Murano's little genius

Chapter 349 Missed Opportunity

Chapter 349 Missed Opportunity
"Boom boom boom!"

Just as Zhang Xiaofan was sitting cross-legged practicing, there was a knock on the door.

You're welcome, it must be Li Tingting.

"Brother Xiaofan, I'm coming in."

Li Tingting directly pushed the door and walked in.

She just took a shower, her hair is not dry, a little wet.

And it was this wetness that added a bit of flavor to Li Tingting's beauty.

Coupled with the thin smoky blue ice silk pajamas she was wearing, it gave people a faint beauty.

Li Tingting didn't seem to have any worries, she walked over and sat directly on Zhang Xiaofan's bed.

"Brother Xiaofan, what are you doing?"

Li Tingting smiled sweetly without any shyness.

The body is still a little closer.

If Zhang Xiaofan was a pervert, Li Tingting would definitely not be able to escape right now.

"thinking of you."

If it sounds nice, Zhang Xiaofan can say a few words.

"Really? How to prove it?"

Li Tingting asked.

"Come here, I'll prove it to you."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Li Tingting didn't hesitate, her body was only a few centimeters away from Zhang Xiaofan.

Smelling the fragrance of the hair, looking at the white and delicate jade neck and that delicate face that is beyond description.

Zhang Xiaofan's breathing quickened a bit.

It is an inner turmoil that cannot be controlled.

"Listen to my heart." Zhang Xiaofan said.

Li Tingting immediately put her small and exquisite ears on Zhang Xiaofan's chest, feeling Zhang Xiaofan's heartbeat.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't suppress it, he let his heart beat with the commotion of instinct.

Li Tingting could clearly hear Zhang Xiaofan's heartbeat loud and fast.

"My heart beats violently for you."

Zhang Xiaofan said


"Brother Xiaofan, your sweet talk is a bit too much today."

Li Tingting smiled, smiling like a lotus in bloom, it was so comforting to see.

"Brother Xiaofan, it's still early, it's rare that we are together tonight, let's watch a movie."

Li Tingting pointed to the [-]-inch TV in the room and said.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Zhang Xiaofan also likes to do romantic things.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch, romance movie, action movie, science fiction movie?" Li Tingting asked.

"An action movie, and then some romance in between."

Zhang Xiaofan quite likes movies about heroes and love.

"A movie with action and romance? I like it too." Li Tingting said excitedly.

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting leaned together and watched a super good-looking foreign action movie with love in it.

At first they just approached, but Li Tingting's arms slowly wrapped around Zhang Xiaofan's waist.

Then the whole person leaned against Zhang Xiaofan's chest.

This is a great challenge for Zhang Xiaofan.

Think about it, Li Tingting didn't wear anything inside.

And Zhang Xiaofan is also like this.

In order to control himself, Zhang Xiaofan forcibly suppressed the outburst of hormones.

With such an ambiguous posture, it is normal for Zhang Xiaofan to really do something.

"Brother Xiaofan, why do I feel that you are very hot?"

The air conditioner was turned on in the room, but Li Tingting still felt that Zhang Xiaofan was very hot.

"It's okay, maybe the movie was too intense."

Zhang Xiaofan explained.

"Dong dong!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Tingting, Xiaofan, are you in there?"

This is Li Peishan's voice.

Zhang Xiaofan hastily walked over and opened the door.

Finally, it can be relieved.

"Knowing that you and Tingting are watching a movie, I specially brought some fruit here, you can watch while eating."

Li Peishan came over with a plate of fruit.

"Thank you sister Peishan." Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Tingting, go to bed early after watching." Li Peishan said to Li Tingting inside.

"Mom, I got it. Brother Xiaofan will sleep at what time and I will go to bed at what time."

Li Tingting replied.

After speaking, Li Peishan went back to her room.

When he left, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't see through the smile on his face.

"Tingting, eat fruit."

Zhang Xiaofan took a piece and put it into Li Tingting's mouth.

"Brother Xiaofan, you eat too." Li Tingting also took a piece and put it into Zhang Xiaofan's mouth.

The two are in love.

Zhang Xiaofan seemed to see what was under the plate.

So I picked it up.

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes widened, he knew what it was.

"Brother Xiaofan, what are you holding in your hand?" Li Tingting asked.

"That... nothing."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's unnatural answer, Li Tingting quickly grabbed it.

She looked at it, as if... There was no surprised expression.

She just covered her mouth and smiled.

"I'm not even shy. Why are you shy? This must have been brought by my mother."

Li Tingting said.

Indeed, it was brought by Li Peishan.

She knew that there was no such thing at home, so she ordered someone to buy some back.

After all, Li Tingting is studying, and Zhang Xiaofan is busy with many things.

It's not so good if you have children.

After thinking about it again and again, Li Peishan took the initiative to give it to them.

"I'm not shy, I just don't think sister Peishan needs to be like this."

Zhang Xiaofan explained.

"Brother Xiaofan, how do you know that you don't need to do this, what if you can use it?"

Li Tingting sat directly on Zhang Xiaofan's lap and said.


Zhang Xiaofan directly swallowed his saliva.

Sorry, I couldn't control it anymore, so he hugged Li Tingting directly.

However, when he finished hugging, he found that the vitality in his body was a little disordered.

not good!

"Tingting, maybe not tonight."

Zhang Xiaofan said directly.


Li Tingting had already prepared for all of this to happen naturally.

But Zhang Xiaofan suddenly said no.

His face couldn't hide the disappointment.

"My body won't allow me tonight."

"Of course, I'm in good health, but for special reasons, I can't do it today."

Fearing that Li Tingting might misunderstand Zhang Xiaofan, he especially emphasized it.

He just practiced "Tian Yuan Three Explosions", and the vitality in his body has not yet stabilized.

I was so excited just now that I almost lost my mind.

So, don't do that tonight.

"Okay!" Li Tingting replied disappointedly.

But she didn't blame Zhang Xiaofan, he believed that Zhang Xiaofan must have a reason.

Zhang Xiaofan kissed Li Tingting and said: "It's okay, we have the rest of our lives."

These comforting words reached Li Tingting's heart.


Li Tingting happily kissed Zhang Xiaofan.

yes!They have the rest of their lives to do that.

So, Li Tingting went back to her room to sleep.

Li Peishan in another room heard the sound of her daughter Li Tingting entering the room and closing the door.

"Is it so fast? There seems to be no sound."

"Should not be."

"No, I have to find out more about this."

As a woman, Li Peishan knows that disharmony in that aspect of life is not good.

She has to do something.

Thinking of this, Li Peishan's heart itch.

Count it down, how many years have passed.

She had never experienced that feeling.

So, she did a miraculous thing, but only Zhang Xiaofan appeared in her mind.

How can this be good?

Zhang Xiaofan in the room stabilized the vitality in his body again.

He remembered the scene in the battle with Lu Tianxiong.

When Lu Tianxiong was about to hit himself with a punch, an incredible change occurred in his body.

That punch could have seriously injured Zhang Xiaofan himself.

But his body seemed to have turned into a golden body, and he firmly blocked Lu Tianxiong's punch.

The result was only a minor concussion.

"Could it be because of "The Golden Body of the Canglong——The Body Tempering Chapter"?"

Zhang Xiaofan only thought of this
Moreover, it is very similar to the description in the book.

However, at that time, he had no vitality.

Not usable at all.

"Perhaps, there is no need to use vitality at all."

"This Canglong golden body may have changed my physique from the outside to the inside during the cultivation."

"When there is danger, if there is no active defense, it will be activated passively."

"This is the strength of the physical body after cultivation."

That's right, that's right.

This is Zhang Xiaofan's own explanation.

And a sentence in the book seems to verify this point of view: getting started with a golden body, like a dragon flying into the sky, is freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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