Murano's little genius

Chapter 468 What is the difference between reckless life and human life?

Chapter 468 What is the difference between reckless life and human life?
"who are you?"

asked the young doctor, frowning.

However, when he saw Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, his body couldn't help shivering.

"As a doctor, medical ethics are the most basic."

"This lady's husband has seen a doctor here and also took medicine."

"It has become like this now. Although there is no direct evidence to prove that it was caused by taking the medicine prescribed here, you have pushed it all out and kicked people out. Is this what you do as a doctor?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

As a doctor, Zhang Xiaofan dislikes such things the most.

At this moment, he didn't check in detail, and he didn't know if the woman's husband really became like this because of taking the medicine prescribed here.

But at least she saw the woman's sadness and helplessness.

Faced with the bad attitude of the doctors in this hospital, Zhang Xiaofan, as a doctor, had no choice but to deal with it.

"What do you know! We are the doctors of the hospital, we must stand on the side of the hospital, who knows if this woman came here to ruin the reputation of our hospital?"

Hai Dasheng said in a deep voice.

"I am also a doctor, and my medical skills are not bad."

"I should be able to see if this woman's husband has taken the medicine prescribed by you."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Hai Dasheng and said calmly.

Hearing this, Hai Dasheng stared at Zhang Xiaofan and said, "It's ridiculous! At your age, what kind of medical skills do you have?"

"This matter can only be handed over to an authoritative organization for verification!"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly: "Oh? Not necessarily."

"Do you dare to show the results of his examination at that time and the specific medicines prescribed?"

Hai Dasheng said with displeasure: "Why should I take it out? What are you!"

Zhang Xiaofan sneered: "Are you afraid?"

Hearing this, Hai Dasheng was not calm, he pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and said angrily: "Are you doubting me? Let me tell you, you are not qualified!"

"The medicine was prescribed by this young doctor. He has no medical skills at all. He prescribes random medicine!"

The young woman pointed to the young doctor and said.

Then, the onlookers started talking.

"That's right! This person looks like he's just graduated, can he be a doctor at this age?"

"I've never seen such a young doctor."

"There's nothing tricky about it, is there?"

Everyone pointed to the young doctor and started discussing.

"I think it is necessary to test the qualifications and medical skills of this young doctor!"

"Yes, I support it!"

More and more people suspect that young doctors are not good at medicine.

"Don't talk about it, everyone. I am also a doctor. As long as I ask a question and he can't answer it, then his medical skills must not be good."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

"that's it!"

Everyone raised their hands in agreement.

The faces of Hai Dasheng and the young doctor were not very good.

"How about it, dare you? Or do you not have good medical skills?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the young doctor and said calmly.

"What am I afraid of, you ask!"

The young doctor said with unsteady eyes.

"Director Hai, I'm also a doctor. If he can't even answer the questions I ask, then he must be incapable of medical skills, don't you think?"

Zhang Xiaofan turned to look at Hai Dasheng and asked.

"Hmph! Just ask if you have the ability, we are not afraid of the shadow, let me see what tricks you can play!"

Although Hai Dasheng felt guilty, he didn't think Zhang Xiaofan could stop them.

Although Xiao Liu's medical skills are so-so, Zhang Xiaofan's age looks younger than Xiao Liu's.

How could it be possible to ask ordinary questions that Xiao Liu didn't know about.

"Okay, since that's the case, let me ask some basic questions."

"Since the doctor prescribed Chinese medicine, it proves that he is also a Chinese medicine doctor. Then I will ask some questions related to Chinese medicine."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a faint smile.

"During intercourse, how should a man prescribe the right medicine for premature ejaculation caused by yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked lightly.

Hearing this, Doctor Xiao Liu scratched his head, he was thinking.

If he is seeing a doctor, he must know the answer, because he can read a book.

But now, he could only answer from memory.

He can't remember!

"Doctor Liu, can you give me the answer?"

"This is a very basic medical problem in Chinese medicine."

Seeing Doctor Xiao Liu scratching his head and thinking, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"You can use Rehmannia glutinosa, Chinese yam, Phellodendron cortex, Dan bark."

Xiao Liu's young doctor stopped talking halfway, faltering and hawing.


"Also, how much is there?"

"In Chinese medicine, not only is the medicine right, but also the right amount."

Zhang Xiaofan continued to urge.

Doctor Xiao Liu couldn't answer this reminder at all.

He couldn't figure it out.

"Doctor Xiao Liu, you can't even answer such a basic question, can you?"

"You are a doctor in charge. If such patients come to see a doctor, is this how you treat them?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a sneer.

"This question is usually only known to old Chinese doctors, don't you know?"

Hai Dasheng on the side said quickly.

Hai Dasheng knew that Xiao Liu obviously couldn't answer this question.

After all, Hai Dasheng knew how much he weighed.

Diplomas are bought and come in through relationships.

He is still his cousin.

Usually see a doctor, prescribe medicine and so on, all follow the books.

Now let him answer for himself, not at all.

"Men, if the sexual intercourse is caused by yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, you must use a house that nourishes yin and suppresses yang. You can use raw rehmannia, cornus, anemarrhena, paeonol, golden cherry, cork, yam, and Alisma [-] grams each. , [-] grams of Tribulus terrestris, [-] grams of oysters and [-] grams of keel, decocted with water, one dose a day, divided into two doses."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Hearing this, Hai Dasheng's expression turned ugly.

Because he knew that Zhang Xiaofan was right.

It is impossible for ordinary young doctors to blurt out the medicine and dosage.

And Zhang Xiaofan is young, he can say it casually.

It's not that simple.

"Director Hai, am I right?"

"In addition, in Chinese medicine, this is very basic knowledge."

"Doctor Xiao Liu doesn't even know this."

"His medical skills do not seem to be very good."

"So, I very much doubt that he doesn't know how to prescribe the right medicine."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Hearing this, the onlookers all nodded.

If you can't even answer basic Chinese medicine questions, you can be a doctor?

What's the difference between this and taking care of human life?

It seems that this woman's husband is very likely to be caused by taking the medicine they prescribed indiscriminately.

Zhang Xiaofan saw that Hai Dasheng and Doctor Xiao Liu were silent, so he said in a cold voice: "I don't understand anything at all, and I am here as a doctor. I have reason to believe that this lady's husband is caused by taking the medicine you prescribed. become like this!"

Doctor Xiao Liu panicked, and he replied hesitantly: "No, that's not the case. The medicines I prescribed for him are all based on the books!"

"He just has kidney deficiency."

"It says that those medicines have no side effects or are harmful to the human body at all."

(End of this chapter)

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