Chapter 473
"Opportunity? Kid, don't get me wrong, we are the ones who give you the chance, not you who give us the chance!"

"Let me tell you, if you don't take the initiative today, you will lose more than just money."

The man named Brother Huan said with a sinister smile.

"Where's the real tiger fat?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"Don't eat and drink a toast!"

"Fuck him!"

With an order, a big man whose strength is at the martial artist level walked up to Zhang Xiaofan.

He was going to use the strength of an eagle to catch a chick to ruthlessly ravage Zhang Xiaofan.

I thought that when I came here, I could easily buy the tiger fat oil I wanted with money.

But who would have thought that he would still make a move.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to waste time, so he kicked directly.

Kicked people out and smashed through the solid wooden door.

"Fuck, Brother Huan, this kid has two hands!"

Everyone was stunned!

Brother Huan narrowed his eyes, and looked at Zhang Xiaofan again.

He obviously felt that Zhang Xiaofan was just an ordinary person, why did he turn him over with one kick?

"Draw out the gun!"

Brother Huan is very cautious.

As soon as the words fell, five or six people all took out their pistols and pointed at Zhang Xiaofan.

The muzzle is cold and ruthless, and the situation is very critical at this moment.

Feeling several guns being aimed at him, the pores of Zhang Xiaofan's whole body shrank.

This is a situation he could not have imagined!
These people actually have guns!

"Hmph! No wonder one person dares to come to our black market. It turns out that he is the one who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger."

"I was wrong, but unfortunately, this is a black market!"

"Even if you are a dragon, you have to coil for me!"

Brother Huan said with a cold snort.

Yes indeed!It's a black market here, and it's okay for these bastards to have guns.

But, is the current gun useful to Zhang Xiaofan?
When there is only one gun pointed at him, Zhang Xiaofan is fearless.

But now five or six guns were pointed at him at the same time, he wasn't sure if he could avoid them all, or if these guns couldn't hurt him.

"Are you sure I'm helpless?"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan's face remained unchanged and his speech was flat.

The man named Brother Huan said, "Your reaction surprised me."

"With five or six guns pointed at you, you can still act so calmly, it really surprises me."

"It seems that I have to look at you again now."

This brother Huan is also a figure in the black market, and has seen countless people.

Ordinary people, not to mention guns, will be scared out of their wits when confronted with a few knives.

But Zhang Xiaofan faced several guns, his words and deeds were so calm.

There was no trace of fear in that look!
Calm down to horror!
At this time, a person hurried over and whispered a few words in Brother Huan's ear.

"What's your relationship with Tang Fei?!"

Staring at Zhang Xiaofan, Brother Huan asked in a deep voice.

Obviously, that card exposed Tang Fei's information.

"What do you think is the relationship?"

Zhang Xiaofan replied coldly.

"Hmph! I don't care what your relationship is with Tang Fei, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy and hand over all the money, you still can't leave here!"

Brother Huan said coldly.

There was a killing intent in his eyes.

"It seems that your black market still can't let go of Tang Fei."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Hmph! Don't worry? That bastard Tang Fei killed my brother back then!"

"I have never forgotten that grudge."

"If it wasn't for the black market willing to give him a way out, let him take his daughter out of the black market to live his peaceful life."

"I've already gone to kill him!"

"Now you dare to show up on the black market with his card! Since you can't touch him, then I won't let you go!"

Huan brother gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Let me tell you, I don't care who you are, since I dare to come here with Tang Fei's card, I will use my hatred for Tang Fei on you!"

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly: "This Tang Fei never mentioned it to me."

"Give me the gun!"

Brother Huan took the pistol in one hand and pointed it directly at Zhang Xiaofan's right shoulder.

Brother Huan pulled the pistol.

The bullet pierced the breath.

I thought the bullet would easily penetrate Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder.

However, at the moment of the gunshot, Zhang Xiaofan's figure moved.

Bullets emptied.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

No one could see clearly.

Everyone else thought Brother Huan missed the shot.

But looking carefully, Zhang Xiaofan's position has already changed.

Brother Huan was also confused, he stared at the gun in his hand.

"how so!"

Even if it has reached the aerodynamic realm.

Zhang Xiaofan's speed can't be faster than a bullet, after all, the speed of a bullet is faster than sound.

And the reason why Zhang Xiaofan was able to dodge it was because of his extremely strong reaction ability, the ability to predict danger and judge, in addition to his abnormal acumen.

When Brother Huan buckled the pistol, Zhang Xiaofan was already ready to dodge.

But the moment the bullet came out of the chamber, Zhang Xiaofan's figure had already moved.

When the bullet hit the place where Zhang Xiaofan was standing, Zhang Xiaofan changed his position with his own extremely fast speed.

Therefore, the bullet is empty.

Brother Huan didn't believe it, he continued to shoot Zhang Xiaofan again.

But the result is still the same, all shot empty.

"Fuck! How could this happen!"

Brother Huan panicked!

The moment he was thinking, the others didn't dare to shoot without Brother Huan's order.

Zhang Xiaofan has already arrived in front of Brother Huan.

By the time he reacted and wanted to shoot again, it was already too late.

"court death!"

He knew that Zhang Xiaofan was going to take his gun.

After all, he is also an ancient warrior, how could he let Zhang Xiaofan grab the gun empty-handed.

But the reality is so cruel.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaofan had already grabbed his hand.

With a slight twist, a terrifying force came.

Brother Huan's face changed instantly.

This kind of power, he can't compete at all!
(End of this chapter)

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