Murano's little genius

Chapter 348 Chapter Remembrance

Chapter 348 Memories
After dinner, I took a shower.

It was still early, Zhang Xiaofan sat cross-legged on the bed.

Practiced the first explosion of "Tianyuan Three Explosions".

Now he not only needs to improve his cultivation and strength, but also needs martial skills.

In the battle with practitioners who have martial arts, I know that this martial skill is too important.

It's like, Ergou and Fatty in the village were fighting. The two were evenly matched, but Ergou had a stick in his hand and Fatty had nothing.

The fat man was clearly at a disadvantage.

If he had martial arts, Zhang Xiaofan's fighting strength would definitely improve a lot.

"Qimen Palace's weakest killer with the best name is No. 12. He is at least a Xuan-level ancient warrior. He has an unpredictable soft sword, and his combat power is not weaker than his own."

"There is also Qinglong, as Gu Le said, his strength is much higher than mine!"

"The Liu family in Nandu is afraid of even Gu Le, who has a very high status and strength in the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau. One can imagine how unfathomable it is."

"If I continue to seek revenge from Qimen Palace, I will definitely encounter many dangers, not only myself, but also the people around me."

"However, the arrow has left the string and cannot be retrieved."

"He has formed an indelible hatred with the Liu family, the Lu family, and the Qimen Palace in Qingyun City."

"Although he will become a member of the Martial Arts Training Bureau in the future, who knows if they will still secretly take revenge?"

"What's more, the matter between him and Qimen Palace is not over yet."

"He has to make himself stronger."

"And his career, he has to earn more money so he can have more influence."

Thinking of this reminded Zhang Xiaofan of an unforgettable event in college.

Although now relieved.

But that was one of the turning points in my life.

In college, he fell in love with a girl.

That girl is very beautiful, she belongs to the kind who can captivate people with a smile.

She is the school belle in the school, and she is the object of crazy pursuit by countless boys.

Zhang Xiaofan, who has just entered university, is no exception.

One day, in the school cafeteria, the girl passed by Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan raised his head bravely and looked at her.

The girl glanced at him, showing a slight dimple, and smiled.

This smile made Zhang Xiaofan muster his courage.

Take the initiative to talk to her, chat.

And that girl didn't refuse, she didn't seem to hate Zhang Xiaofan.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaofan did what many boys could not do.

That's when he dated the girl.

On that Sunday, Zhang Xiaofan put on the most expensive clothes he bought for 88 yuan with his savings.

With excitement, apprehension, and anticipation, he sat in the milk tea shop and waited.

However, an hour has passed since his appointment with the girl.

Zhang Xiaofan felt that maybe the girl was delayed by something.

He felt that he had to continue to wait.

Finally, after another hour and a half of waiting, the girl came.

But she didn't come alone.

Behind her were a dozen men and women.

Zhang Xiaofan knows these people, they are all the rich second generation in the school.

Among them is a man who seems to be even more difficult. I heard that his family is richer than the old horse on the Forbes list.

Very mysterious.

When seeing these people, Zhang Xiaofan had a bad feeling.

The girl smiled, not a sweet smile, but a sarcastic sneer.

It turned out that the reason she agreed to date Zhang Xiaofan was to play tricks on Zhang Xiaofan.

They even bet how long Zhang Xiaofan would wait at the milk tea shop.

What the girl said was ugly, it was the same as what Zhang Xiaofan saw before.

She laughed at Zhang Xiaofan as a lazy toad who wanted to eat swan meat, saying that Zhang Xiaofan was not qualified to lick her shoes.

Other people's words are also very ugly, it seems that in their eyes, Zhang Xiaofan is a person for their entertainment.

Not even treating him as a human being.

Especially that man, he also appealed to many people to watch.

Said that Zhang Xiaofan, a poor guy, actually wanted to be the school girl, and even posted the video on the Internet.

He also whispered something in Zhang Xiaofan's ear, saying that he had already put that girl to sleep.

Moreover, he took out his mobile phone and secretly showed Zhang Xiaofan their bed photos.

One can imagine how big a blow this was to Zhang Xiaofan.

It was on that day that Zhang Xiaofan was very sad. When he was walking by the river, he ran into the old man.

That is, the old gentleman helped Zhang Xiaofan to let go of everything.

And this is exactly Zhang Xiaofan's conflicted psychology when he met Li Tingting when he first came back.

Although he had let go of it a long time ago, it was also letting go that made him learn to approach those beautiful women he was not familiar with carefully.

Especially the kind who are very beautiful and confess to themselves.

This is not lack of confidence, but prudence.

At the same time, it also made Zhang Xiaofan understand that the rich and powerful can handle many things in this world.

Less than a month later, that man's strong woman fucked another very beautiful female student in the school, she was a senior sister whom Zhang Xiaofan admired very much.

And the senior sister finally jumped off the building.

An aunt sweeping the floor saw all this, and she took a picture of it with her mobile phone.

The video was also posted, and Zhang Xiaofan also saw it.

But in less than half an hour, the video on the Internet was deleted.

The sweeping aunt also disappeared.

In the end, the girl's death was judged to be due to excessive stress and jumping off the building.

Zhang Xiaofan still remembers how heartbroken and sad he was when he saw the scene of the girl's parents crying and passed out.

Many people actually know that the girl did not jump off the building by herself.

She had a mental breakdown and jumped off the building after being raped by that man.

However, no one dared to say all this.

I can only hide it in my mind, and I dare not even talk about it.

It is said that the girl's boyfriend angrily called the police and said that the man raped the girl and finally caused her to jump off the building.

However, there is no evidence, and the police are helpless.

Three days later, the dead girl's boyfriend was hit by a car and killed.

The driver did not flee, and the brakes are said to have failed.

Why is this so, Zhang Xiaofan actually knows very well.

Zhang Xiaofan was very angry, he wanted to do something.

He went to the old gentleman and told him all this.

The old man didn't say much, he told Zhang Xiaofan to follow his heart.

Follow your heart, Zhang Xiaofan can't stand it, he has to do something.

But just when he was ready for everything, the man changed schools.

That is, since then, Zhang Xiaofan has not seen him.

until today.

The real world is very cruel.

That man's family is rich and powerful.

Let his life, almost can do whatever he wants.

It's a pleasure to trample on people's sarcasm. Playing with women may be commonplace, and strong women may be seeking excitement and killing?It seems nothing is impossible.

Zhang Xiaofan kept thinking in his heart, one day when he has that ability, he will find that man and let him accept the punishment he deserves.

Not only to comfort the soul of that senior sister back then, but also to help this world get rid of a scum.

But to do all this is easier said than done.

Ye Chen, this is the man's name.

At that time Zhang Xiaofan's university was in Longdu, two thousand kilometers away.

Longdu is the most populous and richest super city in Kyushu.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there should be many big families.

Maybe this Ye Chen came from a certain big family.

"One day, maybe I can have such an ability?"

Zhang Xiaofan's heart surged with enthusiasm, with his current ability, perhaps, it's not a problem at all.

When I came back, I just wanted to be with my grandfather, and then lead Shitou Village out of poverty and become rich, on the road to a well-off life.

However, his ability is far beyond his imagination, leading Shitou Village out of poverty and becoming rich. All this is being realized, and it won't take long.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

What he wants to do may need to be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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