Murano's little genius

Chapter 353 Let me solve it for you

Chapter 353 Let me solve it for you
Today, all the pharmacies in FY County carry the products of Zhang Xiaofan's company.

There are actually two types of products, one for bruises and sprains, and the other for skin problems.

Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting drove around every pharmacy.

There were long queues, and the sea of ​​people was not an exaggeration at all.

Imagine a medicine that allows you to cure a sprain or a sprain in just a few minutes, would you buy it?

That must be a regular at home.

Even if you don't use it, you will buy it.

Therefore, many people will queue up to buy it. Another important point is that it is not expensive, so they only buy one hundred and one bottles.

There are almost twenty pharmacies in the entire FY county.

Less than half a day after the sale started, ten stores were already out of stock.

I wanted to replenish the goods, but the production progress in the factory could not keep up.

And Li Tingting took the initiative to go to the company to urge the production progress.

In addition, the township pharmacies under FY County are also the focus.

In short, all the pharmacies in FY County have fully sold the products of Zhang Xiaofan's company.

At the beginning, some pharmacies saw that it was not a big brand, and then the commission was low, so they looked down upon it.

As a result, when I saw that other pharmacies were out of stock, I rushed to ask for the goods.

Drugstores are very popular, but beauty stores are not.

Why, because none of the beauty shops accept it.

It is impossible to talk about cooperation with many people.

Even Li Peishan personally went out to talk, but it didn't work.

Because in their view, these products touch their interests.

People's beauty salons make money by selling those high-margin products.

Now you sell the product so cheap, and then the effect is so good.

How can someone cooperate with you? If a customer sells a bottle of cheap medicine and gets the effect he wants, don’t beauty salons drink northwest wind?

However, there was only one beauty shop that accepted products from Zhang Xiaofan's company.

Beauty Beauty Shop.

Many colleagues came.

"Duzhumi, we know you are rich, and you opened a beauty salon just for your own use."

"But have you ever thought about us? We all make money from this."

"You're now accepting their product, and that's breaking the rules."

"How do you want us to do business in the future?"

"That's right! Duzhumi, your behavior is disgusting."

"You can't put your pleasure above our pain."

"Du Zhumei, let me tell you, if you still dare to sell their products, you are doing right to all of us and ruining our money, and we will do our best."

"If something goes wrong, don't blame us."

All of my peers have said very nasty things.

However, most of the bosses in the same industry are also women, of course, there are also men.

"Listen to me, we open beauty salons to make money, but we must not forget that we also need to provide customers with good products when doing business."

"Since there is a good product now, of course we have to recommend it to customers."

Du Zhumei, who was wearing a short skirt, stood at the door of the beauty shop and said.

"Du Zhumei, don't be disgusting."

"If you were us, you wouldn't think so."

"Let me tell you, if you dare to sell those products, we will make it impossible for you to open a store."

"Everyone went in and smashed her shop."

Seven or eight people poured into Duzhumei's beauty shop one after another.

But Du Zhumei is just a woman, how can she stop so many people.

Moreover, there was a woman who played tricks on purpose and deliberately pushed Du Zhumei.

Let her whole body fall out of the door.

At that critical moment, a firm and powerful hand hugged Du Zhumei.

Arms around Xiaoman's waist, it feels great!

"Are you okay?"

A somewhat magnetic familiar voice sounded.

Du Zhumi tidied up her somewhat messy hair.

It is so beautiful when thousands of blue hairs are flicking.

Kazilan of Du Zhumei looked at Zhang Xiaofan with big eyes.

Bright and sparkling.

"It's him!"

The heart beats accordingly.

Zhang Xiaofan let go of Du Zhumei.

"Thank you, Doctor Xiaofan."

The most touching thing for a woman is that you appear when she needs you most.

"I'll help you out."

The people inside are throwing things randomly, Zhang Xiaofan can't let them be so presumptuous, plus, Du Zhumei was targeted for selling her own products.

Zhang Xiaofan hurried in.

"Stop it all!"

Zhang Xiaofan's voice was like thunder.

For a moment, everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Who are you? What are you shouting here!"

Said a sissy-looking person.

"That's right! You're crazy! You're screaming here."

"I tell you, it's none of your business, get out quickly."

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at these beauty shop owners, it seems that they really do what they do and love what they do, they all make themselves beautiful and clean.

Unfortunately, few of them are pure natural.

It's either the nose, the chin or the chest, or the buttocks.

"Miss Zhumei is my friend, I have to do something when you smash her shop?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Who cares about your friend!"

"She broke the rules, we let her know the consequences of breaking the rules."

These people are all plausible.

"Rules, what did she break your rules?"

"She just wants customers to use good and cheap products. Is this breaking the rules?"

Zhang Xiaofan questioned.

"What are you? This is a matter in our industry. If we say she broke the industry rules, she broke the industry rules. It's not your turn to speak!"

The sissy man pinched his waist with both hands and said.

The other women who wore sexy clothes and light makeup even gave cold eyebrows.

"Hehe! I'm afraid it touched your interests?" Zhang Xiaofan sneered.

"It's true, but it's not!"

"What can you, a rustic countryman in rough clothes, do?"

"I'm just curious, Du Zhumei is a rich woman after all, how can she have a friend like you, a countryman."

"Oh! I see, Du Zhumei is not married and has no boyfriend, so you must be her little man!"

Everyone talked and laughed.

"Du Zhumei, you are so hungry! You found such a country guy."

"That's right! If you want to find a man, tell me earlier, and I'll help you find some ducks."


"shut up!"

"Doctor Xiaofan is my friend, don't mess with the dirty water!"

Du Zhu's face was full of anger.

"In FY County, who dares to break the dirty water of Doctor Xiaofan!"

At this time, a noble lady came in.

"Mrs. Li! You are here."

Du Zhumei greets you.

This lady is none other than Li Yang's wife.

Today she made an appointment with Du Zhumei to come to her beauty shop for skin care.

When I first arrived, I saw this situation.

Everyone in the beauty industry in FY County knows Li Yang's wife.

"Hello Mrs. Li!"

"Hello Mrs. Li!"

Everyone nodded in greeting.

Although everyone knows that Li Yang's wife knows Du Zhumei, but in FY County, she knows a lot of people with Mrs. Li, and the relationship is only average.

But not so good that she would be asked to help.

"Doctor Xiaofan, long time no see, how are you doing?"

"My family, Li Yang, took the medicine you prescribed last time, and he's already healed. It's amazing."

Mrs. Li said very respectfully.

As soon as Mrs. Li Yang's words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

The situation seems to be bad!

The tone of voice when speaking, the smile on the face, and the respect.

There are not many people like her in FY County!

And they are all those very not simple characters.

(End of this chapter)

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