Chapter 478
After hearing Tang Fei's story, Zhang Xiaofan still admired him from the bottom of his heart.

It's a bit like the prodigal son turning back for money, of course Tang Fei is much better than the so-called prodigal son.

For love, I want to abandon everything before.

It's a pity that he can't leave if he wants to.

Now Tang Fei still harbors the hatred for killing his wife deep in his heart!
No matter what, he wants to protect his daughter and let her live a peaceful and happy life.

In addition, without a hand and a disabled foot, his strength is no longer what it used to be.

"Brother Xiaofan, according to what I know about the black market, they will definitely trouble you."

"Even want to take cruel revenge on you."

"If they come to you, you tell me, and I will deal with them."

"After all, the master of the black market back then gave an order not to kill me."

"With this order, they dare not move."

Tang Fei continued.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled lightly and said, "No need, isn't it just to let your daughter live a peaceful life by doing so much?"

"If you come into contact with the black market again, this balance may be broken."

"Don't worry, they can't do anything to me."

Zhang Xiaofan admired Tang Fei more and more.

He also hoped that he could have a helper like Tang Fei in Nandu.

However, he has his life, and he has sacrificed a lot to get the life he has today.

I myself disturb others.

He couldn't let him still talk to himself about this muddy water.

Inside a luxury club in Nandu.

In a swimming pool, Ye Chen was playing with some women in bikinis.

The arrival of a person made him walk up from the swimming pool.

After coming up, two hot women hurried over with towels.

Wipe Ye Chen's head and wipe off the water on his body.

"Mr. Abding, how is the matter going?"

"You should bring me good news, right?"

A smile and anticipation appeared on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth.

"of course."

The old man Abu Ding said in a deep voice.


"It's no wonder that he is a master of Gu skills, and Abdin easily took care of that kid."

"Come on, pour wine for Mr. Abu Ding, and I will toast Mr. Abu Ding!"

Ye Chen was overjoyed and laughed out loud.

He ordered the woman next to him to pour wine for Abu Ding.

"Mr. Abding, tell me, what did that kid look like when he died?"

"Is he tortured by your Gu before he died, making life worse than death?"

For Zhang Xiaofan, if it wasn't for special reasons, Ye Chen would really like to see his final death with his own eyes.

Dare to go against him, Ye Chen, and make yourself ashamed!
A village boy, looking for death!

"Because of my Gu, he died in pain."

Abu Ding said in a low voice.

Poker face.

"Mr. Abding, I don't think you are very happy, what's going on?"

"Don't worry, I won't lose anything I promised you."

"And, I now formally invite you to do things for me, Ye Chen."

"In the future, whatever you want, as long as you can do it, it will satisfy you."

Ye Chen is trying to win over Abu Ding.

After all, Ye Chen had to admit Zhang Xiaofan's strength even if he said what he said.

Now that Abu Ding can kill Zhang Xiaofan, it can be seen that his Gu skills are powerful.

It will be much more convenient for him to stay by his side to do things in the future.

After all, he can't use Zhentian Group's "protector gods" at will.

Except his father.

With Abu Ding, he no longer needs to spend a lot of money to ask others for help when he meets those powerful people.

But he can solve it by calling Abu Ding.

It can also prove to his father that his son is capable of handling problems on his own.

He is qualified to inherit the Zhentian Group.

"Young Master Ye, you are welcome. I came here from Miaojiang and traveled thousands of miles to prove myself and make myself a step further."

"And now, it is my honor to meet someone as noble as Mr. Ye."

"I will definitely cherish it."

Abu Ding put down his crutches and sat down.

The Gu Cup in his hand was also put down.

I was thinking about the Gu control technique in my heart.

He had already sworn a Gu oath, so he had to follow Zhang Xiaofan's request and cast a Gu on Ye Chen.

It was the only way he could escape death.

And in this clubhouse, when Abu Ding came in, he checked briefly, and there were no masters here.

In other words, when he cast a gu on Ye Chen, he would be unaware that no one would know.

Ye Chen was still immersed in the joy of Abu Ding killing Zhang Xiaofan for him.

He grabbed the hand of the revealingly dressed woman next to him and pulled it directly into his arms.

Severely "ravaged" with his hands.

At this moment, the Gu worm controlled by Abu Ding went towards Ye Chen.

Gu worms are so small that no one notices them.

And extremely fast.

Just when the Gu worm was about to enter Ye Chen's ears.


Ye Chen was ready to speak.

A flying knife passed by Ye Chen's ear.

Finally, it stabbed directly into the ground.

The floor was directly cracked into spider webs.

Ye Chen was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

The woman in his hand was so frightened that she covered her head and screamed, her chest trembling.

"Come on, someone is going to kill me!!"

Ye Chen hurriedly shouted.

Hearing this, more than a dozen bodyguards in the clubhouse ran towards Ye Chen in one hive.

But Abding felt a dangerous breath coming.

And, he looked at the flying knife on the ground.

His Gu worm died and was stabbed by the flying knife.

Just now, the speed of the flying knife was extremely fast, so fast that even Abu Ding himself could hardly react.

Moreover, there is a good energy in the flying knife.

Instantly!A long-haired figure appeared in front of Ye Chen.

"Ancient Village!"

Ye Chen, who woke up from the shock, recognized this person.

This person is Gucun, one of the two guardian gods of the Zhentian Group.

In Ye Chen's eyes, he has the ability to reach the sky.

Just like the legendary Xiao Li's flying knife, a flying knife pierces through the void.

"Master Ye, people's hearts are unpredictable, you are careless."

The ancient village with long hair looks a bit like a master of the rivers and lakes.

"Gucun, why are you here?"

"Also, what did you mean by that?"

"Why did you throw a knife at me!"

In Ye Chen's words, there is the meaning of blaming Gucun.

In fact, Ye Chen doesn't like Gucun himself, he has never listened to what he said and did a thing.

It was as if he, the son of the Zhentian Group, was just a decoration.

"Master Ye, I was entrusted by your father to protect you secretly."

"Just now, this person wants to play a Gu on you. If I act a second later, you will fall into his Gu."

Gucun pointed to Abu Ding and said.


"You said he was going to play a trick on me!"

Ye Chen reacted greatly, he stared at Abu Ding.

It seems like I can't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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