Murano's little genius

Chapter 352 Angry Dong Zhuo

Chapter 352 Angry Dong Zhuo

"Haha! Threat? Threat with me?"

"It's the [-]th moon, and everyone knows it's bright."

Dong Zhuo laughed and said.

"So, if you don't sell it today, you will end up begging me to buy it in a few days."

Dong Zhuo said confidently.

In addition, thinking about what happened yesterday, he felt very upset.

He not only wanted a prescription, but also wanted to teach Zhang Xiaofan a harsh lesson.

Damn, dare to hit me Dong Zhuo, I'm tired of work!

"How much money did you say you could pay?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Hehe, that's right, it's your luck to make me Zhengxiu Group fancy something."

"Just now I bid 1000 million, but I just thought about it, we have to calculate yesterday's account, so let's buy it for 500 million."

Dong Zhuo said with a smile.

He felt that Zhang Xiaofan would obediently sell things to himself in the end.

With his small broken company, he has no right to offend Zhengxiu Group.

In addition, regarding what happened yesterday, it was the most aggrieved and embarrassing thing for Dong Zhuo.

Taking this opportunity, he must give Zhang Xiaofan a hard blow, and it's just an appetizer.

"500 is too much."

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and said.

When Li Peishan heard this, she frowned, she didn't know what Zhang Xiaofan was going to do.

"500 billion."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

Dong Zhuo and the man in a suit next to him were startled by Zhang Xiaofan's mouthful of 500 billion.

This fucking lion opened its mouth wide, no, this fucking whale opened its mouth wide!
"Bastard, are you crazy!"

"500 billion, what the hell are you playing with me!"

"The entire Zhengxiu Group earns tens of billions a year!"

Dong Zhuo glared at Zhang Xiaofan angrily and said.

"It's not that I'm crazy, it's that you're crazy!"

"I sell you my product formula and patent, and you only give 500 million."

"Your Zhengxiu Group should be able to earn tens of millions of dollars a year with just a bottle of Zhengxiu Dieda Medicine?"

"And the bottle of medicine produced by our company for the treatment of iron sprains is many times better than yours. If you want to sell the prescription and patent, it will cost [-] million."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

What Zhang Xiaofan said is correct, and Dong Zhuo also understands.

He paid that price because he wanted to catch big sharks with small shrimps, which is really deceitful.

Just relying on the bottle of bruises and sprain medicine produced by Zhang Xiaofan's company, it will definitely cause a sensation in the market, and it is unprecedented.

Earning more and more, there is absolutely no way out for similar drugs on the market.

Even the orthopedics department of the hospital saw a lot less people.

In the whole country, the money earned may be calculated in hundreds of millions a year.

Not to mention the whole world, it is priceless.

"But your 500 billion appetite is too big!"

"Not realistic at all!"

Dong Zhuo said.

"Hehe, I'm just talking, because I don't know how to sell."

Zhang Xiaofan laughed.

"Fuck! You're kidding me!"

Dong Zhuo angrily pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and cursed.

"I didn't trick you, you wanted to be tricked by me."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said.

Dong Zhuo and I clenched my fists, he stared at Zhang Xiaofan, but there was nothing he could do.

His plan was in vain.

"Hmph! Okay! Reject our Zhengxiu Group's kindness, and you'll just wait to be dealt with!"

"Tomorrow I will let no one dare to buy your medicine!"

After speaking, he shook his hand and walked out.

"Dong Zong, what now? They are not threatened verbally."

"And we can't really suppress them. This is an order from above. You must be safe for the first three months when you come here."

The man in the suit said worriedly.

"Damn, wouldn't you use other methods?"

"Since you can't use the company's means, won't you spend some money outside to find someone to make trouble?"

"I'll teach you how to do it!"

Dong Zhuo could only vent his anger on the man in the suit.

There is a requirement from above that in the first three months, you must keep a low profile when doing things in FY County.

Especially in business, you can't make things happen.

So yesterday, after he was beaten by Zhang Xiaofan, there was nothing he could do.

He gritted his teeth and vowed to let Zhang Xiaofan experience his revenge for himself!
"Xiaofan, I'm afraid we are really going to run into trouble. Anyone who understands knows that Zhengxiu Group is the kind of company that will destroy it if it doesn't get it."

"There was a company before that developed a very good medicine for treating skin diseases, but Zhengxiu Group took a fancy to it. They refused to be purchased and acquired, and in the end Zhengxiu Group used a seemingly legal competition method to spend the least amount of money. It was bought..."

"Such examples abound in the history of Zhengxiu Group's development."

Li Peishan said.

"Brother Xiaofan, not only Zhengxiu Group will use it, but many large groups use this method to develop and expand."

Li Tingting also said.

"It's okay, I just want to see what they can do."

"Plus, this world is like this. You can turn into a phoenix through the fire, and you can only see the sea after climbing a mountain. Now the emergence of Zhengxiu Group is an obstacle to our company's success."

"Since we can't avoid it, let's straighten our bodies and face him face to face."

This is Zhang Xiaofan's attitude.

If you are capable, you can't be bullied anymore, right?

Li Peishan nodded.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's confident appearance, she felt relieved.

Still a little worried though.

"Brother Xiaofan, I support you!"

Li Tingting held Zhang Xiaofan's hand and said adoringly.


"What! These people don't make money, are they just throwing money?"

"Don't they just make this money? Now they don't do business when they come to their door, what a shit!"

Dong Zhuo in the office directly dropped the cup on the ground.

He was already full of anger, but at this time, he lit another fire.

He asked the man in the suit to spend money to find someone to set up Zhang Xiaofan's company in FY County, and used methods to make people afraid to buy their products, and even make their products into products with quality problems.

However, no one dared to accept the order.

"Dong Zong, I don't know what's going on, I add money to them, even if the money is twice as much as the market, I don't accept it."

The man in the suit said helplessly.

"Did you ask them why?"

Dong Zhuo blushed with anger.

"I asked, and they said that if it's about that kid, that is, Zhang Xiaofan, they won't do anything, no matter how much money they give them."

The man in the suit said.

Dong Zhuo slapped the table again, and Mao was furious.

"Also, President Dong, I got a piece of news."

"The former Yongchun Pharmaceutical Industry was the original company of the factories and office buildings rented by Zhengxiu Group."

"It was destroyed by Zhang Xiaofan."

"It is said that Zhang Xiaofan single-handedly destroyed the two Cai brothers who once ruled the sky in FY County."

"The current boss of FY County who is doing these things once worked with Cai Dehu, one of the two brothers of the Cai family."

"Zhang Xiaofan is like a devil in their eyes."

"That's talking about turning pale!"

The man in the suit said, he felt a little scared in his heart while talking.

Dong Zhuo frowned: "What else?"

It seems that Dong Zhuo doesn't doubt the authenticity of this matter.

Because Zhang Xiaofan does have that kind of vigor and skill.

"But it's impossible for me to swallow this breath, and the products in his company's hands."

"If I can get the prescription, not only can I make a lot of money, but I can also leave this ghost place."

"Since the waste in FY County can't be used, then we will call it from other places."

"Call Ryoko and tell them to come over tonight!"


(End of this chapter)

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