Murano's little genius

Chapter 481 Boyfriend?

Chapter 481 Boyfriend?
The moment he saw Zhang Xiaofan, Hu Liu's eyes stared like a lantern.

Immediately said with an exaggerated expression: "Mr. Zhang!"

Kneeling and walking in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Mr. Zhang, I, Hu Liu, have eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai. I really didn't know your identity before!"

"Please forgive me for my previous behavior."

Hu Liu said loudly with a crying face.

"boss Zhang?"

"Have you identified the wrong person?"

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said calmly.

"That's right, I'm not mistaken, you are Mr. Zhang."

After Hu Liu went back, he called his brother-in-law.

He wanted his brother-in-law to fire Zhang Xiaofan who offended him.

However, after his brother-in-law heard the name Zhang Xiaofan.

That was a shock!

In Changhui Group, everyone knows the name Zhang Xiaofan.

Because he is not only the new major shareholder of Changhui Group, but also the "savior" of Changhui Group.

The chairman of Changhui Group has to be polite when he sees Zhang Xiaofan.

The world is so big, there are many people with the same name.

Hu Liu's brother-in-law quickly asked Hu Liu about Zhang Xiaofan's appearance.

Sure enough it was him!

In his early twenties, he has a handsome face and a special magnetism in his speech.

In Nandu, there is only one person.

It must be that Zhang Xiaofan!
In addition, Zhang Xiaofan said that he is an employee of Changhui Real Estate.

Obviously pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Hu Liu, you bastard!"

"Why don't you call me brother-in-law in the future!"

"If I get fired, I'll kill you!"

These were the last words Hu Liu's brother-in-law said to him.

Hu Liu knew that he had caused trouble!
Not only did his days of domineering and domineering come to an end, but he also offended the big shots of the Changhui Group.

Not only will it hurt his brother-in-law, but he will definitely not be able to eat around.

Hu Liu knows that those rich and famous people will take revenge on you secretly.

Maybe one day I burp and don't even know.

So, he ran to Tang Fei's house.

He felt that Tang Fei must know Zhang Xiaofan.

"Like I said, I'm really not Mr. Zhang."

"I think you should show your arrogant and domineering look, and look a little more attractive."

"I'm not used to you like this."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

This is the truth, Zhang Xiaofan is really not Mr. Zhang.

He is just a shareholder of Changhui Group.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan knew what Hu Liu meant.

His brother-in-law is really the general manager of Changhui Real Estate, so he must know his name.

Know what the name Zhang Xiaofan means to Changhui Group.

"Mr. Zhang, I was really wrong!"

The more Zhang Xiaofan said this, the more scared Hu Liu became.

The atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

"Forget it, get out!"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Hu Liu looked up.

He didn't know whether to be happy or not.

Is it okay to leave like this?
"Mr. Zhang, don't be angry. I'm nothing. No matter how you punish me, I won't complain."

At this time, Hu Liu was like a frightened bird.

No one dares to take Zhang Xiaofan's words seriously, as long as he speaks, he feels that Zhang Xiaofan is angry.

The more Zhang Xiaofan gets angry, his little heart can't stand it.

"Tang Fei, if he doesn't get out, he can be beaten up."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Tang Fei.

"Haven't heard yet? Get out now!"

Tang Fei drank angrily.

Raised his fierce fist.

Hu Liu quickly crawled back and rolled away.

If he was really going to be hit by Tang Fei's fist, Hu Liu had to go to the hospital and lie down for a few days.

The helpless Hu Liu really had no choice but to get lost.

However, he still couldn't believe it when he rolled away. Is this the way it is?

However, Hu Liu didn't think so much anymore.

If you can get out, then get out!
His job position has been withdrawn by his brother-in-law, and now he is really out.

Hu Liu thought for a while, what are these?
If you lose your job, you can find it, but now at least you just let yourself go.

without physical punishment.

Anyone who feels lucky is happy.

"Brother Xiaofan, I thought you would teach him a profound lesson."

Tang Fei said.

For Zhang Xiaofan is one of the bosses of Changhui Group.

Tang Fei didn't seem to find it strange.

After all, things that shocked him more than this had happened.

"You've already beaten them, there's no need."

"In addition, he also likes to bully people who don't look like him and bully others."

"Now it is estimated that he has gone back to pack his things and really fucked up."

"That's a lesson for him, too."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Zhang Xiaofan also dislikes people like Hu Liu very much.

See him kneeling down begging for mercy.

Actually that's it.

It doesn't make any sense to hit a meal.

Since get out, that's fine.

"Okay, I have to go."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Tang Fei.

"Yanyan, goodbye to Uncle Xiaofan."

"Goodbye uncle."

Yanyan's baby's milking voice is really nice.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward to give her a hug, then left.

After leaving, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to go to Long's house.

But after receiving a call from Li Tingting, he headed towards the villa.

Li Tingting said on the phone that Bai Bingbing had something to do with him.

Li Tingting didn't say anything about it.

Said to sell off.

And Zhang Xiaofan didn't continue to ask, didn't he know after going to the villa?

Ten minutes later, Zhang Xiaofan came to the villa by car.

Bai Bingbing was already waiting in the lobby.

Today's Bai Bingbing is wearing a slim long skirt at home, without makeup.

However, the beauty of the prosperous age is always the beauty of the prosperous age.

It makes the same difference to her with or without makeup.

Still so pretty and charming.

Looking at Bai Bingbing's slender and proud figure, 1.2 meters slender, round and long legs, Zhang Xiaofan almost fell into it.

He recalled the scene from yesterday, with mountains and mountains, towering over others, unparalleled
"Sister Bingbing, Tingting called me and said you have something to do with me?"

Zhang Xiaofan sat down and said.


"Did Tingting tell you anything?"

Bai Bingbing handed Zhang Xiaofan a glass of water and said.

"No." Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

The reason why Bai Bingbing called Li Tingting was to get her consent, and if she agreed, I hope she would tell Zhang Xiaofan.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan is Li Tingting's boyfriend.

"Is it like this?"

Bai Bingbing suddenly lowered her head with an unnatural expression.

Because she never thought that Li Tingting hadn't told Zhang Xiaofan yet.

In other words, Bai Bingbing never thought that she would tell Zhang Xiaofan about this matter.

Unprepared, she was a little tangled and shy for a while.

"Sister Bingbing, what's wrong?"

For this big star, Zhang Xiaofan is still very satisfied.

At least, it's completely different from those female stars mentioned on the Internet.

"That. Xiaofan, I want you to be my boyfriend."



"Cough cough!"

Before Bai Bingbing could finish speaking, Zhang Xiaofan had a big reaction.

The water I just drank was sprayed out, and then I was choked.

(End of this chapter)

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