Murano's little genius

Chapter 458 Water Chill

Chapter 458 Water Chill
Auction is over.

Long Teng personally took Zhang Xiaofan to a building.

"Old Long, I don't want this building anymore."

"This building has a better location than the Meteor Building, with higher floors, a larger area, and a more aesthetic feeling."

"And the value must be very high."

"I have already accepted your Taoyuan Hotel, and now it is too expensive to accept your building."

Zhang Xiaofan knew what Long Teng meant, after all he was the one who saved his life.

However, when I gave Taoyuan Hotel to myself, it was also a repayment of kindness.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, this building is nothing to the elders of the Long family, just accept it."

"Your kindness for saving my life cannot be measured by money."

Long Teng said with a faint smile.

"Old Long, I really can't have it."

Zhang Xiaofan still refused.

"By the way, Mr. Long, why is this building empty?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"This building belongs to a company under the Long Family. It has just been built and is planned to be rented out as a whole."

Long Teng said lightly.

"Actually, I can't make much money in a year."

"So, since it's just for rent, it's better to give it to Xiaofan who is in need."

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand again and said: "Old Long, it's really not good, the value of this building is too high."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's repeated rejections, Long Teng said: "In that case, then I'll sell it to the genius doctor Xiaofan."

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while and replied: "That's fine."

This building is also very in line with my requirements.

Since Long Teng sold it to himself, of course he had to ask for it.

"How about 1000?"

"Old Long, this."

"Okay, that's it!"


This is not enough to buy a piece of land.

But before Zhang Xiaofan could speak, Long Teng made the decision.

"Old Long, your price is not right."

Zhang Xiaofan said quickly.

Just 1000 million, it’s no different from giving yourself away.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, that's the price, it can't be higher."

Long Teng said seriously.

"Well, if there is anything Elder Long can do for me in the future, just let me know."

Seeing Long Teng's persistent attitude, Zhang Xiaofan knew that if he refused, he would not give him face.

That being the case, 1000 million is 1000 million.

I will find a chance to repay this favor later.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, don't be so polite, this is what I should do."

Long Teng said happily.

Although giving this building to Zhang Xiaofan has no purpose.

But seeing that Zhang Xiaofan could accept it, he was of course happy in his heart.

Because he knew that in the future the Long family would be related to Zhang Xiaofan, the real miracle doctor.

This building has a total of 36 floors and is located in a very important commercial center in Nandu.

The overall avant-garde design of the building is in line with Zhang Xiaofan's aesthetics.

However, the building has no name yet.

This Zhang Xiaofan has to think about it.

Accompanied by Long Teng, Zhang Xiaofan had a brief tour of the building.

Then Long Teng ordered the person in charge of the real estate company under the Long Family to transfer this building to Zhang Xiaofan's name.

Ye Chen left from the guild hall.

Sitting atop his Rolls-Royce Phantom.

back seat.

Smoking the best cigars!
His face was extremely gloomy.

"Zhang Xiaofan! Don't worry, you won't live long! I will let you die!"

Ye Chen stifled the cigar heavily, and said angrily.

Tonight in the guild hall, Zhang Xiaofan humiliated Ye Chen, it was like hitting him in the face in front of everyone!

The anger in Ye Chen's heart was very intense!
He is the son of the Zhentian Group, and he is more than enough to deal with Zhang Xiaofan, a little wild man with only a little skill!

However, calling people not only failed to deal with him, but he was humiliated by himself today.

Ye Chen was so angry that he wanted to tear Zhang Xiaofan into pieces!
"Did Shui Chi contact you?"

Ye Chen asked in a deep voice.

"Young master, he is on his way!"

Shui Chi is a cultivator, but not a normal cultivator, he practices Gu.

That is the legendary Gu technique.

The "protector god" of Zhentian Group will not directly obey Ye Chen.

And those ordinary bodyguards are not Zhang Xiaofan's opponents at all.

And his father Ye Zhentian said that to deal with Zhang Xiaofan at present, the "protector god" cannot be used unless it is a last resort.

Therefore, the helpless Ye Chen could only use other powers.

And Shui Chi was one of the people he thought of.

Nandu, Ye Chen's villa.

An old man dressed in rags, blind in one eye, leaning on a cane, holding a Gu cup in his hand, walked in.

"Master Ye, you called me here late at night, what's the matter?"

The old man who was blind in one eye asked in a very low and hoarse voice.

This person is exactly Shui Chi.

Looking at the Shui Chi in front of him, Ye Chen couldn't help shivering, not a shiver of fear.

It was that kind of instinctive reaction, the feeling that Shui Chi gave him, really like a ghost in the gloomy.

Especially his other eye, which can still see, can't help but make people feel chills.

"Help me kill someone!"

Ye Chen regained his composure, and clenched his fists when he thought of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Yes, as long as Mr. Ye can give me what I need."

Shui Qi said with a sly smile.

"Killing people is easy for me."

As a Gu practitioner who lives in "darkness" all year round.

Shui Chi didn't know how many people had been killed by Gu technique.

Because, he has a very powerful Gu worm in his hand, which needs to eat human flesh for a living.

"Don't worry, with me, you can get everything you need."

Ye Chen said.

As a Gu practitioner, Shui Chi has always wanted to become the most powerful Gu practitioner in their tribe.

So, he traveled thousands of miles from the tribe to the big city.

The purpose is to use more resources to improve his Gu technique to a higher level.

"Help me kill him, including the people around him."

Ye Chen put Zhang Xiaofan's photo in front of Shui Chi.

(End of this chapter)

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