Murano's little genius

Chapter 453 Handsome guy, are you talking about the project?

Chapter 453 Handsome guy, are you talking about the project?
This auction is for everyone in the society.

As long as you want, you are capable.

You can come to the auction.

However, people have a name for themselves.

The things that are foreclosed tonight are all expensive.

People without money don't have the shame to participate in the auction.

Therefore, the people who came to the guild hall tonight were at least rich or expensive in Nandu.

The security check in the clubhouse is relatively strict.

Zhang Xiaofan went through the security inspection machine and also asked to be manually inspected by the whole body.

Damn, it's still a woman.

He touched his whole body up and down.

Zhang Xiaofan has reason to suspect that this woman may want to eat tofu.

Maybe Zhang Xiaofan figured it out.

In order to participate in tonight's auction, he specially went to buy new clothes.

Putting on new clothes, Zhang Xiaofan's already handsome image has been improved by [-]%.

At least, it looks like he is properly tall, rich and handsome.

It's not just that he looks handsome, but wears rustic clothes.

Otherwise, those self-righteous, dog-eyed idiots will stare at my plain clothes every time.

It's really annoying.

After Zhang Xiaofan went in, the female staff member who gave Zhang Xiaofan a full body security check just now said: "Hee hee! It's good to be a security checker, you can eat tofu if you see a handsome guy."

"Well, is he in good shape?"

another security check female staff member asked.

"I was so excited just now, I forgot."

Entering the guild hall, Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the hall.

At this time, many people have come.

Everyone has their own friends, standing together and chatting with each other.

Looking at the clothes of these people, all of them are either rich or expensive.

It seems that today's auction must have something good to attract these rich people.

Of course, some ordinary people pretending to be rich people also came among them.

The purpose of their coming is to get to know those rich bosses or rich second generations.

No, a slender woman in sexy and gorgeous clothes walked towards Zhang Xiaofan.

"Handsome guy, are you interested in talking about the project?"

The woman's eyes seemed to be seductive, she winked at Zhang Xiaofan.

"What project?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"There are a lot of people here, why don't we talk in your car?"

What this woman said was straightforward enough.

"I don't have a car."

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly.

"It's okay, let's talk in my car."

the woman said.

Zhang Xiaofan touched his chin, pretending to look at the woman's figure.

And the woman seemed to cooperate actively, twisting her buttocks and straightening her bust.

"In this weather, the car is too hot."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The woman smiled and said, "It's okay, we can turn on the air conditioner."

"It's still not right, the car is too small."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head slightly and said.

"There is a hotel next door to the hall, which is opened by my friend."

"I think we can go there and talk."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"Okay, let's go then."

Saying that, the woman is about to hold Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

"However, I have no money."

"Can you pay for the hotel expenses?"

Zhang Xiaofan touched his pocket and said.

"Handsome guy really knows how to joke. You wear tens of thousands of clothes. How can you have no money?"

The woman said with a smile.

"You said this dress, I sold it in a wholesale store, it's pure imitation."

"199 pieces."

As Zhang Xiaofan said, he also took out the hanging tag that he didn't take out.

When the woman saw it, her face changed, and that expression changed to another person.

"A poor guy who doesn't have the money to learn from others and come here."

"Wasting my lady's time."

The woman scolded Zhang Xiaofan, she gave Zhang Xiaofan a few glances.

Seeing the woman walking towards the next target, she quickly shook her head.

It seems that I don't know which boss or rich second generation had a good night with her tonight.

Zhang Xiaofan scanned around, but didn't see anyone he knew.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know many people in the southern capital.

So he found a seat and sat down.

Waiting for the auction to start.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the hall.

All eyes were on the door.

A young man entered the hall under the escort of a dozen bodyguards.

Seeing this person, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes seemed to shoot real fire.

The fist squeezed the air.

The person standing next to Zhang Xiaofan suddenly felt a great pressure, and it was difficult to breathe.

And a chill like falling into an ice cave hit from the back.

Let them dare not move an inch.

This person is called "Ye Chen", that is, Ye Chen.

His appearance, no matter how he changes, Zhang Xiaofan can still recognize him even if he turns into ashes.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't expect that the bastard Ye Chen also came!
It seems that there is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and the road to enemies is narrow.

Ye Chen, who walked into the hall, was surrounded by many people like the most dazzling star.

No way, Ye Chen is the son of Zhentian Group.

Everyone knows what Zhentian Group means in Nandu.

The person who came today is destined for Ye Chen to become the most dazzling person.

Perhaps because he was used to such scenes, Ye Chen didn't even bother to be surrounded by these people.

Instead, he looked at a person in the guild hall, Zhang Xiaofan.

Of course Ye Chen also recognized Zhang Xiaofan.

The reason why he came here today is not only for the auction, another reason is Zhang Xiaofan.

The news of Zhang Xiaofan coming here was already known by Ye Chen.

No way, he still has this strength.

For Ye Chen, Zhang Xiaofan now only has anger and hatred,
(End of this chapter)

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