Murano's little genius

Chapter 454 Mysterious big shot?Zhang Xiaofan?

Chapter 454 Mysterious big shot?Zhang Xiaofan?
Zhang Xiaofan guessed that this bastard Ye Chen also came to participate in the auction, right?
If this bastard came, it would be dangerous for me to take pictures of the building I like today.

After all, this bastard Ye Chen is rich.

Today's auction is based on money, compared to money, although Zhang Xiaofan has Changhui Group behind him, but in reality, it is far less rich than Zhentian Group.

In addition, apart from Zhang Xiaofan, no one who came today would dare to bid with Ye Chen.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I didn't expect you to escape this catastrophe, it's your fate."

A man beside Ye Chen walked towards Zhang Xiaofan.

After looking at Zhang Xiaofan, he said.

This person is a "dog" next to Ye Chen.

Still quite identifiable.

At least, he is loyal to Li Chen.

Li Chen asked him to deal with many things.

What happened to Li Dongsheng was what Li Chen ordered him to arrange.

Seeing this person, Zhang Xiaofan said calmly: "Are you a human or a dog?"

"Hmph! What a big tone, quite crazy~!"

The man stared at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

He already knew that Li Dongsheng and his senior brother had become fools, and he had already told Li Chen.

When Zhengxiu Group was asked to send Li Dongsheng to FY County, it was because he always used his brain to do things.

It is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

He believed that even if Li Dongsheng couldn't kill Zhang Xiaofan.

It can also completely destroy Zhang Xiaofan's little foundation in FY County.

However, the result was unexpected.

Hostage failed in all missions, Zhang Xiaofan is indeed extraordinary.

"Listen to your tone just now, the person in FY County was asked by Li Chen to arrange for you to go, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a gloomy expression.

"Hmph! You're smart, but how could this kind of thing require my young master to come forward? It's all arranged by me."

"I don't know how you changed the situation when Li Dongsheng and the others were hostages."

"But let me tell you, Lin Huachi's daughter, you can't keep it!"

"Next time, I will definitely ask someone to mess with his daughter!"

"I'll see what you do, and it must be very special to film the process and show it to you."


The man laughed out loud.

"I already know the relationship between you and Lin Wanrou."

"At that time, seeing the woman I liked was raped, that feeling must be comfortable."


The man laughed while talking.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaofan's slap has already been slapped.

Saying these things in front of Zhang Xiaofan, isn't that just a joke?

This slap is not small.

He slapped the man to the ground, his mouth was full of blood.

It is estimated that four or five teeth flew out.

That face instantly turned into a pig's face.

Enduring the severe pain, he covered his bloody face and roared angrily: "What the hell! How dare you hit me here!"

"I'm sorry, I still have to teach some dogs barking."

Zhang Xiaofan took a step forward, came in front of the man, and slapped him twice.

In an instant, not to mention his face, the man's entire head turned into a pig's head.

A sudden "accident".

attract everyone's attention.

When they saw the man being beaten, everyone was shocked, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

That person is Ye Chen's follower, even though he is only a follower.

But behind is the big tree Ye Chen, how many people dare to disrespect him?Let alone beat him.

Everyone knows about Ye Chen's followers, but who was the one who beat him?
Everyone is not clear.

Someone beat Ye Chen's follower in Nandu!
Soon, everyone guessed that this person was either a "mysterious big shot" or an ignorant fool.

And what occasion is today?
90.00% of the people who come here are rich people, even if they are not rich, they are ordinary people who are sensible.

Therefore, idiots generally do not appear.

And the "mysterious big man" has become everyone's consensus.

Zhang Xiaofan is a "mysterious big shot".


Ye Chen spoke up.

He roared.

Walking slowly, there was no expression on his face.

so cold.

That person is his follower "dog".

No one can hit him or scold him but him.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiaofan actually hit his servant?

Must be furious.

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at Ye Chen, and said coldly: "I don't look at the owner when I beat a dog."

"Who do you think you are?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Zhang Xiaofan in shock.

It's not enough to beat Ye Chen's servant, but he still despises Ye Chen, saying what kind of thing he is!
For many people, this is simply courting death!

Is this person really not afraid of offending Ye Chen?

Even if it is a "mysterious big shot", Ye Chen has to give Ye Chen some face no matter what he does in Nandu.

Ye Chen's expression was very ugly, he never thought Zhang Xiaofan would do such a thing.

And yelling at yourself under the gaze of so many people.

For Ye Chen, it was too shameful!
Hastily said in a cold voice: "Zhang Xiaofan, you trashy little wilder, you are crazy! How dare you hit my people here! Do you know what this means?"

For Ye Chen, today he must let Zhang Xiaofan know what it means to regret being born in this world.

"Xiao Yemin?"

In the guild hall, everyone focused on the three characters Onomin.

It means that this Xiaofan is not a "big man" at all, but a small countryman! !

However, how dare a small wild man go against the famous son of the Zhentian Group, and even cursed at him.

Isn't this looking for death?

Zhang Xiaofan?
"I know who he is!"

"He is Zhang Xiaofan who joined forces with Changhui Group to bring down the Wu Group!"

At this time, someone in the hall said loudly.

The people present were either well-known leaders or big bosses. They must know that the affairs of the Wu Group are not easy.

After such an understanding, it was discovered that it was related to Changhui Group and a mysterious young man.

Now some people say that Zhang Xiaofan is that mysterious person.

Everyone is shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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