Chapter 495
Tiangang found that he couldn't see through Zhang Xiaofan.

"In that case, come on!"

Tang Fei made a fighting posture.

In fact, Tang Fei and the Tiangang Protector who was sitting in his old position are brothers.
"Tang Fei, your strength has not improved, and you are missing a hand."

"And your feet"

At this time, Tiangang Protector discovered that Tang Fei's feet were healed!
He was present when he was abolished by the Palace Master.

It is impossible to recover!

"Don't look, my feet have recovered."

Tang Fei said.

"Congratulations! However, your current strength itself is not as good as mine, and you have lost a hand."

"You can't be my match."

Tiangang said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you talking so much nonsense now? You won't know until you fight if you're an opponent!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Fei took the initiative to go towards the current Tiangang.

Still didn't use his hand, after all, he lost one hand, so there was no chance of winning if he used it.

"Whirlwind Legs!"

Tang Fei used the strongest moves when he made a move.

The whirlwind leg swept away the momentum of the tiger coming out of the cage.

The strong leg wind hit Yin Shu directly.

Yin Shu punched out, and there was an explosion sound.

Tang Fei was shocked by the powerful Qi in Yin Shu's fist and took a few steps back.

Obviously, Tang Fei's zhenqi strength is not as good as Yin Shu's.

After all, Yin Shu has already entered the Xuan level.

But Tang Fei is still at the peak of the yellow class.

There is already a qualitative gap between the strengths of the two.

"I said, you are not my opponent at all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Shu clasped his hands together and moved his feet as fast as lightning.

"Phantom palm!"

This is Yin Shu's palm technique.

Unpredictable and fierce.

The speed is very fast, according to Tang Fei's current strength, he can't defend at all.

The palm has come forward.


When the two palms met, the entire Ultimate Martial Arts Hall trembled instantly.

Yin Shu flew out directly.

It hit the wall hard, leaving a clearly visible indentation on the wall.


With a sweet throat, he spat out a mouthful of blood mist.

Yin Shu was injured!

The palm facing him was not Tang Fei, but Zhang Xiaofan who suddenly appeared.

Yin Shu who barely stood looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

There is fear in the eyes.

This person is too strong!

The moment Yin Shu was injured, everyone looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

Then he was stunned with surprise, and then there was an uproar and discussions.

If it is said that Disha's death, they still can't believe that Zhang Xiaofan killed it.

At this moment, I saw with my own eyes that Zhang Xiaofan's palm directly made Tiangang Protector fly out, vomited blood mist.

This is strength!

Thinking about it now, it's not surprising that Zhang Xiaofan defeated the God of War with one move.

"You are not as strong as Di Sha, so you want us to stay?"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Who are you? How can you have such strength."

Tiangang Yinshu said while clutching his chest.

His face was a little pale, and the slap just now made him chaotic.

From Tiangang's point of view, the death of Disha must have been caused by Tang Fei and Zhang Xiaofan using some kind of conspiracy to make Disha relax his vigilance and then take the opportunity to kill him by some means.

He didn't think Zhang Xiaofan, a young man, relied on his real strength to kill Di Sha.

Can kill Di Sha at this age?
What strength is that!
Tiangang has never seen such a person.

"Don't care who I am, don't stop us, otherwise it won't be as simple as being injured."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Tang Fei knew that Zhang Xiaofan was powerful, but he really saw Zhang Xiaofan make a move.

That kind of shock still hits the bottom of my heart.

Tiangang Yinshu is a master at the early stage of Xuan level.

Zhang Xiaofan's easy slap made him seriously injured.

Even the master of the black market may not be able to do it.

"Stop them for me!"

Tiangang Yinshu ordered loudly.

This is an order from the guardian, although he was afraid, he still surrounded Zhang Xiaofan and Tang Fei again.

"Step aside!"

Zhang Xiaofan's voice was like thunder.

In the next second, everyone couldn't help trembling.

That sound was like the howling of an ancient giant dragon.


Feeling chills.

"It's useless for many of you to come up and lie down. I advise you not to make fearless sacrifices."

Tang Fei said loudly.

This is to persuade these people in the black market not to try to be a cart.

"You are from the black market, let them leave today, do you have any face?"

Tian Gang on the side is fueling the flames.

When the words got to the point, all these people were excited.

A few seconds later, people rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan and Tang Fei like a tide.


Just after rushing out, a sound like the roar of a tiger sounded.

Everyone's eyes moved.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

Everyone in the black market made a gesture of goodbye.

Except Zhang Xiaofan and Tang Fei.

Wearing a black robe with a half mask.

This person is the master of the black market.

"Hallmaster, they"

Tian Gang walked up, and just about to say something, the master of the black market made a gesture not to speak.

"Killing my black market protector, this has never happened before."

"Tang Fei, give me a reason."

The Lord of the Black Market said in a deep voice.

"He kidnapped my daughter and is going to kill me and my friend. He deserves to die."

Tang Fei replied.

"Although he did these things, you shouldn't kill him, you should hand it over to the black market."

"You will completely embarrass the black market by doing this."

"Ignore me."

The implication is that the master of the black market believed Tang Fei's words, but this matter would make the black market lose face, and he was not taken seriously at all, and was very upset.

"Joke, your people want to kill us, we killed him as a matter of course."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a sneer.

The master of the black market place his eyes on Zhang Xiaofan.

(End of this chapter)

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