Murano's little genius

Chapter 496 Make friends?

Chapter 496 Make friends?
But as soon as the words fell, he almost disappeared in place, and appeared in the next moment standing in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

That speed, in the eyes of ordinary people, is teleportation.

Then, he gave a palm.

And Zhang Xiaofan also slapped at the same time.

Two palms facing each other.

It was like thunder from the sky, followed by a muffled groan followed by an explosion.

A wave of aftermath dissipated, and everyone protected their bodies one after another.

The master of the black market didn't move at all, so did Zhang Xiaofan.

"Disha has been plotting my position for a while. He has secretly recruited many black market brothers to oppose me. I know all of this."

"Even if there is nothing today, I will deal with him."

"In addition, he violated my order and attacked Tang Fei without authorization, so he deserves death."

The people in the black market did not expect that their palace master would say such a thing.

Shocked the four!

The guardian earth evil has been premeditating the position of the palace master!
This is so bold!

It seems that people's hearts have changed in an instant.

Just now I was thinking about avenging Di Sha, but now Di Sha is the biggest traitor!

"Bring people up."

The master of the black market said.

Several people walked up tremblingly.

They all knelt down to the master of the black market.

Then he told what Desha did.

Everyone was shocked!

Di Sha is too bold!

It has been planned for a long time.

"Tang Fei, I have no objection to you killing Di Sha."

The master of the black market changed his words just now.

Although everyone was puzzled, when they thought that Disha was going to seek power and seize the throne, they felt that his death was a matter of course.

"Thank you, Hall Master."

Tang Fei said.

"What's your friend's name?"


"My name is Zhang Xiaofan, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

With such an obvious change in the palace master's attitude, Zhang Xiaofan knew there must be something hidden in it.

Not only has he discovered his own strength, but there must be other hidden secrets.

With the slap just now, Zhang Xiaofan knew that the master of the black market was also a practitioner in the realm of aerodynamics.

Judging by the strength of his vitality, he should have just stepped into the realm of aerodynamics just like himself.

In terms of strength, everyone may not know who is stronger at this moment.

Therefore, the change of attitude of the master of the black market is not only due to the discovery of Zhang Xiaofan's strength.

"That's all for today about Disha's death."

"I'll take care of the rest."

"It's all gone."

A word from the master of the black market made everyone disperse.

Do what to do.

How to deal with it is not what they think.

"Tiangang, tell me everything you know."

The master of the black market said.


Therefore, Tiangang endured the pain and told about Disha.

Tiangang is actually a very obedient subordinate.

Just now he didn't want to kill Tang Fei and Zhang Xiaofan.

Just follow the rules to keep Tang Fei and Zhang Xiaofan.

In fact, he already knew everything about Disha.

Because, this is what the master of the black market asked him to investigate in private all these years.

It turned out that Di Sha usurped the position of the Hall Master in order to increase his strength.

It is a cooperation with Qimen Palace.

In Nandu, because this is where the Martial Arts Training Bureau is located.

Qimen Palace is buried very deep and hidden.

A few years ago, Qimen Palace found the master of the black market for cooperation.

But was rejected.

The black market refused to cooperate, and Qimen Palace had no choice.

Because it is located in the southern capital, Qimen Palace must act cautiously.

Otherwise, it is very easy to win the black market with the strength of Qimen Palace.

Therefore, they can only use means to start from the inside of the black market.

They found Disha and knew that Disha had ambitions to find the location of the palace master.

Then give him the pill to improve his strength.

But the condition is that the future black market belongs to Qimen Palace.

This is the deal between Disha and Qimen Palace.

Originally, she refused, but the temptation was too great.

Coupled with his own ambition, he had to cooperate with Qimen Palace.

"So, what are you saying about us?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

"Now that Earth Sha is dead, Qimen Palace will definitely continue to attack the black market."

"And, the means are estimated to be strengthened."

"So, I hope we can be friends."

The master of the black market said.

What he meant was very clear, the situation in the black market was not optimistic, and help was needed.

And Zhang Xiaofan has such strength at such a young age, there must be a background behind him.

If he can make friends with Zhang Xiaofan, then Qimen Palace will be able to deal with the black market with ease.

"It's not impossible to make friends, you have to show some sincerity, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Tang Fei, you also know that I was forced to do that back then, but I also gave you the life you want."

"In any case, in my heart, you are the best protector of Tiangang."

"I hope you can help the black market."

The master of the black market said to Tang Fei.

Tang Fei hated and thanked the master of the black market in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, what Tang Fei did back then could indeed be dealt with by death according to the rules.

But the master of the black market didn't, but just broke his hands and feet, gave him a way to survive, and gave him a peaceful life.

"Sorry, there's nothing I can do."

"Whether you agree or not, this matter is entirely up to Xiaofan's benefactor."

Tang Fei replied indifferently.

Don't give the master of the black market any face.

"Mr. Xiaofan, as long as you say a word from now on, no matter what happens, our black market will definitely help."

Helpless, the master of the black market expressed his sincerity.

Because he knew that he wanted the black market not to be "attacked" by Qimen Palace.

At this moment, it is a good way for the black market to make friends with Zhang Xiaofan.

The master of the black market is not stupid, as a cultivator, he knew that the young Zhang Xiaofan must be a member of the Nandu Cultivation Bureau.

After all, at this age, he already has the cultivation base of Qi Dynamic Realm.

That's the genius of geniuses.

From the feeling of the palm just now, the strength is not weaker than myself at all.

He has practiced for 40 years!

A monstrous genius like Zhang Xiaofan, the Martial Arts Training Bureau must have taken the initiative to win him over.

And he is the key figure of the Martial Arts Training Bureau.

Zhang Xiaofan is the key figure of the Martial Arts Cultivation Bureau, which means that Zhang Xiaofan is firmly on the big tree of the Martial Arts Cultivation Bureau.

And it is Qimen Palace who wants to attack the black market.

Who is Qimen Palace most afraid of?

That is the Martial Arts Training Bureau.

Therefore, the black market can make friends with Zhang Xiaofan.

That means that if Qimen Palace attacks the black market, Zhang Xiaofan will help.

And once Zhang Xiaofan helps, can the Martial Arts Training Bureau still not know about it?


(End of this chapter)

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