Murano's little genius

Chapter 470 Divine Doctor!

Chapter 470 Divine Doctor!

I boil!

The crowd is rioting!Everyone thought they had seen a ghost!
A vegetative person was actually rescued by him!

This is nothing short of a miracle!
The young woman knelt down directly.

"Thank you, divine doctor!"

The young woman was so excited that she shed tears again.

For a young woman, her husband becomes a vegetable, how painful and helpless she is.

If her husband left just now, she would not know how to survive, and they still have two children who are still in kindergarten.

Said, but also to kowtow to Zhang Xiaofan.

"No need to do this, I'm a doctor, this is what I should do."

Zhang Xiaofan quickly helped the young woman up.

When everyone saw this, they all applauded.

Surprised by Zhang Xiaofan's miraculous medical skills.

The police arrived and learned everything.

The young doctor Xiao Liu also told the truth to the police out of helplessness.

But for some reason, this doctor Xiao Liu did not reveal other information about the hospital.

In this way, the police took the young Dr. Liu away.

After the young couple said a lot of thanks to Zhang Xiaofan, they wrote down Zhang Xiaofan's contact information, which would be convenient for repaying in the future, and they also left.

However, the crowd has not dispersed.

Because they know that Zhang Xiaofan's medical skills are not easy.

"Genius doctor, please take a look, my chest feels tight."

A young woman came up.

"Genius doctor, my butt has been hurting for the past few days, please help me take a look."

"Genius doctor, I have a headache, please help me."

A large group of people crowded up.

Doctors can take care of these diseases, plus Zhang Xiaofan doesn't have time right now.

"Let's make room, I still have something to do."

Zhang Xiaofan squeezed out of the crowd, and the security guards came over.

Seeing Hai Dasheng entering Tang Feijin's office, Zhang Xiaofan knew that things were not easy.

He hurried forward quickly.

He opened the door and entered the office.

It was discovered that Zhang Xiaofan followed.

Hai Dasheng said in a bad tone, "What else do you want?"

"It's nothing, I'm afraid you lied to my friend."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Who is your friend?"

Hai Dasheng said.

"Mr. Tang, don't count on him. It is impossible for him to provide a suitable bone marrow for your daughter."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

How difficult it is to find a suitable bone marrow transplant.

Hai Dasheng, the director of a private hospital, is so easy to find?

Moreover, Zhang Xiaofan saw clearly the character of Hai Dasheng just now.

"Director Hai, you won't lie to me, will you?"

"As I said, money is not a problem, but you have to find the right one for my daughter."

Tang Fei stared and said.

"Mr. Tang, how could I lie to you?"

"I am the director here, and what I say is true."

"Besides, if I lie to you about this kind of thing, you will definitely know."

Hai Dasheng said quickly.

"Irrelevant personnel, get out of here immediately, this is my office!",

Hai Dasheng looked at Zhang Xiaofan, pointed to the door and said.

"Director Hai, how did you find the right bone marrow?"

"Is it the Kyushu bone marrow bank? Or did you discover it?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Of course I found out!"

Hai Dasheng said coldly.

"Oh? Where is that person?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

"Director Hai, as I said before, you can help me find it, but it must be voluntary."

"Can't touch illegal threats, crime."

"So, since you found it, you must let me meet him."

Tang Fei upholds this principle.

Hearing this, Director Hai rolled his eyes.

He knew that the methods and channels must be illegal.

"This, Mr. Tang, don't worry, we did it very covertly."

"Although the method is slightly inappropriate, what are these things that can save your daughter?"


As soon as Hai Dasheng finished speaking, Tang Fei slapped it directly on the table.

"Director Hai, it's not good for you to do this!"

After speaking, Tang Fei was about to take his daughter and leave.

"Tang Fei! Stop pretending! Don't think I don't know who you were before?"

"Now you can find bone marrow suitable for your daughter through the black market, but you refuse. Do you think you are very noble?"

"I tell you, you are so sorry for your daughter!"

Hai Dasheng said loudly.

"Shut up! Besides, I cut your tongue!"

"Let me tell you, if you cooperate with the black market as a doctor, I will definitely call the police and ask the police to deal with it."

Tang Fei drank angrily.

Hai Dasheng said calmly, "Don't you dare. Didn't you leave for your daughter?"

Hearing this, Tang Fei became furious.

He rushed towards Hai Dasheng.

He directly grabbed Hai Dasheng's neck.

"You let me go!"

Hai Dasheng said struggling.

It may be that Tang Fei calmed down, and he let go of his hand.

"Regarding my daughter, I don't care what your relationship is with the black market, I'll destroy you!"

But there was a serious threat in the voice.

After speaking, he took his daughter and walked out.

"If you meddle in your own business, you will die!"

Hai Dasheng said to Zhang Xiaofan.

"You really have something to do with the black market?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"What if it is, what if it isn't?"

"If you make trouble here today, even if you offend the people behind my hospital!"

"You're done!"

Hai Dali gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't worry, if the person behind is a black market, I will take it all away."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan walked out.

"Mr. Tang, I have a way to treat your daughter."

Zhang Xiaofan chased after him and said.

Tang Fei stopped, looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said, "Who are you? What exactly are you looking for?"

Tang Fei began to suspect Zhang Xiaofan.

"You just have to believe that I can save your daughter."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Why should I trust you?"

"That's something you should ask yourself, because you'll believe me."

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly.

"you are a doctor?"

Tang Fei asked.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded slightly.

"For the time being, I believe that you are a doctor, and I also think that your medical skills are superb."

"But leukemia, what can you do?"

Tang Fei said.

"Dad, can uncle save me?"

Tang Fei's daughter looked at Zhang Xiaofan with her innocent big eyes and said.

"Uncle is fine, do you trust uncle?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"Well, Yanyan trusts uncle. Uncle seems to be a good person. You won't lie to my father."

In the end, Zhang Xiaofan's good looks worked.

Children will like it.

"Father, this uncle will not lie to us."

"Okay, Yanyan is really good, then let's let him try."

Then Tang Fei said to Zhang Xiaofan: "Tell me, how do you want to treat it?"

See words, still don't believe Zhang Xiaofan.

"If your daughter is cured, I have one condition."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Sure enough, you have a purpose."

"Say it, as long as you can cure my daughter, I'll be your cow."

Tang Fei said.

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be a fool, if I cure your daughter, as long as you give me the black market card."

Hearing this, Tang Fei's expression changed!
"Who are you? How do you know about me!"

After the words fell, Tang Fei suddenly felt the danger, and passively erupted with true energy.

(End of this chapter)

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