Murano's little genius

Chapter 464 Playing games with human lives?

Chapter 464 Playing games with human lives?

"Tingting, do you believe me?"

Bai Bingbing asked about Li Tingting.

Zhang Xiaofan is Li Tingting's boyfriend, if she did that just now, Li Tingting will definitely misunderstand and will be very angry.

"Sister Bingbing, did anything strange happen before that?"

Before Li Tingting could answer, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Bai Bingbing didn't dare to look directly into Zhang Xiaofan's eyes at this moment.

After all, she did those shameful things to Zhang Xiaofan just now.

"I don't know too well. I took a shower and was about to change clothes, but found that my body was out of control, and my mind was out of control."

"It's as if a person hid in my body and controlled me."

Bai Bingbing recalled and said.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan stared and thought.

Then he helped Bai Bingbing get his pulse.

In fact, it's not really feeling the pulse, but injecting a little vitality into Bai Bingbing's body.

Explore her body.

as predicted!

Another Gu worm!

There is a tiny white Gu worm in Bai Bingbing's brain!

Just when Zhang Xiaofan wanted to use his vitality to destroy it, Bai Bingbing suddenly cried out in pain.

She held her head in her hands, with a painful expression on her face.

In an instant, Zhang Xiaofan pulled out his vitality.

"Brother Xiaofan, what's wrong with Sister Bingbing?"

Li Tingting asked anxiously.

"She was hit by another Gu."

Zhang Xiaofan replied in a deep voice.

"Gu? Is there really such a thing in this world?"

From Li Tingting's perspective, she thought that things like Gu only existed in novels and legends.

At this time, a shadow flashed outside the window

Li Tingting didn't notice it, but Zhang Xiaofan did.

"Tingting, look at Sister Bingbing, I'll go out for a while."

Zhang Xiaofan said seriously.


Li Tingting nodded.

She didn't know what Zhang Xiaofan was going to do, but she knew there must be something important.

Zhang Xiaofan is very fast.

In an instant, he came to the courtyard of the villa.

Zhang Xiaofan has super perception.

What appeared in the window just now was not only the shadow of a person, but also the breath of vitality.

Possibly, the person who played Gu was already nearby.

"Hehe! How do you feel?"

A vicissitudes and somewhat hoarse voice appeared along with a figure.

Zhang Xiaofan narrowed his eyes and looked away.

I saw an old man with crutches, blind in one eye, and unkempt, coming in from the door of the villa.

this person
It looks exactly like the person Ah Guang said in the Long Family Martial Arts Training Center!
"Entered here easily, and put a voodoo on my friend without my knowledge. It seems that your voodoo skills are very powerful."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Looking at your age, you should be in your early twenties."

"In his early twenties, he has a strength that I can't even see through. It seems that he is really someone beyond others. He is really a genius."

"Did you save that person in the Long Family Martial Arts Training Center?"

"Not only are you strong, but you also have a special method against Gu worms."

The old man smiled with a hoarse voice.

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly: "Oh? It seems that you are the one who laid a spell on the Long family."


"I managed to cultivate two Gu worms that can suck true energy, but you saw through them and killed one!"

"I will remember this grudge!"

The old man stared at Zhang Xiaofan with another deep eye and said.

"It means that you came here today to avenge your bug?"

"However, although you are also a cultivator, your strength is only at the third level of the Yuan Kaijing after all."

"You can't be my opponent, and you have to die here today!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.


"Since I dare to come, I have my means. You can't kill me today."

"The pretty girl inside, doesn't it feel very strange?"

Leaning on crutches, the old man walked towards Zhang Xiaofan slowly.

A sinister side appeared on his face.

"Since I am sure to kill one of your Gu worms, then I am sure to kill your second."

"You bug, are you sure you can stop me?"

Zhang Xiaofan knew at a guess that the Gu worm in Bai Bingbing's mind was made by this person.

The old man laughed again, and then said coldly: "The Gu worm I planted for her is different from other Gu worms."

"My Gu worm was cultivated by me for 81 days with a lot of precious resources. After entering the human brain, that person is controlled by the Gu worm, and the Gu worm is controlled by me."

"In other words, as long as I issue a Gu order to that woman, I will control her body including her speech."

"The most important thing is that the Gu worm has become one with the woman's body."

"As long as the Gu worm dies, the girl's life will also disappear!"

"This Gu is called the Controlling Gu or the Death Gu."

"So, how do you save him?"

"Want to drive the Gu worms out?"

"Don't think about it, the Gu worm only listens to my Gu technique order. The order I gave him is that it will never leave the woman's body unless it dies."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes shot a cold light, extremely cold!
At the same time, he should be thankful that he didn't kill the Gu worm just now, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!
And will Zhang Xiaofan believe the old man's words?

Of course, it is better to believe that there is something than nothing.

What's more, he has seen the power of Gu worms before.

Of course there is such a threat.

"So that's the case. Then you mean to use that girl to threaten me."

"And then kill me?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

The old man stared at Zhang Xiaofan with eyes like black holes, and sneered: "I guessed half right."

"I am indeed here to kill you today."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice: "Just because I killed your precious bug?"

"Cough cough!"

"That's half the guess."

"Originally, before I came here, I was going to kill you directly."

"But, now that you think about it, you killed the worm I worked so hard to cultivate, I can't just let you die like this!"

"Since you are so powerful, I will give you one day."

"Get rid of the bugs in that woman's brain."

"If you can get rid of it, and the woman is not dead, then congratulations."

"This time you not only saved that woman's life, but also yours!"

The old man coughed twice and spoke in a hoarse voice.

The reason for doing this is because the old man is unwilling and extremely confident in his Gu skills.

Originally, it was Ye Chen's order that he wanted to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

Nothing to do with bugs.

But by chance, Zhang Xiaofan actually destroyed his plan and killed the Gu worm he cultivated so hard!

This made him very angry!
What he killed was not only the bugs he had cultivated so hard, but also a challenge to his Gu skills!
His goal is to become the most powerful Gu God!
However, Zhang Xiaofan broke the Gu worm he planted easily, and killed the worm!
Therefore, he must let Zhang Xiaofan know.

Killing his Gu worms is not only a price!
What's more, let him know that his Gu skills are amazing!

In front of his powerful Gu technique, Zhang Xiaofan is powerless at all!
Zhang Xiaofan clenched his fists, this bastard is a blatant threat!
Take Bai Bingbing's life as a bet.

Facing the strength of this old man, Zhang Xiaofan can easily destroy him.

However, this bastard is by no means alarmist.

He can't make fun of Bai Bingbing's life.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan can only choose to play this game with him.

(End of this chapter)

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