Murano's little genius

Chapter 459 Gu Insect

Chapter 459 Gu Insect
Long Family Martial Arts Training Hall.

This is the martial arts training hall of the Long family.

Outsiders cannot come in.

At this time, in the martial arts arena in the hall.

A sparring session is underway.

Both of them are elites in this martial arts training hall.

The strength is all good.

Fast and powerful.

The fist that was struck with true qi carried a true whistling.

It seems that the air is blown.

Judging from this situation, the strength of the two is comparable.

One move by you, one move by me, you can't hit me, I can't hit you.

However, other members of the museum were very engrossed.

Everyone cheered loudly, very excited.

After all, the two on stage are the strongest librarians other than the curator.

Not only an opportunity to watch, but also an opportunity to learn.

"Dachao, come on!"

"Dachao, come on!"

"Ah Guang, come on!"

"Ah Guang, come on!"

Everyone supports different people.

Bang bang!

The sound of qi colliding on the stage shook the entire martial arts hall.

However, the man named Ah Guang suddenly opened his eyes with anger!

He waved his fists indiscriminately.

Then I put my head in my hands, it was very painful.

It may be that Da Chao didn't notice that there was something wrong with Ah Guang, so he punched him in the abdomen.

The man fell down and passed out.

On the sidelines of the game, stood a middle-aged man with a monogrammed eyebrow.

This person is the person in charge of the Long Family Martial Arts Training Center.

A moment ago, Ah Guang's behavior suddenly went wrong, and he couldn't hide it from his eyes.

So he stepped on his feet and came to the field.

He checked Ah Guang's situation and felt that it was not good.

So he called the doctor in the hall.

But the doctor was helpless.

two days later.
"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, a strange thing happened in the martial arts training hall of my Long family."

"There is an elite librarian who is also an elite ancient warrior of my Long family. In a competition, he seems to be possessed by an evil spirit."

Long Teng told Zhang Xiaofan about Ah Guang.

"Take me to see."

Zhang Xiaofan knew that Long Teng must have told himself to go and see what he said.

As soon as Long Teng finished speaking, Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative to go.

There are two main reasons.

First, he was very interested in the person's situation, probably the one he guessed.

Second, I just took a mansion from the Long family at a price so cheap that it was hardly worth money, and I wanted to return this favor.

So, Long Teng took Zhang Xiaofan to the martial arts training hall of the Long family.

within a room.

Zhang Xiaofan walked in.

Inside lay a man, and this man was Ah Guang.

At this time, Ah Guang, although he was still breathing, was no longer energetic, like a 60-year-old man.

This situation is very bad. After all, Ah Guang is an ancient warrior with mid-term Huang-level strength.

Has a very strong infuriating spirit.

However, the true energy emanating from his body is already very weak.

According to what the person in charge of the Long Family Martial Arts Training Center said just now, the doctor has already conducted a comprehensive examination on Ah Guang.

But knowing that Ah Guang's situation is bad, he didn't find any problems.

This stumps them.

So, he reported it to the Long family, and Long Teng also received the news.

He also visited Ah Guang himself, but he is not a doctor after all, and he can't find any problems, let alone cure them.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward to feel A Guang's pulse.

According to the pulse condition, Ah Guang was neither sick nor poisoned.

Instead, his true energy dissipated bit by bit.

His life became weaker and weaker bit by bit.

Zhang Xiaofan took the black iron needle and pierced the acupuncture point on A Guang's head.

With the help of his own vitality, he wanted to find out what happened to Ah Guang.

Zhang Xiaofan's vitality entered Ah Guang's body, through Zhang Xiaofan's control.

Finally found the trick!
In Ah Guang's body, there is a worm that can suck true energy!

At the very first moment, Zhang Xiaofan was sure that this worm was a Gu worm!

It is a Gu worm raised by a person with good Gu skills.

This kind of Gu seems to live by absorbing true energy!

After discovering the reason, Zhang Xiaofan didn't hesitate.

Controlling the vitality in Ah Guang's body, he went towards that Gu worm.

Gu worms are tyrannical, but Zhang Xiaofan's vitality is even more domineering.

After a while, the Gu worms came out of Ah Guang's body through his mouth.

Zhang Xiaofan's speed was extremely fast, and he stabbed with the black iron needle very accurately!
The Gu worm was pierced by Zhang Xiaofan's silver needle.

It's not dead yet!

After all, this Gu worm lives by sucking true energy.

The strength is very tyrannical.

An ordinary person, encountering this kind of Gu worm, would be directly pierced by it and die!

"It's actually a Gu worm!"

On the side, Long Teng showed a look of surprise!
"Shui Sheng, how could something like this appear in the martial arts training hall of our Long family!"

Long Teng was furious.

"Patriarch, this restaurant is full of our own people, and no one else has ever entered."

"Ah Guang should be a Gu worm that was laid outside!"

Shui Sheng is the person in charge of the Long Family Martial Arts Training Center.

Facing Long Teng's scolding, he said hastily.


"When did Nandu have people who practice Gu, aren't those people all in Miaojiang thousands of miles away?"

Long Teng said.

In Kyushu, there is only one place where people can practice Gu, and that is Miao Jiang.

But most people don't know this kind of thing.

Nowadays, in fact, there are fewer and fewer Miaojiang people who practice Gu skills.

Because voodoo is becoming more and more unpopular.

Most of the Miaojiang people who practice Gu art now are from relatively secretive tribes.

At this moment, Ah Guang opened his eyes.

At this time, he was very weak, after all, his true energy was sucked by the Gu worm, and his body was also damaged a lot by him.

"Ah Guang, who have you been in contact with recently, there are Gu worms in your body!"

Ah Guang, who had just woken up, couldn't help being shocked when he heard the news.

He quickly recalled.

"I remember, it might be that person!"

Ah Guang told about the day he met a blind man with a cane outside.

"Old Long, this person must be the one who played Gu!"

Zhang Xiaofan said with certainty.

Hearing this, Long Teng immediately made a phone call and ordered the forces of the Long family to secretly search for a blind old man on crutches in Nandu.

(End of this chapter)

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