Chapter 489
"The ultimate martial arts gym in the black market is so presumptuous!"

"You are the first, but also the last!"

The giant man said in a roaring voice.

From the perspective of momentum alone, it is indeed domineering.

Where he landed just now, there were two clearly visible footprints.

It can be seen that its strength is terrible.

"Go ahead, I'm just going to accompany you through the motions."

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

They all pointed at Zhang Xiaofan for not knowing the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth.

Who is Huo Gang?That is the famous God of Vigorous War in the ultimate underground martial arts gym in the black market!
Not only is he powerful and lethal, but he also possesses vigorous skills and a speed beyond his body.

Although they have heard that Zhang Xiaofan is good at martial arts, his strength should not be underestimated.

But the strength has already been judged when standing on the stage.

How could Zhang Xiaofan be Huo Gang's opponent?
"Huo Gang, kill him in ten seconds!"

"I'll sell it for 100 million and you win!"

"I'll pay 50 million!"

"I'll pay 150 million!"

The other members of the Black Market Ultimate Martial Arts Club below actually placed a bet.

That's right, this martial arts gym is not only a martial arts gym, but also a place for gambling.

It's a bit like underground black boxing.

But the level is higher than that.

For a moment, everyone sold Huo Gang to win.

And they all felt that Huo Gang could solve Zhang Xiaofan within ten seconds.

"Haha, heard it!"

"No one thinks you can win!"

"In my eyes, hitting you is as simple as crushing an ant."

Huo Gang said in his roaring voice.

"Are you more people? Or are you bigger?"

"Just by you, it's not enough to see in front of me."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

This is to provoke the giant Huo Gang on purpose.

He still doesn't know who kidnapped Tang Fei and the others, and he feels that he can't reveal his true strength.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan intends to provoke the giant man so that he can expose his weakness.

Make him fall with one simple move.

"It's really crazy!"

"However, you have to pay for your arrogance!"

"You are ready for me, I can make you fall to the ground with one punch and never get up!"

"bring it on."

Zhang Xiaofan looked like he didn't take the giant man seriously.

That pissed him off completely.

Immediately, Zhang Xiaofan's voice just fell.

The giant man used both feet to attack Xiaofan standing there.

"King Kong Fist!"

That speed!very fast.

More speed and agility than he should have had for his size.

This speed, this explosive power, and the ferocity contained in it!

Although the strength of true energy is only at the late stage of the yellow class, the power that erupts is comparable to the peak of the yellow class.

The average peak yellow class is definitely not his opponent.

It's a pity that it's not enough to see in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

Moreover, this giant Huo just focused on attacking after being provoked, completely unaware that he has no defense now.

Zhang Xiaofan just used his prediction to easily dodge the punch of the giant Huo Gang.

Then hold the silver needle with two fingers, like a ghost.

The silver needle was infused with vitality by Zhang Xiaofan.

Easily pierced the giant man's forehead.

Broke his true anger.

The giant Huo Gang suddenly stopped attacking, his eyes turned white, and he slowly fell backwards.

What's the situation?
None of the people in the black market ultimate martial arts gym knew what happened.

Why did Zhang Xiaofan just tap Huo Gang's forehead and then collapse?
what happened?

For a moment, there was silence in the hall.

They didn't expect that the God of War of the Black Market Ultimate Martial Arts Club would fall down without touching Zhang Xiaofan.

The whole process took less than three seconds.

After the silence, it was extremely noisy.

Those who bet on Huo Gang put their heads in their hands and couldn't believe it.

Under the vicious eyes of these people, Zhang Xiaofan walked down the martial arts platform.

Then the bunny girl came over and said with a smile, "Please follow me."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't respond, so he followed.

The bunny girl pressed something inside a painting on the wall, and a wall door opened.

It turned out that there is a secret room here.

Entering the secret room, Zhang Xiaofan saw a squinting man standing in front of a fish tank.

And beside him, there are two bunny girls in revealing clothes.

It seems that this person likes bunny girls!
"Zhang Xiaofan, you are really powerful!"

At this time, the man turned his head and said coldly.

This man is exactly Earth Sha!
His face was like a tiger and leopard, and his body seemed to exude a menacing evil spirit.

From him, Zhang Xiaofan felt a strange qi, the specific strength is unknown now.

"Where is the man?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Due to the unknown strength of Earth Sha, Zhang Xiaofan has to be cautious at the moment.

"Don't worry, we still have a lot to talk about."

"Before that, we have to resolve some conflicts between you and the black market."

"Am I right?"

Disha sneered.

That tiger-like face made ordinary people palpitate.

"What happened last time was your black market's fault, if you want to get something back for your black market."

"Sorry, you found the wrong person."

"In addition, you should know who Tang Fei's identity is. The master of your black market has issued an order that no one in the black market can touch him in the future. If you violate the order, you will be killed without mercy!"

"And now you have arrested her daughter and him, which means that you are going to violate the order of your palace master!"

"If my guess is correct, you are the earth demon among the two guardians, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

From now on, the person's strange infuriating spirit, and his daring to catch Tang Fei to see.

Based on what Tang Fei said before, Zhang Xiaofan guessed that this person should be Di Sha who dared to kill Tang Fei's woman back then.

Because it is estimated that only he has this ability and courage.

"It seems that you and Tang Fei have a really good relationship."

"He told you a lot."

"No wonder you come here obediently."

Disha sneered and said.

"If you want me to let Tang Fei and his daughter go, that's definitely fine, but you have to stay."

Disha continued.

"Okay, of course I can stay."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"You have to understand what I mean by staying, your life has to stay here today!"

Disha said with a murderous look.

"Do you have that ability?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hahaha! Zhang Xiaofan, don't forget, this is the ultimate martial arts gym in my black market!"

"I still have your good friend Tang Fei and his precious daughter."

"Do you think you can walk out of here alive today?"

Di Sha said with a smile.

"Then you think I wasn't prepared before I came here?"

Zhang Xiaofan sat down and asked indifferently.

There was no panic on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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