Murano's little genius

Chapter 503 Not a classmate?give money!

Chapter 503 Not a classmate?give money!
Who is Brother Fly?
That rumor is a big shot who walks between black and white.

There are many industries under its umbrella, such as bars, KTV and clubs.

In a certain bar, Pan Changlong was lucky enough to meet him once.

He didn't expect that the owner of this bar was also him.

And it just so happens that he is here today.

Brother Fly?
Cui Dabao seems to know who it is.

Secretly whispered in Zhang Xiaofan's ear.

The atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

"Brother Fly, I didn't give money, I just...don't know. No, I'm just having a cramp."

Pan Changlong trembled when he spoke.

As an ordinary rich second generation who often plays, he knows Brother Fly.

How can ordinary people dare to offend him?
Afraid of being beaten and disabled.

"Since your brain is cramped, is it better now?"

Brother Fly said in a low voice.

"Okay, Brother Fly, I will pay you."

Pan Changlong said regretfully with an ugly face.

Tonight this pretense is too much!

However, when he saw Zhang Xiaofan, he had a plan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, just now you drank a bottle of wine yourself."

"You'll pay for it yourself."

Just now Zhang Xiaofan really thought the wine was good, so he drank a little more, after all, some people treat guests without drinking for nothing.

Zhang Xiaofan just wanted to speak.

Cui Dabao on the side was upset, and then said: "Changlong, it was you who said just now, you came to buy today's order, how did it get involved on Xiaofan's head?"

"Hehe, Dabao! I mean I will invite my classmates."

"But with me, Zhang Xiaofan is not my classmate."

Pan Changlong said proudly.

With such a loss of face today, it is impossible for him to make it easy for Zhang Xiaofan.

And he can pay [-] less, which is his pocket money for two months.

"Okay! Pan Changlong, you can do it!"

"Since you don't treat Fanzi as a classmate, then I don't treat you as a classmate either!"

Cui Dabao said angrily.

"Xiaofan, I'll help you pay for this money!"

"Dabao, no need, the 10 yuan is nothing to me."

For this good friend and good classmate, Zhang Xiaofan is still very satisfied.

Zhang Xiaofan? !

Brother Fly frowned when he heard this name.

Then take out the phone.

Then stare!
He hurriedly walked towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Through the name, and the photos sent by the black market.

Brother Fly recognized Zhang Xiaofan.

"Brother Fly, he is not my classmate, you can do whatever you want."

He saw Brother Fly walking directly towards Zhang Xiaofan with a strange expression on his face.

Pan Changlong thought it was Brother Fly who was dissatisfied with Zhang Xiaofan.

Afraid of hurting himself, he hurriedly separated the relationship.

"Are you sure you are not his classmate?"

Suddenly, Brother Fly turned his head and said to Pan Changlong.

"No, of course not!"

"How could I know such a poor guy."

Feeling Brother Fly's sharp gaze, Pan Changlong denied it again.

"Pan Changlong, you bastard!"

Cui Dabao continued to curse.

"Are you his classmate?"

Brother Fly looked at Cui Dabao again.

Feeling Brother Fly's sharp gaze, Cui Dabao was a little scared.

But he still puffed up his chest and said, "That's right, Fanzi and I are not only classmates, but buddies!"

Looking at Cui Dabao, the corners of Pan Changlong's mouth curled up, and he smiled triumphantly.

He already blamed Cui Dabao in his heart, if he hadn't asked him to come, how could such a situation have happened.

Therefore, Pan Changlong hoped that Brother Fly would take care of both Zhang Xiaofan and Cui Dabao.

"very good!"

Brother Fly nodded to Cui Dabao satisfied.

"You said you were not his friend, and you paid all the 50 yuan!"

Brother Fly said coldly to Pan Changlong.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what's going on?
"Mr. Xiaofan is my friend."

"So, our bar won't accept his money."

"Since you don't accept it, you will still give the 50."

Brother Fly said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone stared at Zhang Xiaofan with wide eyes.


Zhang Xiaofan is actually friends with the owner of this bar!

Pan Changlong really wanted to punch himself a few times.

How the hell did I not cherish the opportunity I gave myself just now!

Brother Fly and Zhang Xiaofan are friends, so if he just admitted that he is Zhang Xiaofan's classmate.

Wouldn't it be unnecessary to give the 50?
"Hehe! Xiaofan, you also know that I like to joke around, how could we not be classmates?"

Helpless, Pan Changlong said shamelessly for 50.

Now that you have no face, let's be shameless again.

"Brother Fly, Xiaofan and I have been classmates for four years in college."

Now, Cui Dabao couldn't bear it anymore, he pointed at Pan Changlong's nose and cursed: "Fuck! What did you say Pan Changlong just now, do you have the ability to say it again?"

Then, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't stand Pan Changlong's face anymore.

He said flatly: "Pan Changlong, everyone heard what you just said. If you don't regard me as a classmate, then I won't regard you as a classmate."

"Dabao, let's go, just let him pay."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the door of the bar.

"You guys, let him obediently pay 50 yuan!"

Brother Fly ordered the two people behind.

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Zhang Xiaofan's direction.

Pan Changlong lowered his head, no matter how regretful he was, he would have to give money.

This is Brother Fly's bar!

So, he called his father and asked him to transfer the money.

Just after he paid the money, Lu Menglan had already left.

Bar door.

"The fly has seen Mr. Xiaofan, but I didn't know Mr. Xiaofan was here. It was my mistake. Please forgive me."

The fly said respectfully.

Mr. Xiaofan?

Cui Dabao next to him heard Brother Fly calling Zhang Xiaofan Mr. Xiaofan.

That is unbelievable.

He knows Brother Fly's reputation!

And looking at Brother Fly's attitude, it was as if he saw some important person.

This is incredible!
"You are."

"Mr. Xiaofan, I am from the black market."

Brother Fly said quickly.

Hearing the word "black market", Zhang Xiaofan understood why Brother Fly did what he said just now.

(End of this chapter)

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