Chapter 469
"Oh? According to the book?"

"Are you sure he has kidney deficiency?"

"Then prescribed tens of thousands of dollars of Chinese medicine?"

"Kidney deficiency, you can use the prescription I just mentioned, and it won't cost you a few dollars."

"But you prescribed expensive Chinese medicine worth tens of thousands of dollars."

"How much trickery is there?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

When Zhang Xiaofan said this, Doctor Xiao Liu's body trembled suddenly, as if Zhang Xiaofan had hit something.

His face became more and more ugly.

In fact, he didn't dare to be 100% sure whether that person had kidney deficiency or not. He just judged it by simply looking at the symptoms.

Then use the usual consistent style.

Make the situation serious, and then prescribe some expensive Chinese medicine with huge profits and high profits.

This prescription, as long as it doesn't kill people, it doesn't matter whether it is effective or not.

But now, it was actually exposed by Zhang Xiaofan on the spot.

"Director Hai, do you dare to take the inspection form and the records of prescriptions?"

"Whether it's a random prescription or not, you can tell at a glance."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Impossible! Isn't it, what you say doesn't count!"

Hai Dasheng's expression changed and he said angrily.

"Ma'am, did you bring the medicine that your husband disclosed at that time?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked the young woman.

"It's here, it's all here."

"However, there is no list, and no name of the medicine."

said the young woman.


Zhang Xiaofan took a pair of traditional Chinese medicine, opened it, and smelled it.

Then he walked over and took the pulse of the young woman's husband.

"It seems that it is really a random prescription!"

"Even the patient doesn't know what the disease is, so he is prescribed this kind of medicine."

"This person has no kidney deficiency!"

"It's a kidney function problem!"

"But you prescribed these medicines indiscriminately, which aggravated his kidney condition."

"Then it affects the internal organs, and finally the nerves!"

"In the end, he became a severely damaged vegetable."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.


Doctor Xiao Liu did not expect this to happen.

He thought he had kidney deficiency, and the medicines he prescribed were for kidney deficiency. Even if it couldn't be cured, it wouldn't cause any problems to others.

This is the self-confidence he refuses to admit.

"Ma'am, call the police!"

Zhang Xiaofan called the young woman to call the police.

"it is good!"

The young woman called the police.

Hai Dasheng was a little dazed, he didn't know this kind of situation existed at all.

They have a principle of making huge profits by prescribing medicines indiscriminately, that is, although the medicines prescribed are ineffective, they cannot cause death or more serious physical problems.

To put it simply, he admitted in his heart that they prescribe drugs indiscriminately.

But he does not admit that the medicine they prescribe can cause a person to become a vegetable.

That's why he dared to ask the young woman to call the police.

But now, hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Hai Da became anxious.

"Hey! Hey!"

The police car sounded.

At this time, Hai Dasheng was a little panicked, and Dr. Xiao Liu had to support the wall to stand up.

"Everyone listen to me, if this is the case, then Dr. Xiao Liu must have misdiagnosed the illness and prescribed the wrong medicine."

"It's all his fault!"

Hai Dali pointed to Doctor Liu and said.

This is to shift the responsibility to Dr. Liu.

Hearing this, everyone reacted quite strongly, and there was an uproar.

It turns out that he is really a doctor with no medical ethics and no medical skills!

And the young woman stepped forward directly.


He slapped the young doctor directly, and cursed loudly, "You bastard! Return my husband!"

"My husband has become like this, you pay back my husband!"

"I didn't know it would become like this, I didn't mean it!"

"I just want to make more money!"

This is a private hospital, and many doctors pay attention to performance. Although he came in through connections, he still wants to make money.

Therefore, he often prescribes medicine by coaxing and cheating.

At that time, I saw that the husband of the young woman had some symptoms of kidney deficiency, so I "casually" prescribed some expensive traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing the kidney, and added some for nourishing the body.

These are very expensive traditional Chinese medicines, and he does not believe that people will have problems if they eat them.

And at that time Hai Dasheng also signed.

"Bastard! Doctor's scum! How could this hospital recruit such a doctor! It's a reckless disregard for human life!"

"My God! Anyone in this world can be a doctor now!"

"This is not a professional issue, this is a moral issue, this is a crime!"

"I didn't expect this hospital to do such a thing! It's really harmful! Fortunately, I come here often."

"Maybe one day I will take medicine and become a vegetable!"

At this time, the onlookers were filled with righteous indignation.

Some people even want to rush up.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan noticed that the condition of the young woman's husband had worsened, and his breathing was a little short.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

The young woman cried again with tears of fear.

"He is in critical condition and may die at any time. I will cure him!"

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward and said.

Hearing this, the young woman was terrified and slumped on the ground.

Can he save?
This is a vegetable!

All eyes turned to Zhang Xiaofan.

They didn't believe that Zhang Xiaofan could cure him.

Zhang Xiaofan's expression is serious, the man's condition is critical, if he is not rescued in time, he probably won't survive for a few minutes.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan used Ghost Valley Nine Needles.

Superb, unpredictable, natural hand!

When everyone saw the scene of Zhang Xiaofan applying the needle, they were all amazed!
They don't know how powerful Zhang Xiaofan's medical skills are, but just this acupuncture, it is estimated that the TV can't show it.

so amazing!

This is completely different from the traditional Chinese medicine needles they usually see.

In the case of the young woman's husband, the internal organs were severely damaged by the drug and the brain nerves were also damaged.

Now the heart is failing and may die at any time.

He used Guigu Nine Needles to stabilize his life.

Then use black iron and silver needles to repair the damaged nerves, and then inject vitality to repair the internal organs damaged by the "drug".

Very fast, in one go!
Although the vitality of a cultivator is miraculous, there is a prohibition. It cannot stay in the body of ordinary people for too long, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Although it is normal for Zhang Xiaofan to save people with Guigu Nine Needles and Black Iron Needle at the same time, but after all, he needs to use vitality, and the manipulation of vitality is very demanding.

Otherwise, vitality can easily cause huge damage in the body of ordinary people.

Simply put, vitality itself is a double-edged sword.

You can use it to kill people easily, and you can use it to save people.

But it is not easy, it needs to be very familiar with the human body, and requires a very strong manipulation of vitality.

Zhang Xiaofan gently wiped the few drops of sweat from his forehead.

At this time, the complexion of the young woman's husband returned to normal, it was no longer dark, and his expression was no longer dull.

"Honey, what's wrong with me, why am I sitting in a wheelchair!"

The young woman's husband returned to normal and asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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