Chapter 502

"As a classmate and a doctor at the same time, I just kindly remind you."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to hear it."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Out of humanitarianism, Zhang Xiaofan kindly reminded.

He actually thought he was a lazy toad who wanted to eat swan meat.

I don't even look at what's inside and what's underneath.


"Zhang Xiaofan, you are probably dreaming!"

"When did you become a doctor?"

"It's no fun to pretend to be aggressive in front of us."

Pan Changlong said with a smile.

"Changlong is right. Menglan looks so mentally healthy, yet you actually said she has a physical problem."

"Zhang Xiaofan, I think you are cursing someone because Menglan ignores you."

Another male classmate also said.

"What do you mean?"

"Xiao Fan is really a doctor."

"He just kindly reminded me, why are you saying such ugly things!"

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to say something.

But Cui Dabao stood up.

At this time, the waiter came over with the wine.

"Dabao, you are also a rich second generation, how can you invite everyone to drink this wine?"

"And the future star Miss Menglan is also here."

"Waiter, bring five bottles of the better wine from your bar."

Pan Changlong waved his hand and said very pretentiously.

"Sir, are you sure you want a better wine?"

"Of course, are you afraid that the young master will not be able to pay the money?"

Pan Changlong picked up the Porsche car keys on the table and showed off.

He came here today to show off his wealth, how could he be suspected of not even being able to afford drinks?
Hearing this, the waiter walked away with a smile on his face.

After a while, the wine was brought over.

Look at the bottles. These wines are old and imported from foreign countries.

"Changlong, this wine seems to be expensive!"

The male classmate picked up the bottle and stared at him with big eyes.

"What is this? Since I am here, let everyone drink good wine. Money has never been a problem."

Pan Changlong said indifferently.

Looking at the wine, Cui Dabao secretly whispered a few words in Zhang Xiaofan's ear.

Then Zhang Xiaofan laughed.

"I said, Zhang Xiaofan, what are you laughing at? Have you ever drank such a good wine?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan smile, Pan Changlong's smile disappeared.

"It's nothing, just laugh if you think it's funny."

"Changlong, today is my treat, how can I ask you to order such an expensive wine?"

Cui Dabao said quickly.

"Dabao, don't say anything, I'll buy this order today, don't grab it from me."

Pan Changlong frowned and said.

He looked very serious.

Just let a few female classmates see that even if Cui Dabao treats guests, he is still the brightest boy.

Especially Lu Menglan.

Pan Changlong came here today for another purpose, that is, Banhua Lu Menglan.

When she was in college, Lu Menglan climbed up with rich second-generation classmates from Longdu, and she didn't take him as an ordinary rich second-generation in her eyes at all.

Therefore, he wanted to have sex with Lu Menglan a few times every night before she became a star.

Does he know that Lu Menglan is a woman who cares about money but not people.

"Changlong, thank you for inviting us to drink such a good wine."

After finishing speaking, Cui Dabao took a refreshing drink.

"Excellent! As expected of a good wine!"

Several girls approached Pan Changlong and toasted him one by one.

Just like that, under Pan Changlong's bragging.

Two bottles of wine were consumed in one go.

At this moment, Lu Menglan is the closest to Pan Changlong.

In fact, Pan Changlong's hands have been secretly touching Lu Menglan's body.

Lu Menglan did not refuse at all.

There was no way, because just now Pan Changlong secretly said something to her.

Lu Menglan prepared a brand-name bag in the trunk of his Porsche.

It's worth sixty-six thousand.

Not to mention touching, Lu Menglan is willing to open a room later.

For Lu Menglan, isn't it just sleeping?

As long as there is something to exchange to satisfy yourself, it is very easy.

"Old classmates, talk about everything you need to talk about, drink everything you need to drink, then I will pay the bill."

"I have something to do with Menglan later."

Pan Changlong stood up and said.

"waiter, Bill please!"

After speaking, Pan Changlong took out the QR code on his phone and scanned it.

The waiter came over with the code scanning machine.

"Sir, it shows that the deduction failed."

"See if you can change your bank card."

The waiter said with a smile.

"Deduction failed!"

Hearing this, Pan Changlong picked up his phone and looked at it.

"Impossible! There is nothing wrong with this card, I have 25 in it."

"Why did the deduction fail? It must be a problem with your machine."

The waiter said very politely: "Sir, the five bottles of wine you just mentioned are all high-end wines, and they are relatively high-end wines in our bar."

"Each bottle is 20 years old."

"The price of each bottle is about 10 yuan, and you just drank five bottles, which is 50 yuan."

"So sir, you need to have 50 in your bank card."

Hearing this, Pan Changlong was dumbfounded, and he said loudly: "What are you talking about, these five bottles of wine cost 50!"

"You're cheating on me!"

"Think I don't know the goods!"

The waiter still smiled and said, "Sir, you can check how much this wine costs on the market."

Pan Changlong didn't believe it, he picked up the wine bottle and scanned it with his mobile phone.

"[-] bottles!"

There are [-] bottles on the market!
This bar sells for [-] yuan, which is also very cheap.

"I don't believe it, what you are selling is definitely fake wine!"

Pan Changlong said in a daze.

"Sir, if you think it's fake wine, you can call the police."

The waiter said with a smile.

No disrespect at all.

Damn it, Pan Changlong himself has never drunk a hundred thousand bottles of wine!

This time I ordered five bottles!
"Why didn't you tell me the price of this wine when you came here just now!"

Pan Changlong pointed at the waiter with an ugly face and said.

"Sir, we have a list here for you to see, and there are prices on it."

"When you ordered wine just now, you said you wanted better wine, and the better wine here is at the level of [-] bottles."

The waiter said calmly.

Pan Changlong's heart is bleeding. Indeed, there is a list of wines here, with the prices of wines on them.

It ranges from a few hundred yuan to more than a dozen or 20.

Pan Changlong often goes to the bar.

The drinks cost hundreds of dollars a bottle, and at most thousands of dollars.

How can there be a hundred thousand!
In fact, it's not that there are no bars, but that the bars Pan Changlong goes to are different.

In addition, the usual Pan Changlong is not as pretentious as today, and he is too pretentious.

This bar is relatively high-end.

Good wine is naturally expensive.

"No! I'm not convinced! As a waiter, you should tell me the price."

"You are deceiving consumers!"

Pan Changlong said with a bad face.

"Sir, if you feel dissatisfied, you can call the police."

"Or talk to our manager or boss."

said the waiter.

"Okay, then call your boss over here!"

Pan Changlong said quickly.

"Sir, do you really want to see our boss?"

The waiter asked in confirmation.

"Nonsense! Tell him to come out!"

Hearing this, the waiter left.

At this moment, Pan Changlong's heart was bleeding. ,

50 million!
This is my pocket money for almost a year!

Although he is a rich second generation, he is just an ordinary rich second generation.

The money given by the family every month is [-]!The Porsche Cayenne outside belonged to his dad.

After the money is spent, I can't ask for more. If I want more, I can only go to work in my father's company.

However, Pan Changlong didn't want to go to work.

I only have 25 pocket money left, if I really give it 50, then I have to call my dad to give it.

Then you need to go to work.

You can't pretend to be flirtatious and happy.

After a few minutes.

A middle-aged man with a beard walked towards this side, followed by two tall and strong men.

"Young man, you want to see me?"

"I heard from the waiter that you seem to want to drink without paying!"

"You are Brother Fly!"

Seeing this person's face, Pan Changlong's back felt cold and his body trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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