Murano's little genius

Chapter 488 The Ultimate Underground Martial Art Museum

Chapter 488 The Ultimate Underground Martial Art Museum
The sun is very sunny today, and Li Tingting happens to have no class.

Zhang Xiaofan went to pick her up in the car he bought in Nandu.

Originally, Ye Tongtong would also go with her, but she couldn't go because there was something urgent in the department that needed her help.

In fact, it's okay not to go, to be a light bulb.

During the time when he came to Nandu, Zhang Xiaofan did not take Li Tingting to play properly.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan spent two or three hours driving around with Li Tingting in many places in Nandu.

Although Li Tingting has been to these places before.

But she's never been as happy as she is today.

That feeling is sweet, warm, happy and satisfied.

Happy times always pass quickly.

After playing for two or three hours, Li Tingting said in a coquettish voice, "Brother Xiaofan, I'm hungry."

"Okay, let's go eat then."

"What do you want to eat?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Li Tingting blinked her beautiful eyes and thought for a while and said, "Brother Xiaofan, I want to eat what you made."

"Okay, I haven't cooked for a while."

"Today I will let you have a taste of my craft, which is very powerful."

Zhang Xiaofan made a cooking gesture and said.

So, Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting went to buy vegetables.

Then drive to the villa.

Coincidentally, Bai Bingbing was not at the villa, saying that she was out to relax.

After half an hour.

Zhang Xiaofan cooked three dishes and one soup.

Li Tingting, who was already groaning with hunger, picked up a sausage without using chopsticks.

Put it in your mouth and taste it.

"Brother Xiaofan, your meat sausage is delicious."

Li Tingting cried out excitedly.

"Hehe, if it's delicious, eat more."

What Li Tingting said made an evil picture flash in Zhang Xiaofan's mind.

Immediately, Li Tingting twitched her fingers.

The sense of the picture made Zhang Xiaofan's body tremble.

Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting had a wonderful lunch time.

In the afternoon, Li Tingting still had classes, so she sent her back to school.

After sending Li Tingting back to school, Zhang Xiaofan received a mysterious call.

"I want to save Tang Fei and his daughter, so I came here with a jeep with the license plate south A.56789."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

And Zhang Xiaofan immediately called Tang Fei.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

Zhang Xiaofan felt bad.

At this time, a jeep parked in front of Zhang Xiaofan's car.

The license plate is exactly South A.56789.

So, Zhang Xiaofan followed with doubts.

The car traveled through many streets and came to a remote place.

Into an underground parking garage.

Then take the elevator.

Go down to the basement 5th floor.

The five basement floors are very large. Judging from the style here, it looks like a martial arts gym.

It's very lively here, the lights are a little dark, like the feeling of an underground boxing gym.

But it's not a boxing gym.

"Welcome to the ultimate black market underground martial arts gym."

At this time, a bunny girl in sexy clothes came up.

"Where are the people?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

"Sorry handsome guy, it's said above that you have to win a sparring match if you want to meet someone."

"This is the rule of the ultimate martial arts school."

The bunny girl moved closer to Zhang Xiaofan, and whispered in a very seductive voice.

"What if I refuse?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"It said above, if you lose, you won't see anyone."

The bunny girl surrounded Zhang Xiaofan and said restlessly.

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the martial arts competition stage.

Someone is playing at this time.

The crowd below cheered, quite passionately.

The strength of the two people on the stage is not weak, they are both at the early stage of the yellow rank of ancient warriors.

It was a burst of explosions, which was very exciting.

"How to compete?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple, just defeat the people sent by our ultimate martial arts school."

"Half a minute."

said the bunny girl.

half a minute?
It seems to be well prepared.

"What if I can't win in half a minute?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

The bunny girl smiled and said, "The other arm of that man will be gone."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes froze, and he stared at the bunny girl with a deadly stare.

The bunny girl just couldn't breathe, and the thing on her chest was trembling violently.

His complexion began to change.

"You tell the people behind, I have to make sure that the person is really in his hands."

Zhang Xiaofan withdrew his breath, then said in a cold voice.

The bunny girl took a deep breath.

The breasts are quite undulating, and the picture is really spectacular.

She quickly took out her phone from her chest and opened a video.

Tang Fei and her daughter Yanyan appeared inside.

"Brother Xiaofan, don't be threatened by them!"

Tang Fei in the video said this.

But he was chained to an iron post.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was punched hard in the abdomen by a tall, bald man.

This punch directly made Tang Fei vomit blood.

Logically speaking, Tang Fei was an ancient martial artist with the peak of Huang rank in his true energy cultivation.

No matter how ordinary people fight, they can't cause such damage to him.

So, the bald head is obviously not simple.

The video is introduced here.

It seems that the black market knows that he has a good relationship with Tang Fei.

So he used Tang Fei to threaten himself.

As for Tang Fei's personality, Zhang Xiaofan knew that he was a man who would rather die than surrender.

Therefore, the black market arrested his daughter again to threaten her.

"However, Tang Fei said that the black market will not disturb his peaceful life."

"But what's going on now?"

This matter does not seem simple.

"Make arrangements."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, the bunny girl left.

Then, the hall fell silent.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes fell on Zhang Xiaofan.

All of them have sharp eyes, like tigers and leopards.

If ordinary people are looked at by so many such eyes.

Maybe he would have voluntarily knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

However, Zhang Xiaofan didn't move at all, instead he glanced at the crowd.

Like the god of death, everyone felt a chill running down their backs.

Very weird.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward and walked to the competition stage.

"Hurry up, people, don't waste my time."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, all the people from the underground extreme martial arts gym in the black market clenched their fists and stared at Zhang Xiaofan.

That's why I can't wait to go up and tear Zhang Xiaofan to pieces!
To rush here so presumptuously, court death!

Suddenly, a huge figure descended from above.

It fell heavily on the martial arts stage.

Like a ten thousand catty boulder.

Let the ground seem to tremble.

This person is tall and tall, measuring two meters tall.

It was a bald head, that's right, it was the same bald head that punched Tang Guang until he vomited blood in the video.

His eyes are like copper bells, his fists are like casserole pots, his arms are thicker than Zhang Xiaofan's legs.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of person is no different from a monster.

Looking from the audience to the stage, Zhang Xiaofan looks like a child of seven or eight years old.

The giant bald man looked like an adult.

(End of this chapter)

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