Murano's little genius

Chapter 347 Complicated Emotions

Chapter 347 Complicated Emotions

It wasn't over yet, when the person from the driving school asked Zhang Xiaofan if he wanted to familiarize himself with the second subject.

Thinking of free time, Zhang Xiaofan went.

Arrived at the coaching field.

In the coach car, there are only Zhang Xiaofan and the coach.

The coach knew that Zhang Xiaofan was someone with connections.

So the attitude is still good.

"Okay, I just demonstrated it from beginning to end."

"You start by reversing the car and putting it in the garage. After practicing for a few days, I will arrange an exam for you immediately."

The coach wearing a peaked cap spoke to Zhang Xiaofan in the tone of a teacher speaking to a student.

"Coach, I want to practice today."

After all, he came to learn how to drive, so Zhang Xiaofan also came here with a very humble attitude.

"OK, no problem."

Zhang Xiaofan got to the driver's seat, and the coach got to the co-pilot.

The coach kept his foot on the co-pilot's brake.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Zhang Xiaofan, after all, it's the first day of driving practice, so it's very dangerous.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan get into the car, he actively buckled up the seat belt, adjusted the seat and the rearview mirror.

The coach is very satisfied.

"Remember, you must pay attention to details. When you get in the car, you must fasten your seat belt, adjust the seat and rearview mirror, otherwise."

Just when the coach began to preach seriously.

Zhang Xiaofan started the car.

Step on the clutch, put in gear, all in one go.

And then added speed.

A push back ensues.

Scared the coach.


The coach yelled, seeming to have forgotten that he had brakes himself.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't care about him, glanced at the rearview mirror from the corner of his eye, put it in reverse gear!

Perfect storage, front file, perfect delivery.

The operation is perfect, in one go!
The coach quickly opened the door.


He vomited directly.

Zhang Xiaofan's operation just now was really too fast, too perfect!
It directly made the coach faint.

Zhang Xiaofan actually couldn't believe it, the first time he drove was so awesome.

As long as he holds the steering wheel, he seems to be one with the car.

No way, this is Zhang Xiaofan's physical talent.

No matter what he learns quickly, he is also the kind of genius.

It's just learning to drive, trivial.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't go down, but continued to drive, running through all the projects.

"Hey! Don't drive! It's dangerous!"

The coach wanted to catch up, but he found that it seemed redundant.

Zhang Xiaofan's perfect side parking made him dumbfounded.

Then there is an S line, if there is no speed limit, Zhang Xiaofan may have to go up to a hundred yards.

Ninety-degree turn, half-slope start!

Zhang Xiaofan performed perfectly!
Even the coaches can't play at this level.

Are you sure you're here to learn how to drive?

This is the F1 driver coming to the coach to pretend to be aggressive!
Zhang Xiaofan just got off the coach car!

The coach quickly gave a thumbs up!

Can't help but sigh, this is the most awesome student he has ever seen in his life.

This guy doesn't even have a driver's license?God can't tolerate it!

All the students present rushed forward.

They all "learned scriptures" from Zhang Xiaofan.

"Handsome guy, you are so good, come and be my coach."

A plump young woman said.

"Sorry, he only taught me alone."

Li Tingting came up and pulled Zhang Xiaofan away.

It's not that I'm jealous, I just want to show off my affection.

Watching Li Tingting pull Zhang Xiaofan away.

The young woman chopped her feet off in anger.

It trembled the proud bust.

Seeing some older students almost screamed.

"Hmph! Isn't it just to look more beautiful and younger?"

"Coach, do you think I'm prettier than her?"

"You look good, of course you look good!"

After speaking, the coach felt disgusted.

You old woman, except for something in front of you, how can you compare with the appearance and figure of other heavenly maidens.

"Hehe, yes, it is my pride to be able to teach such students in my lifetime!"

The coach just now patted Zhang Xiaofan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"It's still the coach who teaches well."

This coach also looks 50 years old, which is a kind of old coach.

Since he wants to be happy, Zhang Xiaofan let him be happy.

In view of Zhang Xiaofan's amazing learning ability.

The driving school helped him sign up for the second test for today's last quota.

Another perfect pass.

The moment the exam was over, Li Tingting went up and gave Zhang Xiaofan a big hug.

And of course, a passionate kiss.

Really envious of others.

In the evening, because of Li Tingting's insistence on staying, Zhang Xiaofan did not go back.

Li Tingting's house.

"Xiaofan, Zhengxiu Group, the largest pharmaceutical group in Southern Province, has also come to FY County to establish a company."

"Even Li Yang received them personally."

Li Peishan said.

This Zhengxiu Group Zhang Xiaofan knows, this is a well-known pharmaceutical group in Southern Province, and even the entire Kyushu Kingdom.

The medicines that many people usually use are produced by them.

This group has been established for hundreds of years.

The strength is naturally self-evident.

"It's understandable. After all, Yongchun Pharmaceutical Industry has collapsed, and a new large company is needed to bring GDP to FY County."

Zhang Xiaofan's guess is that although FY County is not very good, it belongs to the "Land of Hundred Medicines" and is very suitable for planting medicinal materials.

It is normal to build a factory here.

What's more, now that Yongchun Pharmaceutical is gone, the worries of the county leaders are gone.

Naturally, it will take the initiative to attract some big companies.

"With it, it is actually better for the company, the premise is healthy competition."

Li Peishan nodded, agreeing with Zhang Xiaofan's opinion.

"As far as I know, the major shareholder behind Zhengxiu Pharmaceutical Group belongs to a big family."

"Which one?"

"The Qin family in Southern City."

"Xiaofan, did you do what happened to Qin Tiangang and Qin Feng?"

Li Peishan asked.

She seemed to be worried about something in her heart, after all, Qin Tiangang and Qin Feng were injured like that.

And they are from the Qin family.

"I did it, but they deserve it."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"Although I don't know much about the Qin family, I'm afraid that Qin Tiangang is related to the Qin family in Nandu."

"It is said that the Qin family in the southern capital is an ancient family, and its strength is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface."

"I'm worried that if Qin Tiangang is related to them, that's the case"

"Sister Peishan, you are very busy every day. These are all my affairs. Don't worry about it. I can take care of it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"You Fan, you know, in sister Peishan's heart, I have long regarded you as a family."

Li Peishan said.


Zhang Xiaofan froze for a moment, he didn't expect Li Peishan to speak so directly.

For Li Peishan, it started from the first time Zhang Xiaofan saved her life.

She may become "entangled" with Zhang Xiaofan in the future.

The more she got in touch with, the more she discovered that she actually had a special subtle emotion for Zhang Xiaofan.

Not the emotion that a sister has for a brother, but the emotion that a woman needs to be loved.

However, after she found out that Zhang Xiaofan was the person her daughter liked.

Li Peishan, who was superficially happy, suffered from insomnia that night.

Because she knew what it meant, that the slightest desire in her heart was quenched.

Who knows the pain hidden in my heart?

Everyone knows that she is a strong woman, but who knows that she is actually an ordinary woman.

It's just that she put a protective film on herself.

How many years have passed since she was abandoned by her husband and divorced.

She also needs a man to rely on, and she will be tired too.

When Zhang Xiaofan rescued her for the second time, Li Peishan didn't know what to do.

Possibly, like a mother, like a daughter.

Li Tingting and Li Peishan are actually very similar.

They are very picky, it's not that they don't like it, it's that they didn't meet their hearts.

If you encounter it, you will pay it all.

As a mother, Li Peishan would never do something like rob her daughter of a man.

What she can do is to extinguish this unburned fire ahead of time.

The so-called family is Li Peishan's concern for not wanting anything to happen to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Don't forget, you always call me Sister Peishan."

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, Li Peishan said.

Of course Zhang Xiaofan knew what Li Peishan meant by treating herself as a family.

However, he actually had some knots in his heart.

There is a saying that goes well, preconceptions come first.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't know Li Tingting when he met Li Peishan.

Zhang Xiaofan really regards Li Peishan as a mature, beautiful, sexy and intellectual "god sister".

At that time, Zhang Xiaofan still had a little impulsive desire in his heart, would he have something to do with her in the future?

Right now, Zhang Xiaofan's pimple is that the relationship between himself and Li Tingting is there, if it develops further in the future, he will be called Li Peishan's mother-in-law.

But none of this can change the delicate relationship between Li Peishan and Zhang Xiaofan.

Very fucking feeling.

"Brother Xiaofan, come and serve me some soup."

Li Tingting in the kitchen shouted.


Li Tingting's voice broke Zhang Xiaofan's "fucking feeling".

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's back.

Complicated colors flashed deep in Li Peishan's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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