Chapter 477
Back to the villa.

"Gu? Is it a Gu technique from Miaojiang thousands of miles away?"

Bai Bingbing asked Zhang Xiaofan carefully.

"Well, it is."

After listening to Bai Bingbing's words, Zhang Xiaofan was still surprised.

Logically speaking, for ordinary people, this Gu is the legendary existence.

Not many people know or believe it.

At this moment, looking at Bai Bingbing's expression, there is no trace of waves.

"That is to say, is it really the old man's Gu that made me unable to control my body or even my mind?"

Bai Bingbing continued to ask.

Although she was puzzled, she didn't have that inconceivable look.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"What you have is a Gu technique that can override other people's physical behavior and even language."

"This kind of Gu technique is very powerful."

"Generally speaking, if there is no devotion order, it cannot be deciphered."

"And if you forcibly kill the Gu worms in your body, you will die too."

Bai Bingbing widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said, "It means, you actually saved my life."

"Huh? That's right."

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"However, I am sorry for you, that person's target is me."

"Seeing that he couldn't attack me, he chose you between Tingting and you."

"So, saving you is what I must do."

Saying thank you is really unnecessary for Zhang Xiaofan.

Before that, he actually felt guilty.

The current Bai Bingbing, thinking of the things he did after being infected by the gu, felt his face heat up.

But thinking of the things Zhang Xiaofan did to get rid of the Gu in him, especially the matter of letting his blood save him.

As a woman, it is somewhat moving, especially for a woman with rich inner emotions like her.

More or less, I will make up a lot of things by myself.

However, thinking of Zhang Xiaofan as Li Tingting's boyfriend.

I didn't dare to think about anything else in my heart.

In fact, although it was only a brief contact, Bai Bingbing felt it.

Perhaps Zhang Xiaofan is the most suitable person to go to Kyoto to "relieve" him.

The family's misfortune and forced marriage put her in a dilemma.

After leaving the villa, Zhang Xiaofan accompanied Li Tingting back to school.

And as said at the time, Bai Bingbing stayed in the villa.

After accompanying Li Tingting back to school.

Zhang Xiaofan went to Tang Fei's place.

Give him back the cards that belong to him.

"Brother Xiaofan, have you got what you wanted?"

Tang Fei wanted to call Zhang Xiaofan his benefactor, but he refused.

Although it is true that he saved his daughter, it doesn't sound very good to talk about the benefactor from time to time.

Zhang Xiaofan thought Tang Fei was a good person, so he simply called him a friend.

"got it."

"It's just that there was a little episode in the middle."

Zhang Xiaofan drank a glass of water and said lightly.

"Is it because of my card?"

"It's all my fault for not telling you clearly in time."

Regarding Zhang Xiaofan taking his own cards to the black market.

Tang Fei knew that Zhang Xiaofan would definitely encounter some unpleasantness.

But at that time Zhang Xiaofan walked in a hurry, and he was also excited.

I didn't have time to say it.

"It's not your fault. I chose to go by myself. Of course, I will solve the problem myself."

"Do you know the man named Brother Huan?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Brother Huan?

"The skinny one?"


"Brother Xiaofan, you met that kid Wang Huan!"

"Then isn't he"

"My feet were crippled with a gun, so I can't jump anymore."

"However, this should be regarded as a breakup with the black market, right?"

Before Tang Fei could finish speaking, Zhang Xiaofan said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Tang Fei's eyes widened.

He never expected that Zhang Xiaofan would meet Wang Huan and destroy Wang Huan.

Wang Huan's brother died in an accident because he was working with Tang Fei.

Therefore, Wang Huan has been holding grudges in his heart, thinking that Tang Fei killed his brother.

For so many years, I wished to kill Tang Fei.

He knew it from his reaction when he found out that Zhang Xiaofan was holding Tang Fei's card.

"Brother Xiaofan, I didn't tell you clearly, I'm the one who got you involved!"

Tang Fei said quickly, with guilt on his face.

Although he knew that Zhang Xiaofan was a cultivator with extraordinary strength.

However, if Wang Huan was abolished, it would be a slap in the face of the black market, and it would be an offense to the entire black market.

Zhang Xiaofan will be retaliated by the black market in the future.

Tang Fei knew all about the strength in the black market.

He still vividly remembers what happened back then!
"It's okay, I still know a thing or two about the black market."

"Actually, I want to know about your situation in the black market back then, and if possible, I hope you can tell me about the situation in the black market in detail."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

For the current Zhang Xiaofan, he actually needs to know more about the black market.

After all, the information I know from Long Teng is limited.

And Tang Fei was a member of the black market back then, and he seemed to be a deeper figure.

He must know more.

Only after knowing a little more about the black market can we deal with it more calmly.

"Brother Xiaofan, in my heart, you are not only Yanyan's lifesaver, but I also regard you as a trustworthy friend."

"I originally planned to bury those things about the black market in my heart and never say anything about them again."

"But now that you want to know, I'll tell you all about it."

"Hope it helps you."

"Of course, if you need me in the future, just let me know."

"Although I, Tang Fei, lost a hand and a leg, I am still an ancient warrior after all, and I can still do many things."

Tang Fei said these words with strong emotions.

Zhang Xiaofan can hear and feel this.

In the next 10 minutes, Tang Fei talked about his years in the black market.

In the black market, there are two major protectors.

One is Tiangang and the other is Earth Sha.

And when Tang Fei was in the black market, he was the protector of Tiangang.

Back then, Tang Fei's status in the black market could be said to be above one person and below ten thousand people.

It's very beautiful.

However, all this changed because of one incident.

He fell in love with an ordinary woman outside the black market.

Because he fell in love with this woman, Tang Fei changed a lot.

Many people found that Tang Fei became less and less like the black market Tiangang protector who was fearless.

And Tang Fei secretly had a child with that girl.

All this was finally discovered by Disha of the black market.

So he reported him to the master of the black market.

The request of the hall master is to leave that girl immediately and return to the black market with all his heart.

But Tang Fei refused.

He had the idea of ​​quitting the black market.

For Tang Fei, the master of the black market is very important.

Because that is the person he personally cultivated, and he is also the person he is most optimistic about.

He would never allow Tang Fei to withdraw from the black market like this.

So, he secretly sent someone to tie up Tang Fei's woman.

After Tang Fei found out about this, he killed him like crazy.

After all, Tang Fei is alone, even though he is the protector of Tiangang in the black market.

Still can't save his woman.

Di Sha killed Tang Fei's woman in front of Tang Fei without asking the Palace Master for instructions.

Tang Fei was crazy at that time.

Regardless of everything, he killed many people in the black market, and fought hundreds of rounds with the Earth Sha protector.

At this time, the Hall Master arrived.

Tang Fei was stopped.

He also scolded Earth Sha.

However, when Disha killed his beloved woman, the fire of anger in Tang Fei's heart could not be extinguished no matter how much he poured it out.

As the master of the black market, he did not favor anyone.

Disha was punished.

Tang Tian, ​​who is Tiangang, is no exception.

However, Tang Tian said a word.

If Di Sha is not killed, he will quit the black market even if he dies.

It is impossible for the Hall Master to kill Di Sha.

Being rejected, Tang Tian was very disappointed and angry.

He had to leave the black market and find a chance to kill Disha.

The Palace Master knew what Tang Tian was thinking.

Since Tang Tian could no longer stay, he should be abolished.

Tang Tian's hand was broken by the Palace Master.

And that foot was for the Hall Master to show to thousands of people in the black market.

It's just an explanation.

At this time Tang Tian thought of his daughter, the child he had with his woman.

He once promised her that he would give the child a quiet and stable life.

So, for the promise, for the daughter.

Tang Tian, ​​who had a broken arm and a crippled foot, was released under the leniency of the hall master.

After all, he is a person cultivated by himself, and the Palace Master is reluctant to really abolish Tang Fei after all.

In this way, for his daughter and for his promise, Tang Fei took his daughter back to the life of ordinary people.

Seeking a quiet, ordinary life.

(End of this chapter)

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