Murano's little genius

Chapter 490 The Strength of Earth Sha

Chapter 490 The Strength of Earth Sha

Hearing this, Di Sha frowned slightly, and he glanced at Zhang Xiaofan.

"You have a hostage in your hand, do you think I haven't prepared anything in advance?"

Zhang Xiaofan raised the corner of his mouth, smiled and said.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's calm look, Di Sha felt unhappy.

He didn't like to see Zhang Xiaofan still so proud at the moment.

"Hmph! You have a hostage in my hands. If you dare to move a little bit, I will break Tang Fei's other arm first."

Disha's face turned cold.

"When you asked someone to call me, I guessed that someone from the black market had kidnapped Tang Fei."

"And Tang Fei told me that no one in the black market would dare to touch him."

"As long as someone moves, it is a violation of the order of the palace master, and the end will be miserable."

"So, I ordered someone, as long as I don't call back for half an hour here, he will use the relationship to notify the black market."

"Tell the master of the black market that someone in the black market has kidnapped Tang Fei and Tang Fei's daughter."

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

It was as if it had been arranged long ago.

"You think you can fool me?"

Hearing this, Di Sha frowned and said.

"You don't believe it? Then you can try it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Through Disha's micro-expression, Zhang Xiaofan was sure that this Disha was still worried and afraid that such a thing would happen.

In other words, he really did such a thing without telling the master of the black market.


Suddenly, the fish tank exploded!
This was caused by Earth Sha with true energy.

He was already burning with anger.

What I thought was in my hands, was actually threatened by Zhang Xiaofan in turn?
Although it is unknown whether this threat is true or not, what if it is true?
He has the idea of ​​overthrowing the position of the Hall Master, but it hasn't come yet, and he is not fully ready yet.

If the kidnapping of Tang Fei is now known to the Palace Master, then the plan may have to be implemented ahead of schedule.

If implemented in advance, the probability of success is somewhat low.

This is not what he wants to see.

"You dare to threaten me!"

Disha stared at Zhang Xiaofan with those tiger eyes.

There seems to be a black market evil spirit in the pupil!
"To each other, to each other."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"good very good!"

"Even if what you said is true, do you know where they are?"

"Can't find anyone, do you think your trick is still useful?"

Di Sha is not simple, he still has his tricks.

Just in case, he had already hidden him somewhere else.

"It's meaningless for us to talk nonsense here."

"I'll tell you, if you don't let him go, it's useless to threaten me."

"If you dare to break one of Tang Fei's hands, I will break both of yours!"

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan stood up and said coldly.

Although Disha's strength is not fully known, it certainly does not belong to the kind of strength that can kill him.

Because as long as that kind of person stands in front of Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan will have super perception.

That being the case, Zhang Xiaofan simply used the strongest attitude.

"Just you?"

"Hahaha! You have such strength at such a young age, it really opened my eyes."

"I know you are a cultivator, and I haven't figured out your specific strength yet."

"But, that's not a thing at all for me."

"You can't pose any threat in front of me."

Disha sneered and said.

"Then you still kidnap Tang Fei and the others?"

"Who said I kidnapped them?"

"I just want to attack him, kill two birds with one stone!"

Disha continued.

"In other words, you used Tang Fei to threaten me to come, but it was just a matter of convenience?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Of course, after all, if you want to solve you easily, you still need to take the initiative to come."

"So, even without Tang Fei and his daughter, you wouldn't be able to leave today."

"Using them to threaten just now is just to make things simpler."

Di Sha touched the buttocks of the bunny girl next to her and said.

The smile immediately became smug.


Di Sha lightly patted the bunny girl's buttocks, and said, "You guys go out first."


The three bunny girls nodded in unison, and then walked out of the secret room.

"Zhang Xiaofan, just now deliberately concealed his strength and killed Huo Gang with one move, do you think I didn't see it?"

"Don't worry, you have no chance with me."

"In addition, not only the black market wants to kill you, but someone also asks me to get rid of you."

"I can only blame you for being unlucky."

After closing the door of the secret room, he twisted his thick neck and said confidently.

"Could it be Zhentian Group?"

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while and said.

"Since you know, why ask more questions."

"Your life will end here."

Di Sha took out two daggers from his back waist.

Judging from the material and edge, this dagger is not simple.

"You should be lucky to die under my dagger."

The voice just fell.

Earth Sha's true energy exploded and spread around.

This kind of infuriating, with a dark breath.

His dagger was immediately surrounded by a kind of black air.

"Late Xuan level!?"

Feeling the true strength of Disha, Zhang Xiaofan frowned.

Back then, Di Sha and Tang Fei were comparable in strength, but now Di Sha has the strength of the late Xuan level!
This increase in strength is too outrageous!

Even though Tang Fei has continued to work on Tiangang these years, his strength has at most entered the early stage of Xuan level.

But Di Sha's current cultivation base has soared to the late Xuan level.

If it's not the talent against the heavens, it's just some kind of perverted medicine to improve the strength.

However, if Di Sha really had that kind of talent against the heavens, he would not stay in the black market, let alone be a guardian willingly.

Obviously, there is a high probability that it is some kind of medicine or other means of improving cultivation.

"Now, do you think you still have the strength to compete with me?"

Di Sha said with a ferocious smile.

"I have to say that your strength is beyond my expectations."

"Since you are so confident, let's do it."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

He didn't dare to underestimate Di Sha, after all, this Di Sha was also a guardian of the black market, and he must have rich combat experience.

He possesses the true energy cultivation of the late Xuan level.

That combat strength should be close to the peak of the Xuan level.

The last time Zhang Xiaofan killed Xing Yelang who was in the middle stage of Xuan level when he didn't enter the dynamic state.

Now that he has entered the aerodynamic realm, he can defeat the ancient warriors of the late stage of the mysterious level.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan will not be careless.

Because even if he could, he didn't think he could easily kill Disha.

Earth Sha, who was holding a dagger, had a wicked smile on his face.

Coming towards Zhang Xiaofan at lightning speed.

The intention was to cut off Zhang Xiaofan's head.

Zhang Xiaofan judged quickly, he dodged Di Sha's attack.

"So fast!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

At that speed, if he hadn't entered the aerodynamic realm, he couldn't dodge at all.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan dodged his rapid attack, Disha was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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