Chapter 487 Killing two birds with one stone

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, between you and me, don't talk about money."

Long Teng said with a smile.

But then he frowned slightly.

He stroked his beard.

Seems thoughtful.

"Old Long, the Zhentian Group is actually not simple. If the Long Family is not convenient to help, it will be fine."

Seeing Long Teng thinking, Zhang Xiaofan said with a faint smile.

Zhang Xiaofan just came to ask for help, if Long Teng was not willing, he would not force it.

After all, I came here to ask for help, so I had to ask others if they were willing.

"Inconvenient? Hahaha!"

Hearing this, Long Teng laughed.

He continued: "Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, you are not only a benefactor in my Long Teng heart, but also a rare friend."

"If you want to say it's inconvenient, it's true."

"This is my truth."

"Although Zhentian Group has a big background, it is also a well-known large group in Nandu, and it has received the government's key care."

"But in fact, it is not popular in Nandu."

Zhang Xiaofan asked doubtfully, "Why?"

"Zhentian Group has brought economy and fame to Nandu, why is it so unpopular?"

"Zhentian Group is almost covering the sky with one hand in the economy of Nandu."

"That makes it a monopoly in many ways."

"What do people dislike the most? That is a monopoly group."

"One family's dominance is definitely not conducive to economic development."

"That's why many companies don't like Zhentian Group very much."

"Maybe one day he will annex himself."

"But, there is no other way."

"Why is there no way? It's just because the background behind Zhentian Group is strong."

"I'm sure Doctor Xiaofan knows that behind the Zhentian Group are those ancient and prosperous super families in Nandu, the Qin family and the Liu family."

"Therefore, there is no daring to say a word or resist more."

"After all, whoever dares to come out and do this will be unlucky."

"In the past two years, Zhentian Group has developed more and more powerfully in Nandu."

"There is no one who can stop it. For companies in Nandu, it is a headache."

"Wanting to deal with the Zhentian Group is like a dream."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't know what Long Teng said.

"Old Long, I understand, I understand your difficulties."

"Okay, since that's the case, then I have to go first, so I won't bother Lao Long."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a polite smile.

"Miraculous Doctor Xiaofan, haven't you drunk your tea yet?"

"Also, didn't you ask me for help? Don't talk about it in detail?"

Long Lao said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan raised his eyebrows: "Old Long, you."

"I'm just talking about the Zhentian Group's situation."

"As I said just now, the Zhentian Group is almost covering the sky with one hand in the economy of Nandu, presenting a monopoly situation."

"Not only are many entrepreneurs dissatisfied, but some small families and the government are also dissatisfied."

"After all, monopoly groups are not the future development trend after all."

"However, no one is the opponent of the Zhentian Group, or no one dares to confront the Zhentian Group head-on."

"The government didn't say anything, but they don't want Zhentian Group to continue like this."

"But they don't know what to do."

"Zhentian Group is not only a super big group in Nandu, but also those ancient super big families standing behind them."

"It's very rare."

"Now they urgently need someone to come out to contend with the Zhentian Group, so that the Zhentian Group can stop that kind of monopoly development."

"It can also be understood that someone coming out can make Nandu's economy not develop abnormally, and it is no longer a situation where one family dominates."

"If my Long family makes a move, we can break this situation."

Long Teng said with a faint smile, but it seemed that he wanted to do this a long time ago.

"Old Long, if you do this, aren't you afraid of the Qin family and Liu family behind?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Hahaha! Miracle Doctor Xiaofan, I know what you mean."

"Nowadays, our Nandu Long family has declined for some reasons, but it is still an ancient big family."

"If we use positive means to deal with the Zhentian Group, the Qin family and the Liu family will have nothing to do with my Long family. In addition, the government actually supports me in doing so."

"Because they had already talked to me about this in private, but I didn't have the time at that time."

"It's all right now, Doctor Xiaofan, since your opponent is the Zhentian Group, it's just right, you can kill two birds with one stone."

Long Teng said with a loud laugh.

Looking at Long Teng's sincere eyes, Zhang Xiaofan knew that it was because of his own reasons that he agreed to this matter.

After all, who would know if the Qin family and the Liu family would take action against the Long family?

As soon as he makes a move, I am afraid that the future life of the Long family will be sad.

"Old Long, thank you!"

Zhang Xiaofan thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

"You're welcome. If I hadn't met you, Xiaofan, I, Long Teng, would have died long ago."

"Isn't it just to help you deal with Zhentian Group? This is actually an idea I have always had, and I can't stand it anymore."

"So what if there are Qin family and Liu family behind it? Could it kill me, Long Teng?"

Long Teng said with a smile.

That's very optimistic.

Inside a villa.

"Master Ye, something is wrong!"

A woman with a plump butt stepped on high heels and hurriedly walked in front of Ye Chen.

"What's the matter? Hurry up!"

Ye Chen, who just played with a certain woman, said displeasedly.

"Just received the news that the Long family has made a move!"

"The Long family revived all the real estate projects under the Changhui Group through investment."

"Not only the funds, but even the construction company belongs to the Long family."

"If this is the case, our plan against Changhui Group will be ruined!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen shouted angrily: "What!"

"The Long family will actually help Changhui Group!"

"Why is this? How could the Long family have anything to do with such a small player as the Changhui Group?"

Hearing this news, Ye Chen was furious.

"Master Ye, it is said that it is related to Zhang Xiaofan."

said the female secretary.

"Zhang Xiaofan!"


"What the hell is this garbage!"

"How does this bastard have anything to do with the Long family?"

Ye Chen was so angry that he overturned the table.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you can't blame me!"

"Zhang Xiaofan, you trash, you forced me to do this!"

With the help of the Long family, Changhui Group resumed the operation of its real estate industry.

These funds should be regarded as loans from the Long Family by the Changhui Group.

Changhui Group will also return it to the Long family in accordance with bank interest.

And Zhang Xiaofan was a little strange, why didn't Zhentian Group respond at all?
It stands to reason that the Zhentian Group should do something if the Long family helps out, but there is no movement from the Zhentian Group.

very quiet.

This made Zhang Xiaofan feel abnormal.

Especially Ye Chen, he is absolutely impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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