Murano's little genius

Chapter 463 Bai Bingbing's Kiss

Chapter 463 Bai Bingbing's Kiss

Villa on the second floor.

Li Tingting was washing her body with hot water in the bathroom.

And Zhang Xiaofan was waiting in the room.

Suddenly, Bai Bingbing's cry came from the first floor.

The voice was not loud, not the kind of voice calling for help.

Zhang Xiaofan felt uneasy, so he went downstairs.

"Miss Bingbing."

Zhang Xiaofan called Bai Bingbing.

No response.

So Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the room.

"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Xiaofan knocked on the door.

Door open.

The scene in front of him made Zhang Xiaofan feel like his blood was rushing.

Just because the picture is too fragrant.

Bai Bingbing actually has nothing on her body!
Zhang Xiaofan:
Small and exquisite, slim, graceful and graceful, with willow waist and flowery posture.
In fact, it is not suitable for children, so there is no need to describe it.

Out of politeness, Zhang Xiaofan hastily turned his head and covered his eyes with his hands.

"Sister Bingbing, what are you doing!"

Zhang Xiaofan stuttered a little because of the slight increase in blood energy.

"Xiaofan, come in."

Suddenly, Bai Bingbing grabbed Zhang Xiaofan with one hand.

And Zhang Xiaofan didn't know the situation at this time.

After being pulled by Bai Bingbing, she entered the room where she lived.

The door was closed by Bai Bingbing.

"Sister Bingbing, please put on your clothes."

Zhang Xiaofan still said with his hands in front of his eyes.

"I'm cold, you can help me dress, okay?"

Bai Bingbing's voice was nice to hear, but now it's a little softer, which makes one's heart crisp.

Zhang Xiaofan feels that the Bai Bingbing at this moment and the Bai Bingbing just now, just judging from the sound, they seem to be two people.

"What is this? Maternal or animalistic?"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't know what was going on.

Seeing the white clothes on the bed, he picked up the clothes as fast as he could,

Quickly came behind Bai Bingbing, and then put it on her body.

Zhang Xiaofan took a deep breath.

However, Bai Bingbing suddenly turned around and hugged Zhang Xiaofan directly.

"Xiaofan, I'm so cold, hug me!"

Although I put on clothes, the front is still empty.

Being hugged by Bai Bingbing like this, Zhang Xiaofan's blood began to surge again.

Although that feeling is very good, but Zhang Xiaofan can control himself.

He is sensible.

Bai Bingbing, is it too fast?

She shouldn't be this kind of girl!

So, Zhang Xiaofan pushed Bai Bingbing away.

Pushed lightly by Zhang Xiaofan, Bai Bingbing fell on the bed.

'Whoohoo! '

Suddenly, Bai Bingbing covered her face and wept.

The sobbing sound was painful to hear.

This made Zhang Xiaofan embarrassed.

What exactly is this Bai Bingbing going to do?How did she become like this.

Let Zhang Xiaofan become embarrassed.

"Sister Bingbing, you can just say what you want, there is no need to do this."

Zhang Xiaofan said quickly.

"I'll ask Tingting to come down."

Zhang Xiaofan turned around to open the door.

"Xiaofan, don't."

"Come here and I'll tell you."

Bai Bingbing sat up, tears wet her innocent cheeks.

As if something really happened.

"You get dressed first."

Zhang Xiaofan continued to cover his eyes with his hand and said.

There was a rustling sound.

Bai Bingbing simply put on a skirt, but no underwear inside.

Although it wasn't worn, at least it wasn't like it was just now.

It's like challenging Zhang Xiaofan's desire to control.

Zhang Xiaofan took a step, walked to the bed and sat down.

"Sister Bingbing, are you feeling unwell or something happened?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked in a deep voice.

Bai Bingbing and Zhang Xiaofan exchanged glances, then said in a sobbing voice; "I"

The words did not come out.

Directly rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan.

If it was a bad guy, Zhang Xiaofan would definitely be able to react and punch him.

However, she is Bai Bingbing.

Li Tingting's best friend, a woman.

Of course Zhang Xiaofan can't do this.

He could only let her pounce on him while protecting himself.

Just when Zhang Xiaofan wanted to push Bai Bingbing away.

She did something that Zhang Xiaofan didn't even dare to think about.

Her strawberry-flavored lips met Zhang Xiaofan's directly.

A strange feeling spread throughout Zhang Xiaofan's body.

And, she quickly put her tongue out.

These two words immediately appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's mind.

Then pushed Bai Bingbing away again.

However, the second before pushing away.

The door opened.

Li Tingting appeared.

That is to say, the picture of Bai Bingbing kissing Zhang Xiaofan mouth to mouth was seen by Li Tingting.

Snowflakes are fluttering, and the north wind is blowing.
Seeing the moment Zhang Xiaofan and Bingbing kissed each other, Li Tingting's first reaction was that the whole world collapsed!

How could this be?
"Brother Xiaofan, you guys!"

Before she finished speaking, Li Tingting, who was red-eyed, turned around and ran out.

No matter how strong, generous, and rational, she would definitely not be able to accept it immediately.

For a moment, she lost the ability to think.

For a moment, she only believed what she saw.

The person I love and my good friend kissed in the room.

This is a fatal blow to any woman.

Zhang Xiaofan who pushed Bai Bingbing away in an instant knew that the situation was troublesome.

This is so fucked up!
At this moment, Bai Bingbing was ignored and hurriedly chased him out.


Zhang Xiaofan took Li Tingting's hand.

"Tingting, it's not what you think."

"Just now I"

Zhang Xiaofan recounted what happened just now from beginning to end.


Li Tingting asked.

"Of course, you still don't believe me?"

Zhang Xiaofan grabbed Li Tingting and said.

"Actually, I also know that Brother Xiaofan, you can't be that kind of person. It's just that when I saw that scene just now, I couldn't control it for a while, as if the whole world had collapsed."

"My heart hurts very much."

Li Tingting steadfastly explained Zhang Xiaofan's affectionate words.

"Then let's go and see what happened to Sister Bingbing."


Zhang Xiaofan took Li Tingting's hand and went back to Bai Bingbing's room.

At this time, Bai Bingbing was already lying on the bed, motionless.

"Sister Bingbing, wake up."

Li Tingting hurried up.

"Brother Xiaofan, sister Bingbing has passed out."

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward quickly, felt Bai Bingbing's pulse.

However, nothing abnormal was found.

At this moment, Bai Bingbing slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

"Sister Bingbing, you're awake!"

Seeing Bai Bingbing woke up, Li Tingting said excitedly.

Bai Bingbing woke up and kept looking at Zhang Xiaofan.

"I just"

"Tingting, Xiaofan, I'm sorry, I didn't know what happened just now, my body was out of control, and I couldn't even control my speech."

Bai Bingbing who woke up remembered everything that happened with Zhang Xiaofan.

Unknowingly feel guilty or even ashamed.

She blushed and apologized quickly.

She didn't expect that she would do such a thing!

In front of Zhang Xiaofan, with no clothes on, he even kissed Zhang Xiaofan.

She Bai Bingbing, even if she was acting, she never gave her first screen kiss, let alone reality.

(End of this chapter)

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