passed out!
Who is this!
Too bloody, too brutal!
Moreover, looking at Lei Pingzhi's appearance, Zhang Xiaofan is someone he can't afford to offend.

Jia Jian understood, he suddenly realized!
Zhang Xiaofan is definitely not an ordinary person.

He is definitely not the country bumpkin in his mouth.

Lei Pingzhi was afraid of him, and he dared to cripple Lei Pingzhi's hands.

This is simply a devil!

Think again of what Li Tingting said.

This is probably a big Buddha!
"Brother Xiaofan, Jia Jian was sorry for something just now, so please forgive me."

Jia Jian hurried forward and said.

In fact, people like Jia Jian, although he is also a rich second generation, have no guts.

He can't do things like Lei Pingzhi.

At most, he said some nasty things because of face.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, he walked to Li Tingting's side.

"We have to go."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay! Arrange a car now!"

Jia Jian quickly drove out an Audi Q5.

"Let's drive it to the Taoyuan Hotel."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Now I don't have a license, so I can't drive a car.

You can only put the car up first.

And Taoyuan Hotel is the best.

Because there is his place.

"Jia Jian, let's go then," Li Tingting said.

"Okay, you go slowly."

"Brother Xiaofan, go slowly."

Walking to the door, wiping the sweat off his forehead, Jia Jian watched Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting leave.

This is a different person than when I first came here.

Then he took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone, dialed 120, and had to send Lei Pingzhi to the hospital.

"I know that Jia Jian is a typical cowardly rich second generation. He is very face-saving, but he is actually more afraid of getting into trouble than anyone else."

"I bought a car here just because I could trust it."

"Brother Xiaofan, are you not angry?"

Li Tingting said.

"Not angry, he doesn't deserve my anger."

"As you said, he just cares about face. In fact, if we adjust him, this person will still be helpful to us."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

On the road of development, Zhang Xiaofan must be good at finding people around him who can be used.

Only in this way can his future career develop faster.

After all, it is man-made.

The simplest one is like the medicinal materials grown in Stone Village. He has Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan to help take care of them.

Including the owner of Shi'ao Hotel, Fang Wen of Muyuan Group
They are all people that they can use in their career development, and that use is mutual, and they can also get rewards from Zhang Xiao's skill.

Now, if Jia Jian has been "tuned", I believe he is a good helper.

Of course, this requires Zhang Xiaofan to do it himself.

Then, Li Tingting took Zhang Xiaofan to the driving school.

Signed up and went through the formalities.

"Okay, now you can go to subject one."

Zhang Xiaofan put down the subject one topic in his hand and said.

"Brother Xiaofan, have you finished watching?"

Li Tingting said.

"After reading it, I also remember it."

This time, the people in the driving school were frightened.

Remember after reading it all over?
This is impossible at all, it must have been seen in advance.

The owner of this driving school belongs to Li Tingting's friend's family, so the staff immediately helped Zhang Xiaofan arrange the written test for Subject [-].

Soon, Zhang Xiaofan passed the subject.

This speed, amazing speed!
Of course, Zhang Xiaofan knew it was because of "relationship".

There is a relationship, one step faster.

Zhang Xiaofan admitted that he took a "free ride" on this point.

(End of this chapter)

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