Murano's little genius

Chapter 480 Treating Legs

Chapter 480 Treating Legs
"What did the doctor say about your leg?"

After chatting for a while, Zhang Xiaofan asked about Tang Fei's limping leg.

Tang Fei patted his right foot with his hand and said: "The master of the black market used his true energy to abolish the tendons and veins. It can't be cured. It's good to be able to walk."

"Actually, at that time, I could feel that he was showing mercy."

Although it was the Palace Master who cut off his hands and feet, Tang Fei knew that he still wanted to give himself a way out.

"Let me see."

Zhang Xiaofan went up to briefly inspect Tang Fei's right leg.

"It's okay, there is help."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Say it casually, but listen carefully.

Zhang Xiaofan's words were like auspicious clouds descending from the sky, which surprised Tang Fei a lot.

"Brother Xiaofan, what you said is true!"

That instinctive surprise reaction is very natural and in place, and it can't be acted out at all.

"of course."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Some tendons on Tang Fei's legs were broken by the shock of true energy.

It's not enough to cut it off, it's like dying, and it's useless to connect it with the current medical level.

However, this is not a difficult task for Zhang Xiaofan.

It just takes a little effort.

Seeing that Tang Fei is a good person, he took the initiative to heal his foot.

Next, Zhang Xiaofan healed Tang Fei's crippled right foot.

Although he doesn't have clairvoyant eyes, Zhang Xiaofan uses vitality as a guide.

Accurately found those broken tendons.

Then he took out the black iron silver needle that he carried with him.

Accurate penetration.

Finally, use Ghost Valley Nine Needles.

Tang Fei was dumbfounded.

I saw Zhang Xiaofan piercing a few silver needles on his leg, as if he could dance.

What a god!
Is this the medical skill of a practitioner?

10 minutes later.

"All right."

Zhang Xiaofan took out the silver needle and said calmly.


Tang Fei stared at Zhang Xiaofan.

Just dance on the legs with silver needles for 10 minutes?
Although he was an ancient warrior, Tang Fei couldn't believe it for a while.

Because his tendons were not broken by ordinary injuries, but by Zhen Qi shock.

Being injured by zhenqi and breaking is not just broken, if the tendon is not treated for more than a day, that tendon will be dead.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan only took 10 minutes to solve it.

Is it so amazing?

With incomparable anticipation and apprehension, but also a trace of doubt.

Tang Fei shook his right foot vigorously.

"It's moving, it's actually able to move like this!"

Excitement was written all over his face, like a child.

It doesn't look like a middle-aged man with a girl in his eighties or nineties.

"Brother Xiaofan, thank you!"

"I really don't know how to thank you!"

Tang Fei immediately gave Zhang Xiaofan a big thank you gift.

As a former master, as a man, as a father.

Losing one arm and one foot and becoming disabled, Tang Fei felt very uncomfortable no matter what.

Although it was because of this that I changed my peaceful life.

But he is human after all, and time will come down.

He knew how inconvenient it was.

He even doubted whether he would be able to protect his daughter well in the face of real threats in the future.

Now, Zhang Xiaofan healed his leg!

Although one hand is still gone.

However, his feet returned and he no longer walked with a limp.

It is more convenient for him to do things, and at the same time, he has recovered a lot in terms of combat effectiveness.

"You're welcome, I'm a doctor myself."

"If you really want to thank me, just give me some medical expenses."

Zhang Xiaofan said jokingly.

"Ok, I know."

After finishing speaking, Tang Fei ran back to the room and took out a wad of money.

"Brother Xiaofan, I treated Yanyan before, and now this is all I have."

Tang Fei handed over thousands of dollars to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan:
Is this a joke for real?

Zhang Xiaofan took the money, but only drew five cards.

Then return the rest to Tang Fei.

"It doesn't take that much, five hundred is enough."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

Seeing Tang Fei's serious expression, Zhang Xiaofan didn't want it at all.

After all, this is what people want.

"Brother Xiaofan, you"

"You said it all, you only have these few thousand yuan left, and you gave it all to me, what will Yanyan eat next?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

Then he smiled at Yanyan who was sitting watching TV.

Tang Fei scratched his head with a smirk and said, " my negligence."

In this world, for ordinary people, making money is actually not very easy.

Especially after having a family and kids.

That's a lot of pressure.

Over the years, Tang Fei himself had a deep understanding.

This apartment was bought with the "private money" that he secretly deposited in another bank card on the black market back then.

There wasn't much in the first place, and after buying it, there was nothing left.

After that, I could only make a living by pushing Xiaosanlun and selling breakfast to raise my daughter.

His savings for several years were all spent after his daughter fell ill.

Today, he was going to sell the house.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Tang Fei hurried over and opened the door.

I saw a few security guards standing outside the door, and the one standing in the front was the arrogant and domineering security guard Hu Liu.

However, the face that was bruised and swollen by Tang Fei still didn't heal.

"Hu Liu! What are you doing here again? Do you want to be beaten up by me again? Or did you hire another thug?"

Tang Fei said angrily.

"All kneel to me!"

Suddenly, Hu Liu shouted to several security guards behind him.

There was a sound of kneeling on the ground.

Even Hu Liu knelt down.

"Brother Fei! Please spare us!"

"Do you and Zhang always know each other?"

"It was me, Hu Liu, who had eyes but didn't know Mount Tai that day."

"Just tell him, and I, Hu Liu, will kneel here and apologize to him!"

Hu Liu hurriedly kowtowed and said loudly.

"Hu Liu, what are you doing!"

"I don't know Mr. Zhang, so don't try to play tricks."

"Get out of my door right now!"

"Otherwise, I will beat you again!"

Tang Fei frowned and said.

"Brother Fei, I know you must know Mr. Zhang, so you must say something nice for me in front of him."

"Otherwise, these brothers and I would have nothing to eat in Nandu."

"It was all my fault before, I shouldn't scold you, I wanted to be arrogant, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Hu Liu's expression showed a scared and pitiful expression, and he almost cried.

Compared with the arrogant and domineering him before, he is simply another person.

Tang Fei didn't know what tricks he wanted to do.

"Crying father and mother, go back to your house, don't disturb me here!"

"I'll count to three, and if you don't leave, I'll beat you!"

Tang Fei raised his fist.

He knows exactly what kind of virtue Hu Liu is.

"Brother Fei, don't!"

"I was really wrong, please tell Mr. Zhang."

Hu Liu knelt forward and grabbed Tang Fei's foot.

Just when Tang Fei was about to kick Hu Liu.

"Hey! Isn't this the brother-in-law of the general manager of Changhui Real Estate?"

Zhang Xiaofan who came over said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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