Murano's little genius

Chapter 471 Going to the Black Market

Chapter 471 Going to the Black Market
Tang Fei punched Zhang Xiaofan.

"Don't worry, I don't have any malicious intentions. If I did, I wouldn't come here with you."

"I just need your card."

Seeing Tang Fei's strong true energy, Zhang Xiaofan already knew his strength.

It's actually the peak strength of an ancient warrior at the Huang level!

It seems that Tang Fei must have been a good figure in the black market back then.

"I'm going there to find something to save people."

Zhang Xiaofan added.

"Everything in the black market is obtained illegally. If you go there to find something, you are not a good person!"


After finishing speaking, Tang Fei snorted coldly.

"Your understanding is correct, but it's a bit extreme."

Tang Fei has a deep hatred for the black market, and he has righteousness in his heart.

There are some things I can't explain to him.

"You just need to know that I can save your daughter, and I went to the black market to save someone with something."

"Think about it, as long as you give me the card, I can save the two of you, isn't it possible?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

Tang Fei hesitated, and then said: "Okay! As long as you can save my daughter."

In Tang Fei's view, although Zhang Xiaofan is mysterious, how could he heal his daughter well.

As an ancient warrior, Tang Fei knows that the world is not as simple as it seems, and there are many miraculous people and things.

But he doesn't think that Zhang Xiaofan is that kind of powerful and magical character that he has never seen before.

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan and Tang Fei returned to his home.

Leukemia is a malignant clonal disease of hematopoietic stem cells. Due to mechanisms such as uncontrolled proliferation, impaired differentiation, and blocked apoptosis, a large amount of proliferation accumulates in bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues, infiltrates other non-hematopoietic tissues and organs, and inhibits normal hematopoietic function.

And Zhang Xiaofan wants to cure Yanyan's leukemia, what should he do?
The leukemia cells in her body must be killed in the simplest and most direct way.

But to achieve this step, it must use his true energy.

At this time, other methods are useless.

However, this requires Zhang Xiaofan to devote 100% of his energy.

Because Yanyan is very young, if she is not careful, her vitality will kill her.

As the vitality of the purest aura transformation in the world.

It can easily kill leukemia cells.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan must control the time well.

This is a challenge to Zhang Xiaofan.

"You are a cultivator!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan mobilize his vitality, Tang Fei asked in surprise.

"Quiet, you can't talk next, keep quiet!"

Zhang Xiaofan said very seriously.

Tang Fei, who was about to say something more, quickly shut his mouth.

It turns out that Zhang Xiaofan is a cultivator!
Zhang Xiaofan injected a trace of vitality into Yanyan's body.

Then control it to swim in Yanyan's body.

Swimming throughout the body, killing all leukemia cells.

It's easy to say, but very difficult to operate!

Be fast and control carefully.

Sweat wet Zhang Xiaofan's back for a while.

Seeing that Yanyan's complexion was not very good, Zhang Xiaofan knew that he had to pull out his vitality.

But, there is one last bit left!
At the last second when the vitality will affect Yanyan's body, Zhang Xiaofan hastily withdrew his vitality.

Take a deep breath.

Tang Fei on the side looked extremely anxious.

He was afraid that something might happen.

"How's it going?"

Tang Fei asked quickly.

"Dad, I feel so strong and comfortable in my body."

This is, Yanyan woke up.

She said loudly with a cute smile.


Seeing that his daughter's face was ruddy and she had returned to her pre-illness appearance, Tang Fei walked over excitedly and hugged her.

"Thank you!"

Tang Fei quickly thanked Zhang Xiaofan.

Because he knew that Zhang Xiaofan did it!

"This is a black market card, and I will do what I say."

Then, Tang Fei went into the room and took out the cards from the black market, and handed them to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Since the card is in hand, I have to go, and I have to go to the black market to find something to save people."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"I'll pay you back when the card is used up."

When leaving, Zhang Xiaofan said.

"If you really want to enter the black market, be careful, it's not easy inside."

Tang Fei knew that Zhang Xiaofan was a cultivator, although he couldn't see through his strength, he definitely wasn't weak.

But the black market is a black market after all, there is also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are many masters, and the most important thing is that people's hearts are unpredictable.

The characters in it are not simple.

"Your daughter has just recovered, so let her rest more."

"Eat more nutritious things."

Zhang Xiaofan instructed.


Tang Fei replied.

Leaving Tang Fei's place, Zhang Xiaofan hurried to the black market.

After Zhang Xiaofan left, thousands of thoughts flashed through Tang Fei's mind.

In the end, he saw Zhang Xiaofan took the card from him.

Tang Fei thought of his wife, who died in the black market.

He is unwilling, he is angry, and he wants revenge!

However, he no longer has that strength!Wasn't it for the present that he left desperately back then?
In addition, he promised his wife that he would spend the rest of his life with his daughter to grow up, be ordinary and happy.

Just now, seeing Zhang Xiaofan going to the black market with a card, Tang Fei felt "ready to move", he wished he could follow Zhang Xiaofan back to the black market and kill that bastard!
However, after seeing her daughter, her heart retreated again.

The black market, in fact, does not refer to a particular place.

He was referring to a group of people.

A group of characters who walk on the edge of the law.

They do all sorts of shady things.

And what Zhang Xiaofan is going now is to take the cards and find the "gate" of the black market.

Zhang Xiaofan took the card and found a taxi driver.

That driver is one of the "gates" in the black market.

With the card, the door will open, allowing you to enter the real black market.

According to the rules, Zhang Xiaofan was blindfolded after getting into the taxi.

After half an hour, he was taken to a mysterious place.

Taking off the black cloth, Zhang Xiaofan found himself in a dark place with a few menacing figures standing in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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