Chapter 474

Brother Huan's right hand twisted 180 degrees.


The arm was twisted by Zhang Xiaofan.

Simply neat!

But it's heart-wrenching to watch.

This method is simply brutal.

Brother Huan knew that at the moment just now, as long as Zhang Xiaofan wanted to, he could kill him!

Brother Huan didn't scream, just yelled, then gritted his teeth, his facial features distorted.

Still a bit of willpower and backbone.

"Bastard! Let go of Brother Huan, or you will be shot and killed!"

The hand of the vest man holding the gun trembled slightly, but he still roared loudly.

"You open one to try?"

At this time Zhang Xiaofan, like that cold-faced killer, said in a cold voice.

"Brother, give the black market some face and let me go."

At this time, Brother Huan had a painful expression on his face, endured the severe pain, and began to speak with increased breathing.

"You shot me so I let you go?"

"If it were you, would you?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"Then what do you want? This is a black market, let me go now, let's pretend that what happened just now never happened."

Brother Huan said.

Zhang Xiaofan laughed: "Do you think what you said now is still credible to me?"

"I'll say it again, get the tiger fat out right now!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaofan twisted his hand slightly.

Brother Huan bared his teeth in pain and cried out.

The ancient warrior still has some perseverance.

"Even if I give it to you, can you take it away?"

Several guns pointed at Zhang Xiaofan again.

Suddenly, the gun in Zhang Xiaofan's hand rang out.

He hit Brother Huan on the ankle, and blood flew all over the ground.

Judging by the bloody appearance, this foot is useless.

Ah~! !
Finally, Brother Huan couldn't bear it anymore.

The screams like killing a pig rang out.

Lying on the ground, like a pig with its neck stabbed.

"What a lot of nonsense!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Several people with guns were stunned when they saw this situation.

How could they have imagined that Zhang Xiaofan fired a shot so unexpectedly.

So casual!

"Fuck! Brother Huan!"

"Damn it, guys, shoot him!"

Said with a stiff back.

A few guns pointed at Zhang Xiaofan ready to move.

Zhang Xiaofan fired again.

Hit Brother Huan on the other foot.

Ah ~!

This shot simply killed him.

Feet are useless.

Brother Huan's face was pale, and he was on the verge of dying.

Zhang Xiaofan with a gun is simply a devil.

"If you don't put down the gun, I'll shoot again."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

A few people, you look at me, and I look at you.

My heart was already flustered, and fear arose.

They all dropped their guns on the ground.

If he doesn't throw it away, Zhang Xiaofan might shoot him again.

They suddenly felt that they were really stupid.

He actually regarded Zhang Xiaofan as a harmless "little white" to humans and animals.

This is simply a killer in the skin of a kind person, a devil!

Hurt people with hands, shoot, all in one go, without any hesitation.

Like eating and sleeping.

"Get out the tiger fat oil!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Look what! Take it out."

The blood from both feet had already flowed all over several floors.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

Brother Huan still didn't faint.

It seemed as if he was using his last breath to say this sentence.

He felt that if he didn't take it out again, Zhang Xiaofan's gun would hit somewhere in the next second.

It may be that after the battle with Dongkoushe, Zhang Xiaofan's state of mind has changed.

It seemed that when facing some people, the smell of blood could make them obedient.

The man in the vest obediently put the other box on the table.

"bring here!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

The man in the vest picked it up again and handed it to Zhang Xiaofan.

Feeling Zhang Xiaofan's icy eyes, his back was half cold.

After receiving the box, Zhang Xiaofan opened it and smelled it.

After confirming that it was Tiger Fat Oil, he put down the gun in his hand.

Then walked outside.

Once you get your stuff, you have to go.

In fact, such a result is not what Zhang Xiaofan wanted.

Forging hatred with forces like the black market now is not conducive to future actions.

And probably get yourself into a lot of trouble.

In Zhang Xiaofan's own imagination, he originally wanted to establish his own force in Nandu.

But now it seems that the power has not yet been established.

On the contrary, it has conflicted with forces like the black market.

But due to the situation just now, Zhang Xiaofan had no choice but to do this.

After all, you can't let others ride on your head and shit, can't you?

And the purpose of his coming here today is to get tiger fat oil.

If he doesn't, he won't get it.

After leaving, Zhang Xiaofan rushed back to the villa.

He had to undo the Gu in Bai Bingbing's body before the day the old man who cast the Gu said came.

Otherwise, it will be difficult at that time.

You can't hurt others because of yourself.

Back at the villa, I saw Li Tingting and Bai Bingbing watching TV.

Zhang Xiaofan entered the room by himself first.

In order to prevent Li Tingting from seeing it, Zhang Xiaofan spilled some of his own blood.

The "nutrition" of the Gu insect is fresh blood and tiger fat oil.

That Zhang Xiaofan could only bleed his own blood on the spot, so it was treated as fresh blood.

Of course, much less blood is needed than fresh blood.

Zhang Xiaofan put his own fresh blood and tiger fat oil in a glass container.

Then let Bai Bingbing enter the room.

Li Tingting also followed in.

She didn't ask any more questions.

Because she knew Zhang Xiaofan went out for so long to find something to heal Bai Bingbing.

"Sister Bingbing, put this out of your nose and breathe a little harder."

Zhang Xiaofan handed the red cup to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Brother Xiaofan, what is this?"

Li Tingting asked.

"The unique things in the world cannot be sold with money."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

Hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Bai Bingbing took the cup carefully.

Then put it on the tip of your nose and smell it.

"Xiaofan, why does it smell like blood?"

Bai Bingbing asked.

"Because it has my blood in it."

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly.

"Ah! Xiaofan you"

Bai Bingbing stared wide-eyed at the red liquid in his hand.

"No way, fresh human blood must be used, not to mention there is not much, it's okay."

Looking at Li Tingting's surprised and worried expression, Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

"Sister Bingbing, smell it quickly, otherwise the blood will not be fresh, and if the blood is not fresh, I will continue to bleed."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"Xiaofan, is this really useful?"

This is the first time Bai Bingbing has seen someone treat people like this.

"Sister Bingbing, Brother Xiaofan's medical skills are very powerful."

"Just trust him."

Li Tingting said quickly.

Although he was puzzled, since Li Tingting said it, Bai Bingbing followed suit.

She continued to bring the cup to the tip of her nose and took a deep breath to smell it.

one second, two seconds
1 minutes passed.

However, nothing seemed to happen.

Just when Bai Bingbing was about to speak, she felt something crawling inside her nose, which was very itchy.

"Xiaofan, the inside of my nose is itchy."

Bai Bingbing said.

"It's okay to itch, bear with it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Suddenly, a dark red bug crawled out of Bai Bingbing's nose.

"Brother Xiaofan, why are there bugs?"

Li Tingting quickly grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

She wasn't afraid of bugs, but how could such a strange bug crawl out of Bai Bingbing's nose.


In addition, Li Tingting is not afraid of bugs, but Bai Bingbing is.

Hearing the word worm, Bai Bingbing's face turned pale!

She hugged Zhang Xiaofan hastily and instinctively.

(End of this chapter)

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