Chapter 350
After breakfast the next day, Li Tingting took Zhang Xiaofan to the driving school again.

With Zhang Xiaofan's talent, he can pass subjects three and four today.

When the staff of the driving school who went through the formalities for Zhang Xiaofan yesterday found out that Zhang Xiaofan had passed both subjects [-] and [-] in one day, he couldn't believe it.

If you have a relationship, you can speed up, but if you can't pass it, it depends on your strength!

If the written test of subject [-] can be read in advance, what about subject [-]?

It needs to be operated, and it needs to be practiced very well.

Subject [-], even if you can drive, you may not be able to pass it, let alone learning to drive for the first time.

However, the result was before his eyes, Zhang Xiaofan passed.

Subject three is even easier for Zhang Xiaofan.

The coach is only responsible for telling the points that need to be paid attention to in the exam.

Zhang Xiaofan only practiced once, no, to be precise, he only practiced once.

Then I went to the examination room.

This made the coach bewildered and caught off guard.

"Hmph! What are you pretending for? I have practiced for so long and failed the exam twice. He will take the exam after less than 10 minutes of practice."

"Damn, this is obviously looking down on those of us who work hard."

As a result, all beings were slapped in the face.

"God! You want my life!"

"Why can you pretend that that person is not me!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan pass subject three, and then seeing Zhang Xiaofan getting into Li Tingting's car.

That was howling up to the sky.

For Zhang Xiaofan, this is basic practice, he doesn't want to say anything.

Strength is like this, what can you do.

All he could do was to pass the exam silently.

However, Zhang Xiaofan's basic practice has become a record that no one else can break.

After finishing subject four, Li Tingting originally wanted to celebrate Zhang Xiaofan.

But after arriving at the Taoyuan Hotel.

"Oh my god! Brother Xiaofan, what happened?"

Li Tingting and Zhang Xiaofan came to the entrance of Taoyuan Hotel, and there was a huge crowd of people, and Li Tingting was startled by the long queue.

This situation is even hotter than that of the Shi'ao Hotel.

It seems that, after all, it is a county seat, and its spending power is stronger than that of the town.

Zhang Xiaofan nodded in satisfaction, he knew it was because of the "secret weapons" - chicken soup and duck soup.

It's noon and it happens to be a restaurant.

And Zhang Xiaofan told Ye Tongtong that this advertisement should be published in advance.

Therefore, last night, a batch of chickens and ducks that had been fed with the "spiritual liquid" medicinal materials were brought in from Stone Village.

Then kill it this morning, put on the signboard, the chicken soup and duck soup are the same as those at the Shi'ao Hotel in Shi'ao Town.

After this period of time, the reputation of Shi'ao Restaurant's mysterious chicken soup and duck soup has already spread throughout FY County.

How many people went there admiringly, but regrettably returned, just because the limit was too serious.

It can't be sold at all.

And when the advertisement of Taoyuan Hotel was published, everyone who knew it knew it.

In the circle of friends, one pass ten, ten pass one hundred.

These few hours can make Taoyuan Restaurant extremely popular.

"Excuse me, please let me go."

Zhang Xiaofan took Li Tingting's hand and wanted to squeeze into Taoyuan Hotel, but he was blocked by someone.

"What are you doing, can't you line up properly? You have to pay attention to quality."

One aunt immediately became unhappy, looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said loudly.

"That's right, you two are young, how can you do this kind of thing like jumping in line?"

"Boy, hurry up and line up at the back, or I'll beat you up!"

All the customers who lined up said angrily, they must be very dissatisfied with Zhang Xiaofan's actions.

Some people even want to do it.

"Everyone, don't get excited, this is the owner of Taoyuan Hotel."

Li Tingting said.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zhang Xiaofan in unison.

Many people were overwhelmed with excitement when they heard the word boss.

"Ouch! It's the boss, everyone, get out of the way."

Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan is the boss, everyone made way for him.

There's no way, if the boss is upset and he doesn't sell it, then it's over.

"Boss, isn't your soup also limited?"

asked the guests in line.

Zhang Xiaofan looked around, there was obviously a brand that asked Ye Tongtong to release limited sales, where did it go?

It turned out that it was blocked by someone.

Quickly took out the sign.

"Limited to [-] servings per day, [-] servings for Chinese food, and [-] servings for dinner."

Zhang Xiaofan pointed to the sign and said.

"Boss, you can't do this! You have such a good thing, why are you still limited, why don't you sell more? This way you can earn more!"

This is what many customers say.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will try not to limit them, but there must be a limited number in a day."

"What I can ask them to do is to provide as much as possible for everyone based on their ability."

"After all, good things don't come with a lot of thought."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's explanation, everyone felt relieved.

Time passed quickly, and the thousand copies for lunch were sold out.

A thousand copies, 100 yuan a copy.

It's not some expensive dish, it's just soup.

Not a big bowl, but a small bowl.

It is indeed very expensive.

However, his taste and therapeutic effect cannot be measured by money.

That is to say, even if Zhang Xiaofan wanted to sell it for a thousand servings per bowl, that would not be too much.

Still the same sentence, you have some minor physical problems, go to the hospital for examination, blood draw, filming and so on, nothing can be solved without a thousand dollars.

Not to mention taking medicine to treat other things.

But a bowl of soup does the trick and saves time.

If you buy 100 yuan, you can't be fooled, and you can't buy it at a loss.

What you get is far more than what you get for this price.

Health is priceless!

Some customers who don't know the mysterious chicken soup and duck soup complained that the 100 yuan bowl was expensive while queuing up, but when they finished drinking, they only had one reaction.

"Okay! That's great!"

It seemed that I ran out of words at that second.

Zhang Xiaofan found an interesting phenomenon, doctors from many hospitals came to queue.

Just to drink a bowl of soup!
Also, the bosses of many restaurants have come to have the cheek to cooperate.

What did you say to give a bowl of 200 yuan.

This was directly rejected by Ye Tongtong.

"Sister doesn't make money, but let everyone earn health."

This is what Ye Tongtong said.

That heroism, dare to ask who else.

"Manager Ye, business is going well!"

Seeing Ye Tongtong finish his work, Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"Brother Xiaofan, you have to give me a raise. As a manager, I have to lay hands on you. I'm exhausted."

Ye Tongtong pretended to thump his shoulder and said.

"The salary increase is too vulgar. As the boss, I decided to give you [-]% of the shares in Taoyuan Hotel."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Ah! It's only ten percent! It's too little."

Ye Tongtong said disappointedly.

"Tongtong, this is quite a lot."

"Taoyuan Restaurant earns 100 million and you can get [-]. Besides, Brother Xiaofan plans to open a branch."

"Your [-]% may be hundreds of millions or billions in the future."

Li Tingting said.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded, Li Tingting still understood herself.

He himself does have plans to open a catering company, to be a catering company that is not a traditional catering company.

"Oh! Then I have a chance to become a billionaire in the future."

Ye Tongtong said happily.

"Of course you can, as long as you work hard."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Tingting, you've had this soup before, it's delicious."

"Come on, I left you a bowl."

Ye Tongtong said.

This is my girlfriend!

"Tongtong, where's mine?" Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hee hee! Brother Xiaofan, I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Hey! This is the treatment of a boss, it's really pitiful."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and said disappointedly.

(End of this chapter)

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